HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1970-04-09, Page 9THURSDAY, APRIL 9, 1970 ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS Smelt Fishing Season Around the Corner It will soon be time tor the smelt fishing season again. A time when the hardy fishermen and some not so hardy grab their lights, rubber boots, and nets to head out for this silvery coloured little fish known as smelt. The smelt is a very palatable fish and is considered a delicacy by many. They usually appear in large numbers in shallow beach areas or stream mouths where they come each sprint to spawn. The spawning period is usually in lnid-Aril with some variation in time depend- ing on the type of spring we have. An early spring for example, would probably mean an earlier run of smelt since water temp- eratures and other factors af- ffecting fectingthe time of the run would be altered. A resident angling licence Zurich Boy Hurt In Bicycle Crash Randy Smale, nine-year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Eric Smale, Zurich, is in satisfactory cond- ition in St. Josephs Hospital, London, after suffering a fract- ured left leg and severe head, when his bicycle collided with a car on the main street of Zur- ich early Saturday evening. Police said the boy was com- ing across the street from the arena to his home when the accident occurred. Driver of the car was Raymond Ducharme, of Sarnia. O.P.P. Constable Dale Lamont, of the Exeter detachment, investigated. The injured boy was rushed to the hospital in Westlake Ambul- ance, sommminomminernimmo St. Peter's Lutheran Church Rev, A. C. Blackwell, B.A., B.D. Pastor SUNDAY, APRIL 12 — 10:00 a.m.—Worship Service 10:45 a.m.—Sunday Church School Everyone Welcome Emmanuel United Church ZURICH Rev. John Huether, B.A., B.D., Minister Mrs. Milton Desch, Organist SUNDAY, APRIL 12 — 10:00 a.m.—Morning Worship 11:10 a.m.—Sunday Church School Wednesday, April 15 — 8:00 p.m.—Session Meeting nosimimmusomminsemminuommin MIL 4111BININKIMINI Zurich Mennonite Ephraim Gingerich, Pastor SUNDAY, APRIL 12 — 9:45 a.m.—Worship Service 10:45 a.m.—Sunday School Friday, April 10 — 8:00 p.m.--G.M.S.A. Begin the day with God, Every morning lean thine arms awhile Upon the window sill of heaven And gaze upon thy Lord Then, with the vision in thy heart Turn strong and meet the day. LAKEVIEW CONSERVATIVE Mennonite Church Formerly SS 4, EAST STANLEY Minister: Alvin Baker SUNDAY, APRIL 12 — 10:00 a.m.—Sunday School 1.1:00 a.m.—Worship Service 3:00 p.m.—Evening Service Every Wednesday Evening -- 8:00 p.m.—Bible Study and Prayer Meeting We invite you to worship with to was introduced in Ontario and became effective on January 1, 1969. This licence is required by all resident males 19 years of age or older for the taking of fish from Ontario waters whether it be by angling or by means other than anghng. Last Year there appeared to be some con- fusion concerning the licence requirements for the taking of smelt. To eliminate such confusion in the 1970 season, the requirements are as follows: Smelt may be taken under the authority of a $3.00 resident angling licence or a $1.00 res- ident licence to take smelt for personal use. Male residents, nineteen years of age or over require at least on of these licences to take smelt. All persons, regardless of sex or age, who wish to operate Thieves Steal' Articles From Hensall Hardware Thieves broke into the Drys- dale Crest Hardware, Hensall, sometime over the past week- end and stole a number of guns, a radio, a razor and an undeter- mined amount of cash from a drawer. The robbers forced entry into the building by smashing the rear door. The break-in was discoverd by employees Harold Knight and John Henderson, when they arrived for work on Monday morning. One of the owners, Robert J. Drysdale, is at present on vacation in Spain. Police from the Exeter detach- ment of the 0. P.P., along with fingerprint experts from Mt. Forest, are investigating the robbery. a seine net for the taking of smelt, must have the $1.00 smelt licence, and there is no minimum age restriction. Each adult male assisting in the op- eration of a seine net must have the $1.00 smelt licence or a $3, 00 resident angling licence, Under the $3,00 licence, smelt may be taken with a dip net rio larger than 6 ft. by 6 ft. The $1.00 smelt licence permits the holder to use a dip net no larger that 6 ft. by 6 ft. or a seine net no greater than 30 ft. by 6 ft. Smelt may be taken by non- residents with a dip net (6 ft. by 6 ft. maximum) or a seine net (30 ft. by 6 ft. maximum) under the authority of a $5.00 non-resident licence to take fish by means other than angling. All participants must be licenced and there is no minimum age restriction on this licence, The smelt is the only fish species other than bait fish which can legally be taken at night from Ontario waters by means other than angling Smelt fishing has not been particularly good in some parts of Lake Huron forest district, This fishery is confined to the Great Lakes and the mouths of streams tributary to these lakes. The Hamilton Bay area of Lake Ontario was quite good for smelt in the spring of 1969. - Lake Hur- on was fair from the Bayfield area to Port Albert while the smelt fishing in Georgian Bay was poor. It is quite possible that young Coho Salmon, a silvery colored fish that resembles small rain- bow trout, will be captured in smelt nets particularly in Lake Ontario and its tributaries. The co-operation of fishermen are asked to return these small 5 and 6 inch salmon to the waters so theymay return as adult fish in uture years. Your copy of THE 1970 ONTARIO BUDGET is now available ONTARIO 1 1970 BUDGET PAGE NINE Get the complete story of Ontario's provincial financial picture. This information is available in complete text with supporting papers—or in an easy -to -read simplified form that presents all the budget highlights. FOR YOUR FREE COPY WRITE: L m .. The Hon. Charles MacNaughton, Treasurer and Minister of Economics, Queen's Park, Toronto 182, Ontario. Please forward LI The 1970 Ontario Budget --Complete text and supporting papers C l The 1970 Budget Digest —Budget highlights in simplified form NAM E ADDRESS CITY 1 // / sze6' oe ($061 vosk 'AIR" 4s4sc` IP Co /// // /hili/ // ///// We are pleased to announce the Install- ation of Additional Equipment at Hens - all.. Our. Contractor assures us that this new equipment will all be operational for the Bean Harvest. Our object is to prov- ide you with a fast turn around at the Mill and help eliminate your waiting time. This new installation will consist of a high speed Hydraulic Dumper; a large capacity Receiving Pit; two High Speed Cleaners; and a large capacity Dryer. We will then have four receiving Pits to serge you. OOK'S DIVISION OF GERBRD CORP. HENSALL 262-2605 • 09' (/// /////////I,I///!/:�!/I!///�'/J/ !/Y%!J//Y/..1,/%/.////' /tY.//%// 4/ Seee ./ ?'iwJ/////,(I'rY!/.riYbYYi/..%i`i' r/.✓Y/i/.✓//1/(//(..(s'/r/////////!//!,///✓IY///////////l///!///////J• ole/// k