HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1970-05-07, Page 6ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS THURSDAY, MAY 7, 1970 mifireifideicr Fur Sale VACUUM CLEANERS — Sales and Service to all makes. Con- tact R. K. Peck, RR 1, Zurich, phone Hensall 262-5748. 34,tf PIONEER & SKIL Chain Saws, most models in stock. Chains, sprockets and bars available for most makes, Complete parts and service, Robert Glen, 482-9292 RR 5, Clinton. 16,7,8,9b CEMENT TILE — Reinforced 3 and 4 foot tile and well tops. Phone Leonard Dietrich, Dash- wood 237-3368, 16,7,8,9,20,1p 10 USED bicycles to clear, $12.00 to $34.00. Rallies Sports and Cycle, Grand Bend, 238-2418. 17,8,b MODERN Cook Stove, cream and black, new grates, steel top, in A-1 condition. Reasonable offer accepted. Phone 262-2221, Hen- sall. 18,9,b DRAW Drapes, double width, lined ruby red, texture satin, floor length. Phone 236-4958. 18,b BOX Plants—Flowers and vege- tables, top quality, as in past years, 55c .a box. Contact Lance Reed, Zurich. 18,p No. 1 MAPLE SYRUP, $6.00 gal- lon while it lasts. Asa Steckle, phone 262-5456. 17,8p PIANO—Mason Risch, like new; 21 -inch Phillips black and white television, console model; Frigi- daire refrigerator. Phone 262- 2235, Hensall. 17,b 15 HEREFORD cattle, about 500 pounds. Contact Ron Coleman, 262-5353, Hensall, 18,b FIVE PUREBRED Polled Angus :Bulls. Joe Hastings, phone 345- 2779, Staffa. 18,p BOX PLANTS — At our green- house. This year over 3,000 boxes; 12 plants per box. Toma- toes, cabbage, petunias, mari- golds, snaps, alyssum, salvia, etc. Contact Samuel Huber, 262-5356. 18,9,20,b NUMBER of Brood Sows, some first and some third litter. Con- tact Alvin Gingerich, 236-4735. 18,tf FORD 4 -row bean scuffler, with shields, priced reasonable. Con- tact Alvin Gingerich, 236-4735. 18,9,p LIQUID Manure Equipment — Agitate, pump and spread with the "Husky" pump and spreader. Pump is available for pits 4 ft. to 14 ft. deep. Spreader is equipped with mechanical agita- tor. Buy direct and save. Grose Welding Limited, Alma, Ontario. 846-5277. 9to17,b PEW REGISTRATION FOR Kindergarten and GRADE ONE AT St. Boniface School ON THURSDAY, MAY 7 9:30 a.m. to 12 noon 1:30 p.m. to 3 p.m. Children who will be 5 years old before December 31 are eligible for Kindergarten, and children who will be 6 years old before December _31_ are_ eligible _for Grade One. PLEASE BRING IMMUNIZATION RECORDS and IRTH CERTIFICATES For Sale HOLSTEIN Heifer, due within one week. Call Sydney Rainier, 236-4637, 18,b JUST PURCHASED Large shipment of new trans- mission and conveyor belting, all different widths, from 4" up to 48"; also a large quantity ot£ roof joist, different lengths, et sur- plus prices. Factory and Refinery Surplus 1992 DUNDAS ST., LONDON Telephone 455-9400 Situations Wanted HIGH Schoolgirl would like sum- mer employment of any type. Call 2364113. 17,b Custom Work CUSTOM KILLING AND PROCESSING All meat wrapped in clear see-through freezer wrap. TUESDAY — Beef and Pork Thursday — Beef Only PICK-UP SERVICE AVAILABLE Merner's Abattoir • 237-3314 Dashwood Miscellaneous SEWING machine services and repairs. Call G. Rummenie, col- lect, 524,8916. 18,9,20,1,b Income Tax Returns Filed. Call Lance Reed any evening after 6 p.m. or all day Saturday or Sun- day. Phone 236-4004. 1,tfb Watch and clock repairing. Work guaranteei. Fine selection of wat- ches, diamonds and china. Dia- monds re -setting. Hess Jewellery, Zurich. SANITATION SERVICE SEPTIC TANK PUMPING Drainage and Repairs For immediate service PHONE GRAND BEND 238.2923 or 238-2291 GRINSVEN DEAD ANIMAL REMOVAL SERVICE PICK-UP DEAD AND DISABLED CATTLE AND HORSES Sheep and Rotten Animals Not Accepted l For fast, efficient service, call immediately, collect 245-0838 STRATHROY Wanted LIVE RABBITS, 4 to 6 pounds. Call Don Gingerich, 236-4852. 1o,ti elp Wanted AVON CALLING She Who Hesitates ... is losing an opportunity to make $$$ serving friends and neigh- bors with superb AVON COS- METICS and TOILETRIES. Own territory, own hours. No obligation. For interview contact MRS. MILLSON, 17 Hawkesbury Avenue London 451-0541 13,4,5,6,7,b For Rent CONSTRUCTION equipment, power trowel, forms, pump, mix- er, etc. N. J. Corriveau, Zurich, 236-4954, after 6 p.m. and on Sat- urday. 15,tf Notice Would the person who bor- rowed the dehumidifier from the Dashwood Community Centre please return it as the time of year is here when it will be needed. 18,b Engagements Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wilson, Highgate, announce the forth- coming marriage of their daugh- ter, Dawne Patricia, to Mr. Mer- vyn James Erb, son of Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Erb, RR 1, Zurich. The wedding will take place on May 9, in Turin United Church. 18,b Card of Thanks I wish to express my sincere thanks for the many acts of kind- ness shown me while a patient in South Huron Hospital. — Bill McAdams. 18,p The family of the late Mr. Ger- ald Snider wish to express their sincere thanks and appreciation to Rev. E. Wattam, Dr. Gulens, Miss Claypole, Mrs. Wilson and all the staff at South Huron Hos- pital. Also to the relatives, friends and neighbors for the floral tributes, donations to heart fund, missions, Gideon Bibles, cards and letters of sympathy in the loss of a dear husband and father. Special thanks to the Church of God Women's Mission- ary Society, pallbearers, Hoffman Funeral Home and singers, Harry Hoffman and Alec and Bob Des- jardine. Your kindness will al- ways be remembered. 18,b Attention: Farmers 1 will be shipping cattle to DUNN & LEVICK TORONTO UNION STOCK YARDS Every Monday For further particulars, or pick-up Contact: Campbell McKinley RR 1, ZURICH Phone 262-5430 Stocker Feeder Sale HENSALL SALES BARN SATURDAY, MAY 9 AT 7:30 P.M. 700 HEAD Consisting of Calves, Heifers and Steers FOR CONSIGNMENTS — CONTACT The Management Jack Morrissey 482.7511 234.6200 HECTOR McNEIL, LARRY GARDINER, AUCTIONEERS In Memoriam Coleman—In loving memory of a husband, ,father and grand- father, Anson C o 1 e m a n, who passed away one year ago, May 10, 1969. A tribute of love and remem- brance, To a husband and father, one of the best, And the joys he missed on life's journey May he find in God's garden of rest. —Always remembered by wife Fern, sons and families. 18,b ESTATE AUCTION SALE Of Valuable Real Estate, House- hold Effects, Antiques and Mis- cellaneous Items on the premises Goshen Street South or third house south of Lutheran Church, Zurich The undersigned auctioneer received instructions to sell by public auction on SATURDAY, MAY 23 at 1:30 p.m. Real Estate: Consists of lot 142 and part of lot 153, plan 10, village of Zurich, on which is situated well con- structed two-storey white brick dwelling. Main floor: Large liv- ing and dining area, kitchen and utility room, 3 -piece bathroom and bedroom; second floor: 3 bedrooms with clothes closets; full size basement, recently in- stalled oil furnace. Also barn suitable for double garage and workshop. Dwelling nicely situ- ated; ample garden land and For All Your SIDING NEEDS Contact D. E. GIBSON LONDON — 434-0370 Middlesex Aluminum Products 71 Richmond Street STRATHROY 12,tf USED shade trees. Inspection invited. Terms of Real Estate -10% on day of sale, balance in 30 days. Sold subject to a reason- able reserve bid, if not previous- ly sold, Complete list of household ef- fects in following issue. GORDON BLOCH, Executor for the estate of the late Emma Bloch ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer Pi N BUILDING PRODUCTS LTP For: the best in farm supplies, grain bins, gates, water troughs and steel roofing. THAMES ROAD EAST EXETER, ONT. TEL. 235-2901 Independent Shipper to United Co-operative of Ontario Livestock Dept Toronto Ship Your Livestock with Roy Scotchmer Monday Is Shipping Day From Varna Stockyard CALL BAYFIELD 565-2636 By 7:30 a.m. Monday For Prompt Service No Charges on Pick-up alp Want Ads Are Sure to Bring You Results EQUIPMEN1 FOR SALE 1968 WILTSIE FLOAT -10 -TON CAPACITY $1800. 1967 INTERNATIONAL %-TON TRUCK 345 V/8 — 4 -Speed Transmission $1000. 1966 ALLIS CIIALMERS 160 BACKHOE AND LOADER Diese! Fn -gine — 3 Buckets for Backhoe $3500. Will Sell the Complete Unit for $6,000 Contact: E. RYDALL, Belmont PHONE 644-1308 — Box 43 kar ailnswmicommumacua.n.. voungannwo memminew mimommamoummv