HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1970-03-05, Page 7THURSDAY, MARCH 5, 1970 ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS Town Talk Winners at the euchre party sponsored by the Zurich Worsens Institute were: ladies high, Mrs. William McLachlan; men's high, Mr. Henry Atkins. Lucky cup prize was won by Mrs. O. Moore. Mrs. Milton Deitz spent a couple days last week visiting with members of her family in London. Mrs. Horton McDougall spent several days visiting at the home of her daughter and son- in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Hess. Brother Robert Mittleholtz who has spent the past eight years teaching in a boys school in India was a Friday afternoon guest at Zurich Public School. Brother Mittleholtz spent the afternoon showing the pupils pictures and telling them of life in India, which they found most interesting and educationa. Zurich Mennonite Ephraim Gingerich, Pastor SUNDAY, MARCH 8 — 10:00 a.m.—Worship Service 10:45 a.m.—Sunday School "They that trust in the Lord shall be as Mount Zion which cannot be removed but abideth forever." MISMEMERENHOMMISSISPEEMBIEMISZIESIMIEVIVS St. Peter's Lutheran Church Rev. A. C. Blackwell, B.A., B.D. Pastor SUNDAY, MARCH 8 — 10:00 a.m.—Worship Service 10:45 a.m.--Sunday Church School Every Wednesday Night 8:00 p.m.—Lenten Service Everyone Welcome LAKEVIEW CONSERVATIVE Mennonite Church Formerly SS 4, EAST STANLEY Minister: Alvin Baker SUNDAY, MARCH 8 — 10:00 a.m.—Sunday School 11:00 a.m.—Worship Service 8:00 p.m, Evening Service Every Wednesday Evening — 8:00 p.m.—Bible Study and Prayer Meeting We invite you to worship with us Mrs. Ted Steinbach and Mrs. Claire Deichert attended the '70th annual meeting and con- vention of the Ontario Agricul- tural Society in Toronto. Mrs. Theresa Hartman visited on Sunday with her sister, Sister Rosalie Ducharme at St. Joseph Hospital, London. Sister Rosalie had the misfortune of falling on some ice in Hensall, breaking her hip. Mr. and Mrs. William Des Marais of Windsor was a week- end visitor with Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Sweeney. Also visiting at the Sweeney home were Mr. and Mrs. George Harvey and Mr. and Mrs. John Harvey all of Detroit. Mrs. T. Hartman and Mr. and Mrs. Greg Fleming were Sunday evening visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Gerry Hartman and boys, London. Rev. John Huether and Jacl. Schwartz of Emmanual Church attended the funeral of the late Rev. G.L. Gross, in Sebringville United Church, on Tuesday, February 24. Mr. Gross, who resided at Albright Gardens Beamsville, intil his death, served pastorates in the former E.U.B, church at Listowel, Port Elgin and Morriston as well as other communities, in over 50 years in the ministry. The ser- vice was conducted by the min- ister Rev. Earl Pletch, with Rev. Wesley Siebert of Stratford de- livering the funeral sermon. 0 CELEBRATE ANNIVERSARY Mr. a'ncl Mrs. Ed Stire were honored on Sunday, Marchi 1, on the occasion of their 54t1i wed- ding anniversary when the members of their family gather- ed at the Dashwood hotel for a dinner. Emmanuel United Church ZURICH Rev. John Huether, B.A., B.D., Minister Mrs. Milton Oesch, Organist SUNDAY, MARCH 8 — 10:00a.m.—Morning Worship 11:10 a.m. Sunday Church School 7:30 p.m.—Lenten Meeting 8:30 p.m.—General, Visitation Committee Wednesday, March 11 — 8:00 p.m.—U.C.W. Speaker: Bro. Robert Mittleholtz, S.J.. Darjeeling, India. Other women's groups invited �a,.ar44;w;awx, REY,. JOHN C. SHRIER discuss Midnight Experience Roots of ebellion What Kind of Place is Hell What is the Big Happening? ZURICH COMMUNITY CENTRE 8:00 P.M. NIGHTLY PAGE SEVEN Easter Seal Campaign Sets Objective Of $1050, Dashwood, Hensall, Zurich An objective of $1050 has be- en set for the Dashwood-Ilensall- I-Iay township Zurich Easter Seal campaign, which extends from February 26 to March 29. The campaign is conducted locally by Zurich Lions Club in conjuction with the Ontario Society for Crippled Children. The campaign chairman for this area is Donald L. O'Brien. Over- all objective of the 1970 Ontario Easter Seal campaign is $1, 600, 000. Mr. O'Brien emphasized that half of the funds raised here re- main in the community for the direct assistance of needy local handicapped children. "These funds, " he said, "en- able our club to assist these children and their families in a great many ways, such as financial help in the purchase of artificial limbs or special equip- ment such as braces or wheel- chairs, camping fees and trans- portation to and from camps or clinics." "In addition, " he said, "the club has a continuing visitation program which both assures us that everything possible is being done for the children and re- assures the children and their parents that they are not alone in facing their difficulties." "The balance of the funds raised here go directly to the Ontario Society for Crippled Children. There they are used to support the handicapped youngsters in this province through one of the world's most comprehensive treatment and rehabilitation programs." The Society operates 21 Dis- trict Nursing Offices throughout Ontario staffed by 37 specially trained Public Health nurses. In addition, the Society, work- ing with local Easter Seal ser- vice clubs, sthansors a series of special clinics across Ontario. Medical specialists whose assis- tance would not otherwise be available locally, take part in these clinics which each year examine nearly 2, 000 young- sters. The more than 14, 000 handi- capped children in Ontario also benefit from the Society's con- tinuing support of the 18 treat- ment centres located throughout Ontario. Many of the children also attend one of the five sum- mer camps owned and operated by the Society. "These children, " said Mr. O'Brien, "need our support. I hope and trust the people of our entire area will prove generous in its support' of the Easter Seal campaign. " swop NEEYOUIL, ., .. Club House or Planters -16 Oz. Peanut Butter Post's -14 -Oz. Package Minute Rice Apple Flavor -31/4-0z. Packages Nabisco -10 -Oz. Package 45c Shredded Whe. t - - 2/49c Blue Bonnet Colored 57c Margarine _ _ _ 3 Lbs. 95c Nab tb Crystals - - 2/33c All Flavors -6 Oz. Pamper Cat Food _ _ 4/73c Top Choice -36 -Oz. Package Dog Burgers 85c Spork-12-Oz. Tin Luncheon Meas t 65c Christie's or Weston's-13-Oz. Packages Hon y Gratia was - - _ 2/87c 34 -Oz. Tin Sand -Flash 47c 60s -11c Off—Package The T 7c Schick Krona -5 -Blade Package Chrome Blades 59c Hostess—Regular 59c SPECIAL Fresh apple Pies - - - - 49c F:'i UiTS A"L1 Maxwell House -10c Off 6 Oz. Instant Cffee _ - - Delsey—Assorted Colors -4 -Roll Pak $119 B throom Tissue _ _ _ _ 59c Sweet Mix or Yum Yum -15 Oz. [tick's Pkkles _ _ _ _ 2/63c Hostess—Regular 39c -8 -Oz. Packages r ` Pais 2/7 c Quick, 3 Lb.; Instant, 44 Oz.—Package t'..aker 0 ts 63c Van Camp -28 Oz. Bei 'ns and Pork _ _ 35c 28 Ounce Mime 'e To . a toes _ _ 29c Halves— 28 Oz. 5u ,Ely VI af: Teach s - - 43c E::,aET BLES CALIFORNIA LETTUCE, No. 1, 24s - - - - 2 HEADS 49c SUNKIST ORANGES, NAVEL, 113s DOZ. 69c TEXAS SPINACH, - No. 1 _ 10-0Z. BAGS 25c FAT SPECIALS LOI ENASTS,, 3-L ,® A, ,,ERAGE L L I` IN PRK CEI PS L MINCE ,„„ HA DIAL 2864354 ® ZURICH 75c 79c 65c 1,1 � ii...,i•.i,I, 1 A