HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1970-04-09, Page 2PAGE TWO
AY, APRIL 9, 1970
Correspondent: Maude Hedden
Over $300. was collected
Monday evening in a canvas of
.the village of Hensell for the
Canadian Cancer Society, by
members of the Kinsmen Club,
who sponsored the project.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert K. Peck,
R.R, 1, Zurich, and Mrs. Grace
Peck of Hensall, visited Mr. and
Mrs, Ronald Peck, the former,
a patient in Joseph Brant Hospit-
al, Burlington, and Mrs. Janet
Peck, widow of the late Dr. J.
W. Peck, Halton Centennial
Manor, Milton.
Mr. and Mrs. Ross MacMil-
lan, David, Tommy and baby
Ann of Waterloo spent Sunday •
with the latter's parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Laird Mickle.
Mrs. Earl Campbell is a
patient in South Huron Hospital,
Jim Venner is a patient in
South Huron Hospital.
Flowers in the United Church
Sanctuary Sunday morning
were in loving memory of Wil-
son T. Berry, Ferdinand Mueller
(Miller), and Robert J. Camer-
on, by their families.
The United Church Women
were pleased with the success
of their April Fool's dinner,
held on Wednesday, April 1,
with over two hundred served
and enjoying a most delicious
dinner. President Mrs. Vern
Alderdice convened the project,
together with her assistants.
lowers in St. Paul's Anglic-
an Church Sunday morning were
in loving memory of J. Wilson
Berry, and Robert J. Cameron,
placed by their families.
Mrs. Ken McLean has returned
from Victoria Hospital, London.
Orval Rapson, who retired to
Hensall from Clinton, fourteen
years ago, passed away Sunday
April 5, in Victoria Hospital,
London, where he had been a
patient for eight weeks. He was
Surviving are his wife, the
former Flora Hearn, one son,
Gordon, R.R.3, Clinton; three
daughters, Hazel, Mrs. Murray
Milton, Toronto; Lois, Mrs.
Donald James, London; Leona,
Mrs. Clare McBride, R,R.1,
Zurich; one brother, Ira, God-
erich, and six grandchildren.
Funeral service, conducted
by Rev. Harold F. Currie, was
held Wednesday, April 8, from
the Bronthron Funeral Home,
Hensall, with interment in
Clinton cemetery.
The Easter thank- offering
meeting of -unit IV, Hensall
United Church Women, was
held Thursday afternoon. Mrs.
James McAllister opened the
meeting with prayer.
Hymn 108 was sung followed
by the devotional given by Mrs,
George Armstrong with Mrs.
Sim Roobol reading the Easter
Entertain At
Auxiliary Meeting
The Swinging Sisters, along
with Barbara and Sally Dietrich,
daughters •of Mr. and Mrs.
Jerome Dietrich, kept the res-
idents of the Blue Water Rest
Home, as well as the Auxiliary
members, well entertained,
at the April monthly meeting
of the Blue Water Rest Home
Ladies Auxiliary.
Misses Grace and Lynn Sch-
wartzentruber and Christine
Plantinga, better known as the
"Swinging Sisters" sang the
Easter Hymn, "Christ he Lord
is Risen" and "Santa Lucia, "
Shortnin Bread, "Billy Boy" and
"Old MacDonald, " with variat-
ions and jokes.
Miss Barbara Dietrich played
the piano medleys, while Sally
Dietrich played "Nearer My God
to Thee, " with variations,
which were very much apprec-
iated by everyone.
The president, Lydia Regier,
presided over the business meet-
ing, Mary Baechler and Amelia
Prang gave a reporton the act-
ivity of the craft room during
the month of March. Easter
bunnies were made, a uff
quilt using 209 pairs onylons
(incidentally were sent in by
you readers, for which thanks
are extended.) Four poodle
dogs using 40 pairs of nylons,
and a number of cushions using
20 pair. So you can see, items
donated to the craft room are
always made use of in one form
or another, and are gratefully
There was also some discussion
on entertainment for the resid-
ents of the home, and it was
hoped that different organizat-
ions from Zurich and any in the
surrounding area, would feel
free to call the home and tell
them when it would suit to put
on a program. The residents
have always appreciated the
time and effort any organization
has put into an evening's enter-
tainment for them. So please
contact the home if your group
would be interested.
FRL, AP"1L 1
DANCING 10 - 1
Music by
Mrs. Earle Rowe gave a talk
on "What the Bible says to me."
Mrs. McAllister read a poem.
The ladies of unit IV are ask-
ed to help with crafts at the
Queensway nursing home each
Monday afternoon, from 2-4,
during April.
Mrs. McAllister expressed
thanks to the quilters and also
to all those making donations
of food and money to help
with the Church supper which
was held April 1.
Noble Grand Mrs. Elgin
Thompson chaired the regular
meeting of Amber Rebekah Lodgt
Wednesday evening, April 1.
The charter was drapedinmem-
ory of the Grand Secretary,
Bro Arthur Sterritt, of the Grand
Lodge of Ontario and Bro. John
E. McEwen.
Cards will be sent to a num-
ber of sick and shut-ins. Mrs.
Ed Corbett presented the finan-
cial report. The C.P.& T.
committee are planning for a
euchre, Friday April 10. Plans
were made for the official visit
of the District Deputy President,
Mrs. Margaret Bowra of Goder-
ich, Wednesday, April 15.
Social and entertainment com-
mittee are to be in charge.
Members are reminded of the
speaking contest, Friday, when
it will be decided who will at-
tend the United Nations from
the area.
St. Paul's ACW
The A.C.W. of St. Paul's
Anglican Church, Hensall was
held April 2, at the home of
Mrs. F. Forrest, with president
Mrs. W. Scrabuik presiding.
The meeting opened with the
members prayer.
A letter explaining the Dio-
cesan thank -offering was read.
Roll call was verses from the
Bible, having names of differ-
ent flowers.
The topic by the president
was taken troth Proverbs, chap-
ter 29, verse 15.
A discussion period followed.
The meeting closed with prayer
and lunch was served.
TAKE PART IN TOURNAMENT - The Hensall Novice hockey
team recently participated In a tournament in Durham, and
ended as runners-up in the eight -team affair, losing the final
round to Durham. Two members of the Hensall team, Dave
Kinsman and Don Sararas are seen here as they receive a crest
and souvenir hockey stick from an official of the event. The
boys were quite pleased with the courtesy extended them by
the people of Durham. (Durham Chronicle Photo)
Robert J. Cameron 85, a
resident of Hensall since 1886,
passed away in South Huron
Hospital, Exeter, on Thursday,
April 2, having been admitted
as a patient the day previous
to his death. The late Mr.
Cameron was a member of Car-
mel Presbyterian Church, and
in municipal life he served on
the Hensall council some years
Surviving are his wife, the
former Annabel Foster, one
son, Robert Bruce, at home.
Public funeral service was
held from his residence on
Nelson Street, on Saturday,
April 4, conducted by Rev. W.
D. Jarvis, with burial in Hen-
sall Union cemetery. Mrs. C.
Kennedy and daughter Jean,
of Grand Bend, sang a duet at
the service, accompanied by
Miss Greta Lammie.
Bearers were Jim Bengough,
Bill Clark, Bill Parker, Roy
MacDonald, Elgin Rowcliffe
and Jim Black.
A private service was held
at the Hoffman Funeral home,
Dashwood, for James Wilson
Berry, chairman of the Board
of Guaranty Trust Co. of Can-
ada, who died at his home in
Montego Bay, Jamaica, after
a lengthy illness.
He was born in Hensall, a
son of the late Mr. and Mrs.
T. J. Berry, and attended high
school in Clinton. He received
his B of Sc degree from the
University of Detroit.
Mr. Berry was a director of
many companies, including
Canadian General Insurance Co. ,
and Denison Mines, Ltd. He had
a second home at R.R.4, Stouf-
Mr. Berry is survived by his
wife and a brother, Edward T.
of Windsor.
Temporary entombment was
in the Mausoleum in Exeter
cemetery, with bnrial later in
McTaggarts cemetery.
A contribution to the campaign of
the Canadian Cancer Society is an
investment in the future health of
all Canadians.
Avoiding excessive exposure to
sunlight is one way to prevent can-
cer, according to the Canadian
Cancer Society.
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