HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1970-04-09, Page 3THURSDAY, APR11. 9, 1970 ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS PAGE THREE Henson Council Hears Deputation in Connection With Drainage Problem (continued from page 1) tags for their dogs. Davis has ordered cold patch to repair the pot holes in the roads in the village. Harold Knight gave a report on his attendance at the MODA meeting, and felt that the or- ganization could be of great assistance to the new industrial committee that is being formed in Hensall. The clerk informed council that no a proval has been forth- coming from the OMB as to the purchase of the new fire engine, and felt it could be delayed. Council received a copy of a resolution from the County Council to the effect that the new per diem rates for nursing homes in the county can be $10.50. At this stage of the meeting, the reeve called for a minutes silence in tribute to the late Hein Rooseboom. Council was informed by the clerk that it should pass a by- law for the appointment of an officer for licensing and collect- ing fees for lotteries in the vil- lage of Hensall. Council received and accept- ed a resolution from the PUC to the effect that the council borrow $40, 000. to build the new hydro -electric sub station and this sum to be repaid by the PUC from funds collected, also that the council borrow $16, 500. for the PUC to make extensions to the existing water- works, the latter to be paid by the council. Debentures are to be issued for both expenditures, when the approval of the OMB has been received. Building permits were issued to the following: Peter Toorn- stra to build a recreation room; Cook's Division of Gerbro Cor- poration, to build six silos, a cleaner, dryer, dust bains etc. A grant of $75. was made to the South IIuron Agricultural Society. By-law 4, 1970, a by- law to appoint a lotterylicens- ing officer, was passednaming Earl Campbell as said officer. By-law 5, 1970, a by-law to provide for the village of Hen- sall to participate in Mutual Fire Agreement, was also passed. Bilis and accounts in the amount of $4, 058.84 were ordered paid and the meeting adjourned to convene again in May. Huron Board Face Salary Dispute of Ontario of which Huron Coun- ty is part. This old theory that because g,rants are paying a portion of the cost that caution can be forgotten is a poor one, Every taxpayer knows that Mr. McNaughton has no magic mon- ey machine to pay grants. It is simply the other pocket of the taxpayer." "We agree the teachers should be on a comparable level sal- ary -wise with the rest of the province, " added Elliott. "Let us realize however, that increas- ed grants for the have- not areas such as Huron are not to be used merely to raise salaried bu to bring about the quality of op- portunity for the students of Huron County which was why the county system originated. I might point out that although the teachers taught last year without a signed salary agree- ment, they slid receive by their own admission, a salary sched- ule which was practically dead on the provincial median." Failure to settle last year was attributed by the teachers to a general attitude of the board and their desire to be involved in decisions affecting education in the county, " concluded El- liott. "These are not the reasons the board was aware of. A joint press release in the London Free Press last year states the reasons for disagreement as date and frequency of pay periods." "There has been far too much discussion outside of the neg- otiation room already this year, ' ;aid Elliott. "Our suggestion is that our differences are so slight that we can't understand why they were not negotiated." Delegations representing both the elementary school teachers and the secondary school teach- ers were on hand at the meeting. HIRING TEACHERS In his report concerning Sat- urday's session at which teachers will be interviewed, James Coul ter, superintendent of educat- ion said that 25 elementary school teachers are neededto fill vacancies. He reported that 58 applicat- ions hadbeenreceived "from people who have certificates." Of these, 12 are 1969 graduates from Teacher's College who were not able to get Jobs last year. Mr. Coulter also said there are several applications from "people still in school. " Mrs. 3.. W, Wallace, Goder- ich, remarked that there was a possibility that all the vacancies for elementary school teaching positions in the county could be filled next year with teachers in Category 4. She asked what the board would do in this in- stance since it was evident that Category 4 teachers would re- ceive much higher salaries. Mr. Elliott told her that if two applicants impressed the inter- viewers to the same degree, the onlydifference being taat one hadmorequalifications than the other, the one with the better qualifications would be hired.. It was also indicated by sever- al board members that teachers, who hold more degrees are not necessarily better teachers. "You have to use your intuition advised John D. Cochrane, dir- , actor of education. 0 CAUSES OF CANCER? A report from Iceland suggests that occupation groups which con- sume the most home -smoked and singed foods get the most stomach cancer. In Taiwan a relationship has been found between the arsenic con- tent of well water and the frequency of skin cancer. These and other facts are studied by scientists to find the causes of cancer and ways to pre- vent it. Your contribution to +1,,. I...You Don't pay more for • Quality Foods! Regularly 29c Package Weston's Crullers _ _ _ 3/65c Medium -12-0z. Package Bere's Prunes 29c Sudden Beauty -16 Os. Hair Spray 99c Royal --3-0a. Packages 9/$1 Jelly Powders 5-0z. Packages Christie's Mini Chips _ _ 2/79c Surget Mac or Spaghetti _ 4 I'bsv 69c Aero -27-0z. Tin Liquid Floor Wax 79c Lee Brand—Crushed or Ted -bits -19 Or. Pineapple 4/95c York—In Tomato Sauce -19 Os., Beans with Pork 5/$1 2% Evaporated -16-0z. Tins Borden's Milk 5/77c Pineapple -Grapefruit or Pineapple -Orange -48 Oz. Deli Monte Drinks _ _ _ _ 3/$1 Assorted -11 Oz. Robin Hood Puddings _ _ 3/59c MOW FROZEN FOOD nommimmommi HIGHLINER OCEAN PERCH FILLETS 47c W. PRODUCE assemommumi CANADA FANCY C.A. MCINTOSII APPLES 5 LBS. 59c U.S. No 1--CALIFORNIA-24s STALK CELERY JUMBO SIZE 27c BUNCH SMOKED SIDE BACON Sliced e PORK HOCKS Ib. PORK LIVER Ib. BOLOGNA 37c 35c lb. 85c ib. 39c SHOULDERS 16. 59c PORK CHOPS Ib. 79c GROUND BEEF 16.59c PORK (HOPS Ibm 65c HENSALL- ONTARIO