HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1970-02-26, Page 8PAGE EIGHT Grand Bend'Counci! Short of Members At Regular Session For the third consecutive meeting, Grand Bend Village Council had insufficient numb- ers present to create a Quorum. Reeve Orval Wassmann and councillors Ivan Luther andAl Parker were the only regulars that showed up for last Monday's regular meeting. Councillor Douglas Martin is presently holidaying in Florida and Councillor Ian Coles was absent presumably due to ill- ness, Council received a recom- mendation from the Ontario Department of Highways that the regular road expenditure bylaw for 1970 be set at $29, 000 being made up of $^l, 000 for new construction and $8, 000 for road maintenance. Council gave tentative approval. In 1069, the regular bylaw was for $16, 000. Some of the increase is slated for completion of the Pollock bridge on Gill Road that is being constructed as a joint project with Stephen Township. In other business council: Authorized the attendance of Reeve Orval Wassmann, Councillors Ivan Luther and Al Parker and acting Road Foreman James Connolly at next week's annual Good Roads Convention in Toronto. Instructed Clerk Martel to write the necessary manufac- turers asking for prices on pur- chase and installation of a rotating fire siren on the village fire hal. 0 Medical Group Meet At Zurich The official opening of the Huron County Medical Secretar- ies Association was held recent- ly •at the Seaforth Medical Centre in Seaforth. Guests for the evening were Mrs. Marjorie Holbourne, Toronto, who is executive sec- retary for the Ontario Medical Association, and Mrs. Doris Crawford, Kingston, president of the Ontario Medical Secre- taries Association. A subsequent meeting was held at the Zurich Medical Centre when guests were Del Creighton, marketing dept. of London Life and Don Paro from Healthco. Theydiscussed problems encount- ered when submitting doctors claims to Insurance companies. 0 Many Dry Holes Found in Search For Water Supply Last year in Ontario approx- imately 500 dry holes were reported by drillers looking for water. Many rural and suburban homes have an inadequate water supply because the house was built before the availability of water was established. Professor Ross Irwin, Extension co-ordinator, School of Agricult- ural Engineering, University of Guelph, says that anyone plann- ing to build in rural areas should first get an option to drill before buying land to ensure that sufficient water is available. Professor Irwin notes that the Central Mortgage and Housing Corporation requires that there be a water supply equal to five ballons pumped every minute efore it will approve a loan to build under the National Housing Act, He also points out that the water supply needed for every home should be equivalent to 75 gallons per head per day. Large hones, especially, need a good well, says Professor Irwin, and anyone planning to build should check the supplies for himself rather than rely on unconfirmed reports that there is sufficient water available, ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 1970 TOWNSHIP of HAY - • AUDITOR'S REPORT The Reeve, Councillors and Ratepayers, The Corporation of the Township of Hay, Zurich, Ontario. Gentlemen: The operations for the year resulted in a surplus of $5,034,83 after taking prior years surplus of $7,029.53 into 1969 revenue and providing $10,000.00 to increase the reserve for working funds. Hay Municipal Telephone System had a surplus of $12,720.00 for the year ended December 31, 1969, compared with a $14,479.00 for the previous year. The accounts and records of the Township of Hay were maintained in a satisfactory manner. I would like to thank your Clerk -Treasurer and his staff for their co-operation during the course of my audit. I hereby report that in my opinion 1. The financial transactions which have come under notice have been within the powers of the municipality. 2. The audit has been conducted in accordance with the in- structions of the Department of Municipal Affairs. 3, The financial statements present fairly the financial posi- tion of the municipality as at December 31, 1969, and the results of its operations for the year ended on that date. Date of filing, February 23. 1970. A. M. HARPER, Licence Number 3664. February 10, 1970 Statement of Revenue and Expenditure for the year ended December 31, 1969 REVENUE Taxation $285,307 Contributions from other governments _ 118,621 Other 11,430 TOTAL REVENUE _ 415,358 EXPENDITURE General government 16,987 Protection to persons and property 4,916 Public works 152,503 Sanitation and waste removal _ 374 Social and family services 3,862 Recreation and community services ___. . __.._ __. 825 Community planning and development __ 4,107 Financial expenses _ _ __ ______ __ .. ..._ _ 11,884 Education . 142,470 County - share of expenditure . 75,986 Other _______-- _ - - 3,439 TOTAL EXPENDITURE _ 417,353 (Excess of expenditure over revenue for the year (1,995) Surplus at the beginning of the year _ .._-_____ 7,030 Surplus at• the end of the year ___ 5,035 Analysis of Revenue for the year ended December 31, 1969 Taxation: Realty -Residential and farm $237,728 -Commercial and industrial 13,322 Business Special charges Contributions from other governments: Ontario Subsidies -Ontario -General Per capita Residential property tax reduction Specific: Roadways General welfare assistance Warble Fly Other revenue: Licenses and permits Rents, concessions and franchises Penalties and interest on taxes Provision for deferred revenue ._ Sundry _.- TOTAL REVENUE Analysis of Expenditure for the year ended December 31, 1969 General government: Members of council General administration Unclassified Protection to persons and property: Fire Protective inspections _ Street lighting Unclassified Public works: Roadways _. _ Drainage Unclassified Sanitation and waste removal: Garbage collection and disposal 251,050 4,764 29,493 285,307 597 9,645 40,670 64,612 2,862 235 118,024 118,621 2,672 935 2,516 444 4,863 11,430 $415,358 __ $ 2,810 13,809 368 16,987 2,920 48 23 1,925 4,916 115,630 _____ 7,380 29,493 152,503 374 Social and family services General assistance _ Unclassified Recreation and community services: Parks and recreation _______ _.. _____.__ _. Community planning and development: Planning and zoning Industrial development Unclassified Financial expenses: Interest on temporary borrowing Provision for reserves Unclassified .___ .. Education: Elementary -public -separate Secondary County -share of expenditure Other -Police Village of Dashwood 3,767 95 3,862 825 114 243 3,750 4,107 677 . 10,500 707 11,884 50,912 11,889 79,669 142,470 75,986 3,439 TOTAL EXPENDITURE - _ . $417,353 Revenue Fund Balance Sheet as at December 31, 1969 ASSETS Cash Accounts receivable: Other governments -Ontario Municipal _ $23,116 58 Local board and other funds: Municipal drains financed from current funds Other after deducting allowance for doubtful accounts Taxes receivable, after deducting allowance for uncollectable taxes Property acquired for taxes, after deducting allowance for loss on sale _ TOAL ASSETS LIABILITIES Local boards and other funds: Due to schools _ $ 34 Due to Capital Funds - _ 183 Other Other liabilities __ _ Reserves ____________._ $ 22,008 23,174 6,157 100 34,844 63 $ 86,346 217 6,590 4 74,500 5,035 TOTAL LIABILITIES _ .__ $ 86,346 Statement of Source and Application of Capital Funds for the year ended December 31, 1969 SOURCE OF FUNDS Long term liabilities inccurred, at par: Tile Drainage program Contributions from the revenue fund for: Capital expenditure Balance at the e nd of the year not permanently financed . _ . _ _ _ $ 49,000 3,750 1,230 $ 53,980 APPLICATION OF FUNDS Balance at the beginning of the year not permanently financed _.__ . __ _ __ _ . $ 1,183 Capital expenditure: Community planning and development 3,750 Transfers for capital purposes: Others -Land owners -Tile drainage loans 49,000 Other -Adjustment from revenue fund re tile drains loans _ ._. 47 Capital Fund Balance Sheet as at December 31, 1969 ASSETS Local boards and other funds: Municipal drains $34,838 Due from revenue funds 183 $ 53,980 35,021 TOTAL CURRENT ASSETS __. 35,021 Capital outlay to be recovered in future years ___ ___ 879,901 TOTAL ASSETS 914,922 LIABILITIES Temporary loans TOTAL CURRENT LIABILITIES Net long term liabilities: General municipal activities Municipal enterprises School boards (all liabilities were assumed by divisional boards of education from Jan. 1, 1969_._ $ 33,790 33,790 173,613 '404,500 303,019 881,132 TOTAL LIABILITIES _..__...._..--. $914,922