HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1970-05-28, Page 13THURSDAY, MAY 28, 1970 ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS PAGE THIRTEEN Huron -Perth TB Annual Meeting The Huron- Perth Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases Associa- tion held its annual meeting re- cently ar the Downie Street WM- YWCA in Stratford. About 250 people attended this first annual meeting incor- porating Huron and Perth counties chaired by president, Mrs. Edith Brothers. In her report, Mrs. Brothers quoted the Hon. Thomas Wells, minister of health in noting' Ont- ario has been well -served by chest clinic services and it is right to pay tribute to the role of the voluntary agency in pion- eering the program in Ontario." In keeping with this tribute, distinguished service pins were presented to E.C. Boswell of Sea - forth for 20 years involved in the Christmas Seal Campaign and D.M, Rae, Stratford, a past president for outstanding service to the association over the years. Mrs. Brothers noted that dur- ing the year, 28, 000 pamphlets, posters and booklets were distrib- uted to doctors, public health nurses, and schools in Perth and Huron counties. Three courses were offered in Goderich, Listowel and Stratford for children with asthmatic con- ditions. Statistics were compiled with a view to the establishment of an emphysema club for the support of the chronic respiratory disease sufferer and his family. The financial report for the association revealed total rec- eipts in 1969 were $56, 550. Of this total $25, 577 was received from the Christmas Seal Camp- aign. Total disbursements for the year were $31, 956. Cash on hand as of March 31 totalled $24, 594. Treatment of asthmatic child- ren was discussed and demonstrat- ed. A film, a demonstration by children and a panel discussion were included in the program. Under the direction of Miss Linda Myers, Bradley Schenck of Seaforth, Connie Dick, Timmy Gaffney, Dennis Goforth, Faye 1 -luras, 'Marianne Nigh, Steven Patience and Julie Wade demon- strated some of the exercises and games they had learned in the course for asthmatic children. As proof that many children VE with asthma can part,cipate in normal, every -day activities, Miss Meyers pointed out that Connie Dick, one of the child- ren in the demonstration had walked 10.7 miles in a recent Oxfam Walk. A film on the Asthmatic Wing, Children's Centre, in Toronto, which illustrated treatment of asthmatic children was shown. Dr. JC, McKim, C. R, Tay- lor. Mrs, Peter Case and Mrs, Jack Evans participated in a pan- el discussion of various facets of treatment for children with asth- ma, Mr. Taylor, director of the Stratford Children's Aid Society, - pointed to some of the implic- ations involving the fancily of the asthmatic child. Mrs. Case, a dietician, dis- cussed various methods of det- ermining food allergies in asth- matic children, Dr. McKim pointed to the nee - Dairy Day Set For Centralia College What is the future of the dairy industry in the 1970's? This will be the thence of the 1970 Dairy Day at the Centralia College of Agricultural Technology, on Monday, June 1. Speakers will include George McLaughlin, chairman of the Milk Marketing Board, K.G. McKinnon, member of the Dairy Farmers of Canada, and K, Grant Smith, who has just return- ed from Europe on a trade mis- sion, Topics to be discussed will include the marketing aspects of Canada's dairy industry. There will be displays by the Dairy Food Services Bureau and the Milk Foundation of Ontario. An added feature will be demon- strations by the veterinary staff of the College. The 1970' Dairy Day isnsponsor- ed by Essex, Kent, Middlesex, Lambton, Huron, Oxford, Elgin, Bruce and Penh Counties, and the Ontario Department of Agric- ulture and Food. Registration fee and lunch is $2. with the program beginning at 9:45 a. m, and ending at 3:15 p.m. apri VISIT MeinI Peat Moss, Fertilizer Grass Seed • SPECIAL PRICES ON THE ENTIRE LINE! Hardware wEnntranursvmsmarangesistama essity of teaching the asthmatic child to avoid possible attacks and to handle attacks on their own, once they occur. Mrs, Evans, a public health nurse from Goderich discussed het role in the home of the asth- matic child, A question and answer period followed the panel presentation, 0 Tourism Minister Explains FiSh Rules Au all-out campaign is being waged by Ontario Tourism and Information Minister James Auld ro offset damaging publicity re- sulting from mercury contamin- ation findings in certain provin- cial waters. On the heels of an emergency cabinet steering and the ann- ouncement last week by Lands and Forests 'Minister Rene Brun- elle that the ban had been lifted on all sports fishing where the contamination exists, itlr. Auld moved ro initiate: A $70, 000 newspaper, radio and television advertising prog- ram aimed ar audiences in the U.S. and neighboring provinces which includes the beefing up by 50 per cent of the departments TSV commercials on fishing and lal<eland country. A 000 -word news release to more than 1, 000 outdoor writers and outdoor newspaper editors in both the U.S, and Canada, Up- to- the- ntinute bulletins on the contamination situation to all border Tourism reception centres and Canadian Govern- ment Travel Bureau offices in the U.S. While the warning is to remain against eating fish caught in contaminated waters, the tlienie will be to come and fish in them if only for the fun. Shore lunches are out, but trophy -hunting ang- lers still are permitted to take home "one for the wall." The Minister also makes it clear that excellent fishing still exists in the rest of the province's quarter- million lakes, even close to and surrounding the des- ignated trouble areas. Ills appeal is to not let recent mercury findings spoil an other- wise dream fishing vacation in Ontario, emphasizing that the problem sources are being pin- pointed and corrected, that mer- cury tests are .continuing, and that all resulting analytical find- ings will be forthcoming announ- ced to news media to apprise all would-be anglers of just where they can or should not eat the fish they catch. This Week's SPECIALS New Ford 2 -Row Corn and Bean Planter New Kewanee Rotary Hoe .. $495°° X31200 Snider Motors LIMITED FORD TRACTOR EXETER 235-1640 LUCAN 2274191 Whfra yea ran &®d0 an 01 ren aaacr . NEW HIGH SPEED RECEIVING EQUIPMENT FOR 1970 SEE ANS E Ki CST EY EAN C SE TRE } Ti G T'r ;>n; CTS ERS S MIZEy,.S IN STICK at competitive prices. Also available with tri ce elements N, C SCA Including The New Improved `i'°at:I ;i n EPTAM FURADAN ® 2 4 D S RAYS — LINURN LINAZINE ® SUPERSPR CYTROL — ETC. "Trade with Confidence" Trade With cooKys UENSALL DIVISION OF fIERB.RO CORP. PHONE 262-2 :t..