HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1970-03-19, Page 9THURSDAY, MARCH 19. 1970 ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS PAGE NINE MAKING HIS POINT - Johii Pearson, second from left in this pnoto, a representative of the Depart -rent of Municipal Affairs, is seen here as he stresses a point to Albert J. Kaibfleisch, a past president of the Zurich Chamber of Commerce and a long-time resident of Zurich. On the extreme left is Gordon Hess, reeve of Zurich, while on the extreme right is Leroy Thiel, president of the local Chamber of Commerce. Easter Seal Campaign Lagging; Still More Donations Needed For Objective through one of the world's most comprehensive treatment and rehabilitation programs." The Society, he said, main- tains 21 District Nursing Offices throughout Ontario, staffed by 37 specially trained Public Health nurses. The service is one of the most extensive anywhere in the world and enables the Society to keep in direct and constant touch with more than 14, 000 crippled children in Ontario. Club members, working with Mr. O'Brien, also maintain a close and direct contact with the youngsters of this area and their parents. This way they are able to provide the Society with a continuing and personal- ized report on each child and to ensure that everything pos- sible is being done to give them their rightful place in the com- munity. Mr. O'Brien urged all those who had not done so, to mail their contributions to the Zurich Lions Club, in care of Robert F. Westlake, treasurer of the Easter Seals committee. "Spring" said Mr. O'Brien "traditionally represents the season of hope, and, for a crippled child, hope means a donation to the Easter Seal campaign." An Easter Seal won't get a letter through the post office. It can't be redeemed for an electric frying pan or converted into instant cash. All it can do is bring a smile to the face of a handicapped youngster. This year the Zurich Lions Club is seeking $1050. in don- ations to its Easter Seal camp- aign which ends Easter Sunday, March 29. To date $625. has been donated. The club conducts the camp- aign in conjunction with the Ontario Society for Crippled Children aril half the funds raised are retained by the Club for the direct benefit of needy crippled children in this area. "This money, " said club campaign chairman, Donald L. O'Brien, "enables us to assist the children and their parents in a great many ways, including help in purchasing artificial limbs or other equipment such as wheelchairs and braces, trans- portation to and from camps and, if required, help in paying for camping fees." "The balance of the funds raised here go directly to the Ontario Society for Crippled Children. There they are used to support the handicapped youngsters in this province w+vR via 'IA AFTER ALL SA/D , AND DONE" TERES A LOT MORE SAID THAN GETS �✓' ° l DONE. General Contracting BUILDING and REMODELLING . WE WILL BUILD YOUR HOME • COTTAGE • BARN • GARAGE One contract will take care of your complete project, including PLUMBING • HEATING • ELECTRICAL WORK Backhoe ... oService Now Available Aluminum Doors and Windows Only $38 STANDARD STOCK SIZE DOORS Completely Installed Bedard DIAL Richard336-0679 ZURICI1 Area Women Hear (continued from page 1) teen-age boys. Brother Robert's school is 1500 feet above sea level, higher than the highest mountain in Canada. The Nat- ional language (Hindu) is very hard to learn; e.g. there are four ways of saying "How are you", one for each class of people. Some people in Darjeeling are born, lave and die in the streets. As it is bacl luck to have a person die in their homes, the critically ill are put out on the street to die. Some of these people are picked up and taken to a Death House, where they might be given three days of decent living before they die. The life span is between 30 and 40 years. In the 60's the population of India increased one hundred million every year. When visiting the hill people the custom is to be served an egg and a cup of tea before you leave. There are no cries about air pollution in Darjeeling and no problems with drugs. Many people are struggling to obtain enough food to keep alive. Teen agers are thankful for schools and anxious to get an education. Let us remember Brother Rob- ert in our prayers as he furthers his studies in London, then returns to Darjeeling Mission in November. Mrs. Dorothy Koehler thanked Brother Robert for his interesting talk and colourful slides and presented him with a small gift in appreciation. The ushers for the evening, Mrs. Clarence Schade and Mrs. Norman Gascho took the offer- ing. Mrs. 1-Iess extended an invitation to everyone to gather in the basement for refreshments, Mrs. Wes Merner and Mrs. Mary Hoffman poured tea and coffee, ATTENTION ! Snowmobile Owners Buy and Save, on Our • TWO-STROKE OIL • Home Beat Service ONE CALL DOES IT ALL! • Free Burner Service • Gas -- Oil — Greases CHARLES E. ECKEL "Supertest Farm Agent" Phone 236-4611 Zurich DASHWOOD LADIES AID The business meeting of Zion Lutheran Ladies Aid was held Wednesday, March 11 following the Lenten Service with the ser- mon in the series "Were you There?" by Rev. E.E. Stein- man taking the place of the topic. Mrs. Lorne Genttner, presi- dent, dealt with the business. There were 18 members and 2 visitors present., There were six cards sent, five treats, and 18 visits to the shut-ins. The Altar guild is Mrs. Albert Miller and Mrs. Marie Reste- mayek. Easter lilies will be pur- chased for Palm Sunday. Group three and four will cater to a confirmation dinner for Mrs. Harry Hayter on Palm Sunday. The ladies decided to have a bake sale in July. PLEASE NOTE As of April 1 OUR SERVICE AND PARTS DEPARTMENTS Will Be Closing at 12:00 Noon Saturdays VIZI i r Motors L IMI TED EXETER 235-1640 LONDON 227-4191 Huron County's Largest Ford Dealer Clay Farm Drain Tile • Loose or Palletted • Delivery or Pick Up At Yard USE CLAY TILE FOR Tested and Proven Performance LOWEST PRICES Order Now for Seasonal Discounts PARKHILL BRICK & TILE COMPANY For Further Details Phone - London 438-1021 COLLECT DE -FLY -ER After 17 years of service — stilt the most effective proven method to kill insect pests. Recommended for use in RESTAURANTS — STORES — BAKERIES — FACTORIES — BARNS — GREENHOUSES — WAREHOUSES — OFFICES and wherever insect control is needed. Over 200,000 Units Sold In Canada Economical Automatic Odorless Clean GUARANTEE De -Fly -Er of Canada Ltd. guarantees that: The unit will function properly at all times; De -Fly -Er will control your insect problem; The chemical you receive is of the highest quality. If units are installed and operated according to instructions — satisfaction — or your money back. No Messy Sprays Continuous 24 -Hour Protection Varna Exc usive Agent For Huron County For DE -FLYER OF CANADA LTD. R. Ke PECK Tel. Hensel! 262.5746, Ont. 1013.1101.1710119=111.1t.C.1.111121.2