HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1970-03-05, Page 3THURSDAY, MARCH 5, 1970 ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS Help Crippled Kids Approximately $300 was rais- ed for crippled children as a result of a most successful event on Sunday at the Pineridge Chalet, about four miles east of Zurich, or two miles west of Hensall, and a half mile south. Sponsored by the management and members of the snowmobile cltb, the pancake breakfast and beef and moose barbecue at- tracted many more people than had been anticipated. Officials at the Chalet estimated that at least 190 persons were served' with breakfasts, and another 365 were served with barbecued food throughout the afternoon. Late in the afternoon supplies began running short, and before the six o'clock closing time came around everything had been served that was available. One official of the club told the Citizens News that they felt badly not being able to serve everyone who came, but they just didn't expect that big a crowd. Many snowmobile fans came with their units towed behind cars, while others had them loaded on the back of pick-up trucks. Still others drove to the location on their snowmobil- es, and many people who don't own snowmobiles just came in cars for the sake of eatingsome of the tasty food, and heping crippled children. Hensall Council Make Plans For (continued from page 1) be finished for this year and the remainder will be done later. Councillor Neilands asked if council would consider paying part of the cost of the steel for the arena roof, as E, Fink had secured same at an ealier date at some cost to himself. Coun- cil agreed to pay 50% of the cost of the steel as soon as a statement has been received fron Fink. Davis was asked if he had investigated gasoline fumes in a drain and informed council that be had contacted the Fire Chief who had in turn contacted an official from the Fire Mar- shall's office and that the probl- em has been rectified for the present. It had not been deter- mined where the fumes had originated. Council appointed E.R. Davis as weed inspector for the year 1970. The clerk informed council that it would have to de- cide on road expenditures for the year 1970, as he must have the necessary information sent in very soon. Council tentative- ly decided to pave Elizabeth Sr. fom King St. to Oxford St. West and also Oxford St. West in its entirety of the portion already excavated. Council passed By-law 3, 1970, to -00114.1.1.11111 PAGE THREE HELP CRIPPLED CHILDREN - Members of the Pineridge Chalet staged a pancake breakfast on Sun- day, and turned all the proceeds over to the crippled children fund, and later in the day they operated a successful beef and moose barbecue. Two former Hensall residents, Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Mous- seau, are shown here as they receive special attention from Mrs. Harold Elder, RR2, Hensall, on the left, and Mrs. Russel Tiernan, Exeter, on the right, with their generous helpings of pancakes and sausages. (Citizens News Photo) spend $4, 500. on construction and $2, 500. on maintenance under the Highways Improvement Act. The tender of C.D. Reid and Sons was accepted, and the fol- lowing prices were quoted; Pit -run gravel, $L50 per Cu. yd; cruched gravel $2. per cu. yd. , and excavating .75¢ per toot. The 1969 tax arrears were • sent to the county for collection, A building permit was passed for Wilmer Ferguson, to build cup- boards. Weston's—(Regularly 69c) Angelfood Cakes 57c Bere's Mini—(Prepriced 59c) -12 -Oz. Bags Chocolate Chips 2/$1 Spiffy—(Deal Pack) -32 Oz. Toilet Bowl Cleaner _ _ _ _ 69c Royal -3 -Oz. Packages Jelly Powders 9/$1 King Size—(Deal Pack) Bold Detergent $1®59 (Deal Pack) -3 -Lb. Package Blue Bonnet Margarine _ _ 91c Miss Mew -6 Oz. Cat Food _ _ _ _ -- _ -- 6/9c Orange or Grapefruit -48 Oz. Jaffa Juice 3/$1 Super Size—Mint or Regular—Tube Crest Toothpaste 99c Mazola—(For Chicken) -3 -Oz. Package Tasty Bake 2/49e Instant—(Deal Pack of 3) -34 -Oz. Packages Jell-O Puddings 32c 7 -Oz. Special "K"; 9.Oz. Rice Krispies; 1.2 -Oz. Corn Flakes Kellogg's Cereals _ 3/99c FROZEN FOOD BISSET'S %Z GALLONS ICE-CREAM 89c alliniffaMEIMIRUENIMMIEMFILEM PRODUCE INDIAN RIVER No. 1-48s GRAPEFRUIT (White or Pink) 12 for 99c MEXICAN No. 1 VINE -RIPE TOMATOES 27c LB. PEAMEALED By the piece, lb. 89c Back Bacon Sliced, Ib. 98c SHOULDERS 16. 49c WIENERS 16. 55c PORK CHOPS 16. 79c MAC & CHEESE, CHICKEN LOAF MEAT -by -PRODUCTS Ib. 59c SIDE BACONR..=.16.89c SAUSAGE 2 Ibs. 89c