HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1970-05-07, Page 15ALL DOUBLE FEATURE SHOWS Opens at 8.00 p.m. Phone 524-9981 �agr44/6" CJ flv6M e5 DRIVE'IN THEATRE THRVE•IN EATRfi CLINTONIL, HWY.' 8 GODERICH AT CONCESSION RD. 4 ' PHONE 54-90111 :GODERICH SUNSET CARLOW THURS., FRO., SAT. -- May 7, 8, 9 COLUMBIA PICTURES Presents SIDNEY POTTIER JAMES CLAVELL'S PRODUCTION OF 'TO SIR>, WITH LOVE" TECHNICOLOR' (ADULT ENTERTAINMENT) -- And ACADEMY AWARD WINNER 9EST SCREENPLAY -WILLIAM REOSE RN COLUMBIA PICTURES presents tt Stanley Kramer production SpencerTRACYI SidneyPOITIER I Katharine HEPBURN ,guess who's gaming to dinner (Cif) TECHNICOLOR' SUN., MON., TUES. -® May 10, 11, 12 BURT LANCASTER and PATRICK O'NEAL A 10th Century Castle . . . A 20th Century War — PLUS — "CASTLE KEEP' ADMITTANCE .,ESTRICTECO, TO ".,,x45 TWI CI AGT d ova "SINGLE ROOM FURNISHED" WED., THURS., FRI., SAT. — May 1316 Steve McQueen "The Reivers" A Cinema Center Films Presentation A National General Pictures Release (ADULT ENTERTAINMENT) (ADULT ENTERTAINMENT) •NATIONAL GENERAL. PICTURES. nwMS AL MARK ROBSON PRODUCTION rI D'DY'S 01:1Nle A" 1- 'u1'11TrNI ...antl.the.nigFjIMtire begin14.'. THURSDAY, MAY 7, 1970 ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS PAGE FIFTEEN LEAGUE CHAMPIONS - The Dixie Six won the league championship in the Zurich Mixed Bowl- ing League, and are shown here with their trophy. Back row left to right are Jack Simmons, Bill Coleman and Ross Corbett. Front row left to right, Mrs. Simmons, Mrs.' Corbett, Mrs. Coleman and Mrs. Dot Munroe. New Staff (continued from page 1) Cochrane. The board has also appointed an executive assistant for Mr. Cochrane. He is Richard Wright, 49, Toronto, obtained through a management consultant firm in that city. Mr. Wright, who assumes his duties June 1 at a salary of $9, 000 per annum, has an extensive background in administration and will do much of the "leg -work" previously accomplished by Mr. Cochrane. Mr. Cochrane and the board have been concerned that the director of education has become bogged down in bookwork and is not free to visit the schools and really become involved in the educational aspects of the county school system. Mr. Wright is married and has one daughter. Road Death Totals Up Last year 1,683 people died in traffic collisions in Ontario, an increase of 97 or 6.1 percent over the year 1968. . but still Tess than the record 1,719 killed in 1967. Due to the greatly increased number of miles travelled in the province, the death rate per 100 million vehicle miles travelled remained the same in 1969 as 1968 — at 5.9. This 'compares very favorably with a rate for all Canada of 7.6 fatalities per 100 million vehicle miles travelled and a rate of 8.6 for the other nine provinces. In 1969 personal injuries rose by 5.1 percent to 74,902. Fatal collisions increased 4.7 percent to 1,410. Property damage jumped 16.3 percent, to $104,237,466 from $89,634,430. There was a 2.9 percent in- crease in the number of vehicles registered in the province, bring- ing the total up to 2,946,992. Young people in the 20-24 age category had the highest fatality rate in collisions. The statistics also show that 7.8 percent of all drivers involved in non-fatal col- lisions had been drinking, while the percentage in fatal collisions was 25.2. Saturday was the worst day of the week for fatal accidents, Tuesday the safest. STARLITE r DRIVE-IN THEATRE l Friday and Saturday --May 8-9 (DOUBLE FEATURE) Coogans Bluff (Color) Clint Eastwood, Susan Clark Journey To Far Side Of The Sun (Color) Roy Thimes, Lynn Lorring c, — Rain or Clear — First Show at Dusk Children Under 12 in Cars Free DiscussAuditor's Report at County Board Meeting (by Shirley J. Keller) The auditor's report was discussed at some length Mon- day evening at the regular meeting of the Huron County Board of Education. Certain board assets, including a $3, 000 trust fund, were the main point of interest. The board instructed Roy Dunlop, board business administrator, to prepare a report on this part- icular item so that the board can n1"ake a ruling on it. Dan Murphy, Goderich, sug- gested that in his opinion the )oard should not have any in- vestments. "There is no purpose in it, " Murphy stated. Another matter for discussion was certain clergy reserves in the county. Many years ago, land was set aside for use by the clergy and since at that time. schools were operated by the clergy, income from the land was used to support public school; At one time, all townships had certain clergy reserves but, according to John Henderson, the bulk of them were cashed. He said he felt the few remain- ing clergy reserves would be a matter for the Arbitration Board to settle. Director of Education John Cochrane, asked if the interest from the clergy reserves should rightfullygo to the Huron County Board of ducation or to the mun, icipality from whence it came, perhaps in the form of special school supplies etc. The board seemed to agree that all assets of former school boards were turned over to the county board, and that the county board would have the right to the benefits, if any. There was suggestion, however, that not all clergy reserves had been turned over to the county board. It was for this reason that the board approved a motion to have the board solicitor, Elmer Be11, QC, Exeter make a rec- ommendation concerning clergy reserves in Tuckersmith and McKillop Townships. Also while dealing with the auditor's report, it was rioted that cafeterias in the county's secondary schools earned $57, 000 in 1969 but cost $67, 000. "I'm surprised they came that close, " was Dan Murphy's BROWNIE'S DRIVE-IN THEATRE CLINTON Box Office Opens at 8:00 p.m. FIRST SHOW AT DUSK BEGINNING THURSDAY, MAY 7 OPENING NIGHTLY EXCEPT SUNDAY SHOWING FOR ONE WEEK 1THURS., FRI., SAT., MON., TUES., WED. May 7 To May 13 DOUBLE FEATURE - 'Easy Rider' (ADULT ENTERTAINMENT) PETER FONDA Dennis Hopper - Jack Nicholson Showing at 8.30 p.m. In Color "A TIME FOR KILLING" (ADULT ENTERTAINMENT) Glenn Ford -- George Hamilton Showing at 10.30 p.m. Color Cartoon Coming Next: "HELL'S BELLES" (Adult Entertainment) — And "MADIGAN'S MILLIONS" comment. Some members of the board were opposed to subsidising (continued on page 20 ) 30 THE SQUARE PHONE 524.78U AIRCONDITIO,°(iD THURSDAY, FRIDAY and SATURDAY May 7 - 8 - 9 HOWL— ARIOUSI e81'....••oen•.•.9otrse,,, WALT DISNEY'S $POTacularcartoon radios r IO DALMATIANS — Second Feature -- „OLYMPIC ELK" One Show Thursday at 8:00 p.m. Two Showings Friday & Saturday at 7:30 & 9:05 p.m. SATURDAY (May 9) MATINEE At 2:00 O'clock SUNDAY, MONDAY and TUESDAY May 10 - 11 - 12 °VANESSA REDGRAVE TOUCHES GREATNESS! Her Isadore Is intoxicated with freedom, exuberant, wild, desperately driven, desperately lost." --Look Magazine A't 111IxdR6ONDIWIIhIPaw. VANESSA REDGRAVE 11E LOVES OF ISADORIC AfdmbylMIREEZ FROBDCED 1N iSS00AUON WIIN UNKASMPICIURSUMINIA TECHNICOLOR. 4330 (ADULT ENTERTAINMENT) One Show Each Night at 8:00 WED., THURS., FRI. & SAT.—May 13-16 The most explosive spy scandal of this century! ALFRED III CIIeOc1111D 11111111111111.111111 A UNIVERSAL PICTURE TECHNICOLOR* eel One Show Wed. & Thurs. at 8:00 Two Shows Fri. & Sat. 7:30 & 9:25 SQUABS HONE 5247311 AIRCONDITIOPIW