HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1970-05-14, Page 2PAGE TWO ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS THURSDAY, MAY 14, 1970 Na:‘ JUNIOR CHOIR - For the first time in many years, the Hensall United Church has a junior choir, and the group sang the anthem, "The Rainbow of His Love" at the Sunday morning family service at the church. About 30 young children are participating in the choir, which is sponsored by the Hi -C group of the church, and is directed by the organist, Mrs. Jack Turkheim. The entire group is shown here following the Sunday morning service, at which there was also five infants baptized. Students Express Views on Pollution MERCURY POLLU TION M is for "Mercury" a dreadful poisonous chemical. E is for "Erie" which is polluted by Mercury. R is for "Research" that found this pollution. C is for "Cure" that maybe we'll find. U is for "Unotified" people that want to know what's going on. R is for "Rivers" leading from Lake Erie to other fresh lakes. Y is for "You", can you help us stop it? P is for "Pollution" that now we must face. O is for "Ontario" Water Re- sources Commission, and thanks for your help. L is for "Love" that now is coming to an end. L is for ' Lake Erie" which now is polluted. U is for "Us for we caused this great mess. T is for " Toronto" that has the Pollution Probe Group. I is for "I" who helped cause this great mess. O is for "Ottawa", please do something about it. N is for the "New World" we hope to soon have. Put them all together and we Mercury Pollution. by Roberta Hogg. CHILDREN'S BIRTH Children's birth is important. They have to be born in a nat- ural world, just as we were. Why? If they aren't, what will they learn? Pollution! Is there a reason for pollution? The children won't even see any of our animals, such as the whooping crane, black -tailed prairie dog, prairie chicken, big -horned sheep found on the Rocky Mountains, pereg- rine falcon, Eskimo curlew, kit fox, and many more. They are already exstinct. What will there be left when theyare born. When most childen are born, there will be nothing to see in the way of nature. Could we help this way of doing things? Yes we can! Some people do not know what work is, but if they don't know they will have to learn. Is it possible that some people - will refuse to do this? Yes, it is. But what will be the reply from us? This is it. "Pollution is the trouble today. We have ten years to work, and put the world back to the way it was planned. Teenagers thin, we're having a nice time. At night we go out and have fun. We don't seem to get hurt from what you call "Pollution." When we get home from school we have records we can play. We don't have any time to do what you call "Help clean up Pollut- ion." Well, after we have fin- ished listening to them, they do sound pretty busy. But as far as I am concerned, going out at night could be cut out along with playing their records. If they were busy and didn't want to help, we wouldn't have too many hours, because quite a few people in this part of the world are teenagers. It is not all teenagers that talk this way, but about eighty-nine percent do. After we had done our part of helping pollution, the teenager s we have now would have child- ren and their children would be living in a well-planned world. These teenagers now would be happy they helped because their children would be living in a clean world. by Donna Riddell. A is for animals which will die from pollution. I is for ingredients which we should put in Lake Erie to take out pollution. R is for remedies that could solve the problem. A is for algae which contains oxygen or fish to live. N is for nutrients and vitamins which help us grow but they will soon disappear. D is for detergents which con- tains phosphates that kill al- gae. W is for water which is already polluted, except in a few regions. A is for air which is also pol- luted. T is for trees which soon will be gone from the face of the earth. E is for empty cans, bottles, and other objects which are polluting the world. R is for rainbows which will soon be blocked out by smog, P is forhosphates which are a deadly poison that will kill our wildlife. O is for oxygen and without it we would die. L is for lakes which are start- ing to become polluted from sewage. L is for litter which is thrown out of cars and boats. U is for unloadings which peop- le unload in illegal dumps. T is for towns which are be- coming polluted. I is for islands which look ,gorgeous, but not for long. O is for oil which is dumped into lakes, rivers, and streams, and causes pollut- ion. N is for naturalists which are trying to help pollution. Put it all together and you have, AIR AND WATER POLLUT- ION, "yuck" what a deadly dis- ease. by Jeff O'Brien and Gary Love. DON' T LITTER Most people in this world throw their litter everywhere except where it is supposed to be. Then later it becomes a habit, then over and over again they pile up their litter until they have caused pollution. Here is an example of litter spread around, such as on the beach. People pull dogs in the water and don't take them out after they're finished playing with their'. Other people have camp fires and don't clean them up after they are finished with them. The next day more people come and leave more litter lying around instead of putting it in a trash can. Just think about people who keep on pollutingthis land that was once a beautiul place to live in, and a place of fun and happiness. Why in the next ten years this place will be so polluted no one would want to live in it. All this land would be good for is dumping your garbage. So, people of this land, "please keep Canada Beautiful!" by Joyce Murray POLLU TION Keep your car in good cond- Wedding DOXTATOR - LAVERY Hensall United Church was the setting of a quiet but pretty wedding on Saturday, May 9, at 4 p.m. , when Rev. Harold F, Currie united in marriage Sharon Lavery, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Milton Lavery of Hensall, and Charles K. Doxtator, of Hensall, son of Mrs. Carrie Dox- tator of Southwold. For her wedding, the bride chose a sleeveless white lace dress with matching coat of white organza with three quarter length sleeves, accented with lace, and carried a nosegay of yellow and white daisies. Matron of honor, Mrs. Jim Gray, Zurich, wore a gown of yellow with nosegay of white with yellow daisies. Jim Gray of Zurich, attended the groom. The reception was held at the Hensall Hotel. For travelling to points south for their honeymoon the bride wore a yellow ensemble with white accessories and a corsage of green orchids. The bride is employed at the Queensway nursing home, Hen- sall, and the groom is.employed at Boise Cascade, Hensall. ition because half the pollution is caused by our cars. We should put a filter on all the cars to help keep pollution down. Some huge jets give off as much exhaust as 1, 000 cars put togeth- er. Everyday tons of garbage are dumped into the rivers. A long time ago you could go down to the beach and see beautiful water and sand. Now you can go and see dead fish lying around the beach and polluted water. Rem- ember you and I can prevent pollution. by Mark Adams. ( more on page 4 ) BALL - MACAULAY BUILDING SUPPLIES SEAFORTH 527-0910 CLINTON 482-9514 HENSALL 262-2713 excelite FIBER GLASS PANELS AWNINGS PATIOS • CARPORTS SPECIAL OF THE WEEK Green Excelite Fiber Glass Panels 26"x96" Suggested Retail 10,55 Save $4.05 SPECIAL 6.50