HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1970-02-19, Page 9THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 1970 Stephen Township Council Plan Road Work at Heavy February Session Items of business handled by Stephen township council last week concerned raod work. A bylaw was passed setting the 1969 regular road expend- itures at $135, 500. Of this a- mount, $43, 000 is to be spent on a new construction with $92, 500 allocated for maint- enance, Last year's regular bylaw was for $128, 500. The extra $7, 000 is allocated for construction with one of the projects being completion of the Pollock Bridge near Grand Bend, Newly appointed road super- intendent Frank Mcisaac was instructed to call for tenders for hauling and spreading of 22, 000 cubic yards of gravel from the stockpile at Siliery's Pit in Usborne township. Mclsaac will also call for tenders for the supply of approx- imately 125 tons of liquid cal- cium to be applied to township roads. Tenders will also be invited from local suppliers for warble fly powder for 1970 use. Clerk Wilma" D, Wein and deputy -reeve Joseph Dietrich are representing the township at the Association of Rural Municipalities Convention being held in Hamilton this week. Two weeks later, Reeve James Hayter, Councillor Stephen Emmanuel UCW Discuss Poverty Mrs. Tom Meyers chaired the February meeting of Emmanuel 13. C , W. , opening with a short poem, followed by prayer. "Let the lower lights be burning," was sung. Reading entitled, "How to destroy the country, " was given by Mrs. Melvin Brown. Mrs. Ken Breaky, Mrs. l-Ierb Neeb, and Mrs. Meno Steckle favoured with a very pleasing trio. Mrs. Nancy Koehler read the scripture and Mrs. Brown followed with prayer. A Duet by Mrs. Breakey and Mrs. Neeb was enjoyed. Mrs-. Steckle presented the topic on poverty, taken from the book "Reconciliation in a broken World." Offering was received. "Lord speak to that I may speak,." was sung as a closing prayer. The president, Mrs. George Bullock conducted the business. A social half hour followed. Deadline for tax savings on registered retirement savings plans Deposits made by February 28, 1970 are tax free for 1969 returns Victoria and Grey Trust offers you three tax savings retirement plans. —an "equity fund plan" designed for greatest capital appreciation —a high cumulative income plan —a Guaranteed Investment Certificate plan fully guaranteed as to principal and interest Start Retiring today at Victoria and Grey VICTORIAa,d GREY VG TRUST COMPANY SINCE 1880 Dundas, Road Superintendent Mcisaac and one of the road employees will attend the Good Roads Convention in Toronto. Council approved a grant of $250 to the Huron park Council to assist in their recreational program. Rev. David Ellyatt headed a delegation that asked for assistance in financing a sports set-up for the many boys and girls residing at the Park. A resolution was passed auth- orizing a reforestration program by Dr. Fielding and the Ontario Department of Lands and Forests at part of Lot 20, Concession 18. Reeve Hayter was re- appoint- ed to handle all industrial con- tracts for the township and Deputy -reeve Dietrich is the representative to the Ontario Farm Drainage Association. ZURICH CITIZENS .NEWS USBORNE AWARDS CONTRACT Usborne Township council awarded two contracts at their February meeting. The meeting also featured a presentation of a desk set to Reeve Roy.Westcott to mark the occasion of his el- ection as. Huron Warden. The presentation was made by road superintendent W J, Routly on behalf of the council and township officials. R,H. Jennison Ltd., Grand Bend, was awarded the gravel contract. The firm will crush and spread 15, 000 cubic yards at 92¢ per yard and crush and stockpile an additional 2, 000 yards at 60$ for a total cost of $15, 000. The price was $720 less than the figure tendered by Sandy Contracting Co. Ltd., Goderich. Fuel tenders were also opened and awarded to the low bidder, Ross Scott Limited, Brucefield. The firm will supply and del- iver gasoline at 21.5¢ per gallon, diesel fuel at 18¢ and stove oil at 24¢, Six bids were received, In other business council: Approved membership be tak- en out in the Ontario Farm Drain- age Association for $10 and the Ontario Association of Mayors and Reeves at $20. Approved weekly expenses of $3 for the sanitary inspector.. Appointed Councillors Morley and Ferguson to the MODA Tourist Council and Councillor McBride to the MODA zone council, Discussed interim or more - than -once -a- year ore-than-once-a-year tax billing but deferred decision until the county finishes discussion with the Huron Board of Education on the proposed idea that the mun- icipalities pay levies twice year- ly as opposed to the quarterly payments as authorized by govern ment regulations. Agreed that tax billing through the IBM datacentre would not be suitable to Usborn'e's requirement PAGE NINE Dashwood Ladies Discuss Sermon The mid -week Lenten Sermon'Were you There?, " by Rev. R,E. Steinman, was the topic for the evening. Sixteen ladies and four visitors gathered in the basement for a business meeting. The Altar Guild reported ten visits and one gift of flowers. The new Guild is Mrs. Martha Miller and Mrs. Irvin Rader. The ladies accepted an invitation from Calvary United Church ladies to meet with them Friday, March 13, to see pictures on the Guenthers' recent trip to Bethlehem. An invitation was given the ladies to accompany the W.I. on a bus trip to Kitchener March 3. Plans for the year were discussed, Gingerich's Appliances FurOiture. Clinton ZURICH SEAFORTH ONE -OF -A -KIND SALE Mier ."6=7111 '."," a-7714 164.4 kJ 10 Cubic Feet $179 With Trade 13 Cubic Feet $299 With Trade 16 Cubic Feet $399 With Trade 24" RANGE Completely Automatic Only $179 (with trade) Beatty Wringer Washer Only $109 (with working trade) FRIGIDAI�tE Automatic Dishwasher Model DWITR Only $ 3 6 9 Trade FrigidaireFrigidaire 39" Range Model RA39L Only $279 Trate Frigidaire Spinner (Dem.) Only $ 1 6 9 Frigidaire Refrigerator , 13 Cu. Ft. -- Model FD13 Wi ONLY 3 2 9 Trade th Good Frigidaire Refrigerator 14 Cu. Ft. — Model FD14L ONLY $ 3 4 9 With Good Trade FRIGIDAIRE WASHER and DRYER (Two -Piece Demonstrator Set) Models WBDSN and DECSN Only $499 (Plus Trade) FOR THE TWO UNITS These are all "Last of the '69" Models and must be cleared out imniediately—.to make way for our fabulous Truck Load Sale Coming Soon ! !