HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1970-04-02, Page 16PAGE SIXTEEN
FULL HOUSE - A crowd of close to 600 were on hand at the Zurich Community Centre on Sunday for the final night of the "Faith
and Life Crusade." The evangelist conducting the crusade, Rev. John Shrier, of Waterloo, is seen at the top centre of this photo
as he delivers his sermon on 'World End." Behind him on the stage is the massed choir, made up of members of all the churches
in the area. (Citizens News Photo)
Crusade Speaker Uses Bible References
"I didn't say this. The Bible
says it... I really believe what
I preach." To those who attend-
ed the Faith and Life Crusade,
March 22-29, in the Zurich
Community. Centre, these state-
ments typify the positive type
of Christianity Pastor John C.
Shrier of Waterloo, preaches
and believes. Christianity, ac-
cording to Shrier, is not out-
dated. All you need to do is
read your Bible for yourself and
see how relevant it really is.
Few people know how happy
they could be if they were wil-
ling to try the Christian reguire-
ments demanded by Christ and
be "saved."
Within the above context, the
Crusade audienced sermons on
such subjects as, "The High
Cost of Discipleship, " "The
Contribution of Rock to the
Youth Revolution, " "The Truth
About Miracles, " and "When
Will Christ Return?" Through
these sermons, positive notes
of the certainty of happiness in
Christ pervaded each evening
of the Crusade.
"Being Saved" is not the
pnd, " S trier indicated time and
again. "A Christian's role is to
be a disciple. The cost of dis-
cipleship could mean losing
friends and esteem in the com-
munity but there is no middle
road in today's society. A Christ-
ian must live Christianity in all
areas of his life."
On Saturday night Shrier
questioned the defence of good
in rock festivals. Since youth
music today is an "anthem of
revolution" and rock festivals
are structured around "rock",
a Christian could not be a part-
icipant. The wrongs in rock
festivals, such as those held
recently in New York and Eng-
land, as the evangelist sees
them, are: immorality, vio-
lence ("how can you say there
is no violence involved when
kids blow their minds?"), drugs
(drugs are bondage"), and all
the revolution behind external
symptoms such as drugs and haix.
Sprier strongly feels that kids
don't believe in what they're
doling. They only want to
throw an element of shock at
the establishment. Contrary to
the belief many kids have that
they are free in this kind of
setting, Sprier would say that
they could only be free in Christ,
"How can you help but be-
lieve in miracles when you
actually see them happen?"
Sprier related several 'explos-
ions of Almightiness" he had
witnessed. Probably the most
influential miracle in his own
life was the phenomenal heal-
ing of his father, who is pres-
ently active as layevangelist,
after being bedridden for ten
years with TB.
In his last sermon, Shrier
outlined various signs which
are presently occurring that
point to the return of Christ.
Famine, earthquakes, material-
ism and spiritual awakening
(such as on many campuses on
this continent, and in Indonesia
would verify his conclusion that
Biblical prophecy is being ful-
filled. In light of this, Sprier
pleaded that Christians "occupy
until He comes."
A community spirit was felt
throughout the Crusade. All
area churches participated in
planning and in setting up the
program. An encouraging note
for Christianity was felt when
Protestants and Catholics alike
not only attended but also part-
icipated in the community
project. Shrier finds this a
noteworthy accomplishment.
The total offerings received
during the eight -night Crusade
amounted to almost $1400.,
while an estimated crowd of
between 3500 and 4000 attended
over the eight days. Largest
crowds were present on Tuesday,
Saturday and Sunday evenings.
Bitter Pit Control
Based on Calcium
All apple varieties, but es-
pecially Northern Spy, have
been plagued by bitter pit. Now
work is under way to ensure
some degree of control over
this problem.
One contract will take care of your complete project, including
Backhoe Service Now Available
Aluminum Doors and Windows
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Richard Bedatd
DIAL 236.4 79 ZURICH
Bitter pit is the name given
to the sunken spots at the calyx
end of the fruit. Dr. R, A. Cline,
of the Horticultural Research
Institute of Ontario, said it
was formerly believed that ex-
cess nitrogen caused this dis-
order, but it is now thought
that calcium deficienceis in
the affected fruit account for
the disease.
Dr. Cline said that calcium
sprays have been used against
bitter pit in Australia and South
Africa and had proved success-
ful. Similar tests in Ontario
also showed good results. At
least three sprayings were require
ed. If fewer than three sprays
were applied the control was
not complete. The best time
to begin sprayings was found
to be late July, and the appl-
ications were made at two-
week intervals. Dr. Cline said
that the fruit must be thoroughly
covered with spray.
Consumers' News
Are you in the market for a
new stove? If so, the first thing
you must decide is whether you
want an electric or a gas unit.
Then you must choose between
the various brands and features
that are available today.
Do you want a free-standing
stove, a built-in unit, counter
elements with a wall oven, or
the type that has an oven above
and below? These are the ques-
tions you must settle before mak-
ing your purchase.
Take time to compare prices.
The price of stoves can vary from"
store to store as well as from
brand to brand.
Besides the initial cost, you
might have to consider financing
it. The least expensive method
of paying off any appliance is
to pay cash. If you can get a
discount, so much the better.
If, on the other hand, you plan
to buy it on credit, check what
it will cost to borrow the money
(in dollars and cents as well as
in percent of interest), from
such sources as banks, credit
unions and finance companies
and then compare these rates
with those being charged by
the store.
The najority of free-standing
as and electric models are 30
inches wide but they also come
in 24 -inch widths. Some smal-
ler ones are also available in
the 20 l/2 -inch and 22 -inch
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