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WINS PROVINCIAL HONOURS - A Zurich area girl, Linda Webb, was the only one to receive
her Provincial Honours at the 4-H Achievement Day held in Zurich on Saturday. She is shown
here receiving her diploma from Miss Catherine Hunt, Home Economist for Huron County, left.
On the right is her mother, Mrs. Morris Webb, R.R.2, Zurich, who has been very active in 4-11
work wori over the past years, as a leader.
i2.1.1.1a11144161111 WAYS.
Larger Grant AvailableFor
Huron Board of Education
(by Shirley. J. Keller)
New provincial grant regulat-
ions will mean about $84, 000 to
11uron County ratepayers, accor-
ding to Roy Dunlop, superinten-
dent of business affairs for the
Huron County Board of Education..
Grant increases for secondary
school purposes amount to about
$G1, 477 or a total of $;l, 299, 645.
and for the elementary school
purposes, $22, 7.18 or a total of
$2, 979, 046.
Board members were slightly
puzzled by the new grant struct-
ure which has changed the ceil-
ing on spending for me element-
ary schools. Wielement-
ary the budget was
set by tltc lluron board of educ-
ation, members tried hard to
hold expenses down and stay with-
in the ceiling laid down by rite
Ontario Department of Education.
Now it appears that the I luron
board has budgeted about $400,
000 below the new ceiling on
spending which would have been
subsidized dollar for dollar.
" The boards who try hard to
keep costs down get it right in
Huron Board Gives Principals Free Hand
(by Shirley J. Keller)
Effective with the 1971 bud-
get, the Huron County Board of
Education has agreed that the
final decision regarding order of
priority in the purchasing of
capital equipment will be left
to the principals, as long as the
sum total of such items is with-
in the approved budget and does
not exceed the $2, 000 limit.
At the present time, the prin-
cipal prepares his budget and
submits it to the administrative
staff. The budget is reviewed and
certain deletions are made. The
dollar value of the budget is
presented to the Board and addit-
ional deletions are recommended.
The principal justifies, in writing
to the executive council the
need for a particular item of
capital equipment and the exec-
utive council endorses or denies
Women's Institutes Annual
The 48th District Annual of
the South Huron Women's Instit-
ute was held in Hensall Presbyt-
erian Church, on May 21.
Opening exercises began at
9;45 a. m. Mrs. Robert Bell, Kip -
pen, welcomed all, and Mrs.
Alex Hamilton, Grand Bend, re-
District directors of the nine
branches were ratified by Mrs.
Wilfred Lawrence, of Embro, the
Provincial board member.
Mrs. Delbert Geiger, president,
stated that it is important for the
Institutes to keep working togeth-
er. "Some want to learn crafts,
something new, etc, and the
Institute is the place to learn, "
she said, Time is a precious pos-
session, use it well. Everyone
has one talent. It is up to us to
use it in the best way possible.
Let its strive for excellence in
our programmes and public rel-
ations, she concluded.
Miss Greta Laramie presented
alovely piano solo.
Reports of standing committees
were given.
The Hone Economist, Miss
Catherine Hunt, said that nearly
800 girls took part in the last
club "Featuring Fruit, "
Focus on Finishes, " a club
that features physical fitness
and mental health, will be the
fall project. She said, "in this
world of strife we are living in,
it is vital that we as parents and
advisors try to do all we can to
help, and 4-H Clubs are a wond-
erful way of doingthis."
The new food orum on weight
control will be held in Clinton
High School on June 17.
The afternoon session started
with "0 Canada". Pennies for
Friendship was presented by Mrs.
Wellwood Gill, Grand Bend.
Fifty dollars was voted towards
a plaque for the clothing depart-
ment at the Centralia College.
Hensall issued an invitation
for the annual in 1971.
The election of officers then
took place with Mrs. Lawrence
in charge. Past president, Mrs.
Wilfred Mack, Crediton; presid-
ent, Mrs. Delbert Geiger, Zurich'
first vice-president, Miss Ruth
Skinner, R. R. 3, Exeter; second
vice-president, Mrs. Wellwood
Gill, Grand Bend; Secretary -trea-
surer, Mrs. Newell Geiger, Zur-
(continued on page 12)
rhe request. if approved by the
executive council, the item of
equipment is ordered by the
purchasing department.
Under the new policy, each
principal will be advised of the
items the senior administrative
staff think should be eliminated
from the budget, but the prin-
cipals will have the final decis-
ion regarding the order in which
the items approved in the budget
should be purchased.
John Broadfoot noted that rhe
present policy regarding rental
of school facilities to public
organizations was too loose and
definite guidelines were required
which could be followed in the'
various municipalities in the
Broadfoot said that interpret-
ation was different in different
The suggestion followed dis-
cussion on two resolutions pres-
ented to the county board by the
Huron County Federation of Ag -
(continued on page 9)
Miss Sharon Baechler will
graduate today from University
of Waterloo, with her Bachelor
of Arts degree. A daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. William Baechler,
R. R. 2, Zurich, she is a graduate
of South Huron District Iligh
School. Miss Baechler plans to
enter the Ontario College of
Education in Toronto this fall.
the neck, " stated Robert Elliott,
board vice-chairman. "The
government should be informed
that Iluron's position is that we
would appear to be fools."
Elliott also recalled that a
delegation from the Huron County
Board of Education in Toronto
had been urged to cut spending
because William Davis, minister
of education, had noted that "my
drawer is not full of grant money"
Only a few months later, cont-
inued Elliott, the grant structure
is changed to "bail out" the
boards who were in financial dif-
New emphasis, concluded the
board, appears to be on greater
spending at the elementary
school levet.
Zurich Dens Club
25th Anniversary
The Zurich Lions Club celeb-
rated their 25th Anniversary on
Wednesday, May 20, at the
Zurich Community Centre.
Guests from seven area clubs,
as well as past charter members,
joined the Zurich Lions for the
banquet and social evening.
Seven Zurich Lions received
twenty-five year charter mem-
bership and perfect attendance
awards. They include; Earl
Y ungblut, Ivan Yungblut, Leroy
O'Brien, Jacob 1.1aberer, Russell
Grainger, Edwin Gascho, and
Edward Datars.
Also honored as charter mem-
bers were: Dr. W.B. Coxon,
Victor Dinnin, and Howard Klopp
Lion Gordon Hess brought greet-
ings from the Village of Zurich,
and Lion President Val Becker
welcomed all to the anniversary
Past District Governor, Victor
Dinnin acted as master of cere-
monies for the evening. Guest
speaker was International Dir-
ector, Clarion Johnson, of
Jolliette, Illinois.
Entertainment was provided
by the Seaforth Barber Shop
Quartette under the direction
of Lion Marlen Vincent.
OFFICIALS ATTEND DISTRICT ANNUAL - The district annual of the South Huron Women's Institute was held last Thursday at
Carmel Presbyterian Church, Hensall, and was attended by delegates of various branches in the area. Members of the executive
shown in this photo are, left to right, Mrs. Newell Geiger, R. R.1, Zurich, secretary- treasurer; Mrs. Wellwood GUI, Grand Bend,
second vice-president; Mrs. Delbert Geiger, R.R.2, Zurich, president; and Miss Ruth Skinner, Exeter, first vice-president.