HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1970-04-02, Page 17THURSDAY, APRIL 2, 1970
WIN MITE TOURNAMENT - The Zurich Mites travelled to Belmont on Friday and after winning three games in one day were
declared the "A" Champions of the tournament. Back row left to right are Eugene O"Brien, manager, Kris Bedard, Timmy Bedour,
Ken Oesch, Bobby Mommersteeg, Steven Grainger, Dick Bedard, coach. Front row left to right, Roger O'Brien, Robert Willert,
Grant Love, Kerry Bedard and Bobby Hay. Missing when this photo was taken were Barry Overholt and Kevin Geoffrey.
HOUSE LEAGUE CHAMPIONS - The Hawks won the championship of the Zurich house League hockey this season, and are shown
here with their trophy. Back row left to right are Michael Denomme, Brad Clausius, Danny Meidinger, Randy Geoffrey, Ricky
O'Brien, Bobby Mommersteeg, Billy Hay. Front row left to right, Wayne Meidinger, Fred Mommersteeg, Wayne Oke, Richard
.. Mommersteeg and Steven Haberer. The good-looking gentleman behind the boys is their coach, Fred Mommersteeg.
Correspondent: Airs. Ervin Ender
Dashwood W , I, was in charge
of the monthly birthday at
Huronview, Wednesday, March
25. Several members accomp-
anied by children of the com-
munity journeyed to Clinton
by bus, A program consisting
of sing -song, old time music
by Hilton Ford and Henry Green,
of Exeter, duets, piano and
accordian selections, readings
and a square dance was pres-
ented. •
Special Easter services were
held in both the United and
Lutheran churches. An Easter
Sunrise Service was held in the
United church with the "couples
club" in charge. 131111loffman
was chairman and three record-
ings, namely, " The Impossible
Dream", and two by Homer
James were presented. These
were interspersed by scripture
readings in the modern lang-
uage. It was closed with a
record by Tennessee Ernie Ford
just talking and singing.
Mr. Leeland Guenther of
llalbonquist, Sask. spent a week
with Mr. and Mrs. E.R. Guenth-
er and called ion friends in the
Dianne Rader and Betty Ann
Merman spent last week with
Mr. and Mrs. Ray VanDorssel-
aer and Mrs. Hilda 1Iaugh.
Mr. and Mrs, E.R, Guenther
accompanied by Mr. and Mrs.
John Taylor of Drayton had
an enjoyable trip to Florida
during the holiday. They visited
with Mr. Guenther's two sisters
at Lakeland, Florida. They
also toured the J. F. Kennedy
space centre which was most
Holiday visitors with Mr.
and Mrs. Louis Restemayer
were Mr. and Mrs. Daryl Tren-
holme and boys, Toronto; Mr.
and Mrs. Victor Kraft and Mrs.
Eugene Kirk, London; Larry
Fleet, Windsor; Hank Boaman
and Elaine hillier, London;
Mr. and Mrs, Allan Chrysler
and Peter, Goclerich; Mrs, Herb-
ert hillier, Joanne and Brenda,
Melvin Restemayer and Mrs.
Madeline Fleet.
Mrs. Susan Snider of Zurich
spent a few days with virs.
Marie Restemayer.
Huron -Perth TB
Group Hear
Various Reports
The Huron -Perth Tuberculosis
and Respiratory Disease Associa-
tion met in the Seaforth Comm-
unity Hospital with Mrs. Edith
Brothers, Stratford, the president.
Routine reports were given by
the Chairmen of the var us
committees. Ralph Goren, Strat-
ford, Christmas Seal CiThfrman,
reported the 1969 campaign had
closed with a total of $32,1748.
65 received. He expressed the
committee's appreciation for
the support given the campaign.
George Watt, Blyth, the Reha-
bilitation and Social Service
Chairman said that 16 inhalation
Therapy Machines are still a
popular item as far as his com-
mittee is concerned. Fifteen are
presently out in the community
and are constantly changing
hands. Mr. Watt reported that
eight children had just completes
an Asthmatic Conditioning
Course in Stratford and are pre-
paring to demonstrate exercises
and games at the association's
annual meeting to be held early
in May.
Tom Leiper, Londesboro, Case
Finding Chairman said the ass-
ociation is considering the pur-
chase of a Pulmonary Function
Vital Capacity Machine to be
used in the community. The
machine is valuable forDiagnos-
is, Therapy, Prognosis and Re-
search in respiratory disease
and would be a welcome addit-
ion to the facilities of the health
"team" in the community.
Mrs. Edith Fisher, Mitchell,
gave the Education report. Mrs.
Fisher said that the Association's
office in Stratford is a constant
source of information and aid to
all ages and faces of society.
Twe]ve thousand, three hundred
and fifty pamphlets had been
distributed on request since the
last meeting. Mrs. Fisher also
reported that the Association's
Program Director, Mrs. Beryl
Davidson had addressed eight
gatherings since the last meet-
ing and that a Nurses Institute
had been held with three spec-
ial speakers.
It was announced that the
Association would be taking
part in the 25th Anniversary
celebrations of the Kinsmen
Club in Stratford under the guid-
ance of E. J. Davis, a life mem-
ber of the Kinsmen Club and a
charter member and still a mem-
ber of the Huron Perth TB and
RD Association.
Mrs. Davidson told the meet-
ing she would be taking part in
. a Program Development Work-
shop in Hamilton in the near
future and that statistics were
being complied with a view to
establishing an "Enatphysema
Club" for the support of the
patient and family of this suf-
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