HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1970-04-02, Page 18PAGE EIGHTEEN
The Bantams Left Home at 8 a.m. Monday Morning
They Returned at 8 p.m. Monday Night -- 'A Happy Group
TROPHY PRESENTED - The Hawks won the Zurich House League championship on Saturday
morning, and were immediately presented with the,Haberer Trophy, -by the donor, Fred Haberer.
Mr. Haberer is shown here as he presents the trophy to Fred Mommersteeg, Jr., captain of the team,
while the coach, Fred Mommersteeg St., looks on approvingly.
Advisory Board to
Hear 'Complaints
The Farm Machinery Advisory
Board, established in 1963
by the Hon. William A. Stewart
Ontario Minister of Agriculture
and Food, was formed to receive
and review complaints concern-
ing farm machinery, and to
assist in reaching solutions ac-
ceptable to the parties concern-
Hal Wright, Secretary -Man-
ager of the Board, said it is
made up of members from all
sectors of Ontario agriculture,
including dealers, distributors,
manufacturers, farm organiz-
ations, and farmers. Each sector
is represented by one member
appointed by the Minister.
Delays in parts, warranty
problems, machinery malfunct-
ions, and poor service are the
most common causes for com-
plaint, said Mr. Wright. Many
of the problems arise because
of a lack of proper communic-
ation. A farmer might want a
machine "rushed" for example,
but will neglect to tell the
dealer this, and the order comes
through in the usual time.
The Board's proposal that a
Farm Machinery Mechanics
Course be initiated was acted
New Lab Service
At Huron Park
A sixth Veterinary Services
diagnostic laboratory is now
open at Huron Park, it was
Jointly announced by Hon.
William A. Stewart, Ontario
Minister of Agriculture and
Foocl, and the Ilon. Chas. S.
MacNaughton, Provincial
The laboratory, located 25
miles northwest of London on •
the campus of the Centralia
College of Agrucultural Tech-
nology, will serve all or part
of eight counties in Southwest-
ern Ontario.
The counties of Oxford,
Middlesex, Perth, Huron, Nor-
folk, Bruce, Lambton and part
of Waterloo produce a third of
theoultry , hogs and cattle and
half of the turkeys in Ontario."
says Dr. "fl'. J. Pridhain, head of
the new laboratory.
Dr. Pridham explains that the
laboratory will provide a diag-
nostic and consultative service
for farmers and veterinarians
in the area.
Farmers may bring poultry
directly to the laboratory. Any
other domestic animals handled
by the laboratory will be refer-
rals from a veterinarian. The
laboratory receives blood, urine
and whatever other samples are
necessary for analysis.
"The laboratory is set up to
perform services over and above
what a veterinarian can do in
his office." says Dr. Pridham.
"If a veterinarian needs assist-
ance with a disease problem, he
will refer an animal to the lab-
oratory for analysis."
The IIuron Park Laboratory
is equipped to carry out tests
in bacteriology, parasitology,
pathology, hematology, serol-
ogy ane -clinical chemistry. The
results of these tests help to
determine the proper course of
Tests results are recorded by
the laboratory and sent back to
the veterinarian, or to the owner
in cases of poultry. Sometimes
the laboratory will perform a
necropsy for a veterinarian to
confirm the exact reason for
for an animal's death. A com-
plete medical diagnosis requires
examination of visible symp-
toms as well as tests done on a
microscopic level.
The laboratory's function is
primarily a diagnostic one, but
investigational research projects
are also carried out.
Dr. Pridham will be assisted
by Dr. Gaylan Josephson.' The
staff will consist of three tech-
nicians, a mastitis control field -
man, an assistant to help in
performing necropsies, and
secretarial assistance.
The Animal Health Tech-
nology course is conducted by
Dr. G.R. Doidge and Dr. W. G.
Balsdon in the new building.
The personnel of the Laboratory
and Animal Health Technology
course complement each other
in their duties. Dr. T.R. Mel-
ady, Regional Veterinarian
(Meat Inspection), is also loc-
ated in this building.
The five other regional lab-
oratories operate programs
similar to that planned by the
Huron Park Laboratory. All of
these laboratories are under the
direction of the Laboratory Div-
ision of the Veterinary Services
Branch, Ontario Department
of Agriculture and Food.
upon, and this course is cur-
rently in operation at the Univ-
ersity of Guelph. Graduates
are finding ready employment
with farm machinery dealers.
Mr. Wright also noted that, at
the request of the Board, the
farts depots of all the major
arm machinery manufacturers
have remained open for emerg-
ency service to their dealers on
Saturdays and holidays during
the production season.
Those wishing to file comp-
laints about any aspect of farm
machinery should write to Mr.
Wright, Ontario Farm Machin-
ery Advisory Board, Schobi of
Engineering, University of
Guelph, Guelph, Ontario,