HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1970-02-05, Page 2•;,"*'wiiN' `:. PAGE TWO ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 3, 1970 An evening service of Holy Communion was celebrated at St. Paul's Anglican Church by the Rev. G'. A. Anderson, Flow- ers in the church were in mem- ory of the late James A. Foster, placed by the family. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Shirray have returned from a month's Obituary JAMES A. FOSTER James A. Foster,rominent resident of Hensall for fifty- three years, passed away in South Huron Hospital, Exeter, on Tuesday, January 27, in his 81st year. Surviving are his wife, the former Allota (Lottie) Hilde- brant; two sons, Harold, Hen- sall; Ray, Shipka; two daughters, Jean, Mrs. Harry Smith, Lond- on; Marie, Mrs. Bill Howe, Tor- onto. He was predeceased by a son, Lorne. There is also one sister Mrs. Jacob Battler, R.R.3 Zurich; one brother, Albert, Biggar, Sask. Fifteen grand- children, and nine great-grand- children also survive. Mr, and Mrs. Foster celebrat- ed their diamond wedding., in August of 1969. The late Mr. Foster rested at the Bonthron Funeral Horne until Friday, January 30, when Re- quiem High Klass was said by Father A. Durand, at 11 a.m., in St. Boniface Roman Catholic Church, Zurich. Interment in St. Boniface Cemetery. Prayers were said Thursday evening at 8 p.m. in the funeral home. Pallbearers were Louis Erb, Ross Perry, Vern Sommers, John Hart, George Hildebrant, and Alphonsus Dietrich. ATTENTION ! Snowmobile Owners Buy and Save, on Our ® TWO-STROKE OIL • Home Heat Service ONE CALL DOTES IT ALL! • Free Burner Service • Gas — Oil — Greases CHARLES E. ECKEL "Supertest Farm Agent" Phone 236-4611 Zurich Correspondent: Maude Redden holiday in Florida. Mr, and Mrs. Douglas Shirray flew down to Tampa and accompanied them home. Captain John R. Beer of Win- nipeg, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Beer, and Mr. and Mrs. George Beer and family. Mrs. Gladys Coleman and Mrs. Esther Moffatt left Sunday for a vacation in Florida. Miss Sylvia Henderson has been transferred to the Bank of Montreal, London, England, and leaves from Toronto Inter - nation Airport on February 7. Mrs, Herb Stretton was taken by Westlake ambulance, Zurich, to South Huron Hospital, Exeter, on Thursday, January 29. Floyd Craine, Hensall, who has been a patient in South Hur- on Hospital, has been transfer- red to St. Joseph's Hospital, London, Annual Meeting Hensall United Church Pick New Trustees to Serve on Board Despite the "flu bug" and inclement weather conditions, the faithful and the brave ven- tured forth for the annual dinner and business meeting ofIlensall United Church. The U.C. W . convened the dinner arrange- ments, and following a bount- iful repast the president, Mrs. Vern Alderdice, presided for an informal program of music with Mrs. Bill Fuss at the piano and a humorous reading "Just like a man." Before the chairman, Rev. Harold Currie, conducted the business session, all present rose in recognition of Mrs. Edna Paterson who was celebrating her 80th birthday. The annual report booklets were distributed and reviewed, which told the story of the church's work for 1969. Vern Alderdice expressed the senti- ments of the congregation when he paid tribute to the retiring church treasurer, Mrs. Peter McNaughton, for her very dil- igent and efficient work in re- gard to the church finances dur- ing the past several years. She was presented with a gift by the stewardship committee which met at the rise of the annual meeting. Harvey keys will succeed Mrs. McNaughton as church treasurer. Edison Forrest was elected to another three year term as clerk of the congregation. In his ab- sence, Jack Drysdale was ap- pointed secretary for the even- ing's business. The chairman of the stewardship committee, Grant McGregor, presented the budget of $17, 000 for 1970, which was accepted, as well as the nominating committee re- port. New members to the steward- ship committee are Jack Drys- dale, Bill Fuss, and Ron Wareing, The trustee board requested that due to the retirement of Elgin Rowcliffe, and James McAll- ister from that board, the follow- ing men be added to the church HENSAf L FREE KING Week.nds onamernenowasnamaxixmamtan trustees, Walter Spencer, Ian McAllister, Bill Rowcliffe, Doug Cook and Vern Alderdice. It was announced that Feb- ruary would be known as "Obser- ver Month" and anyone wishing to subscribe to this valuable church Bi -monthly paper should contact the congregational United Church Observer repres- entative, Mrs. P, L. McNaughton as soon as possible. Congregational and United Church Women contributions to the Mission and Service Fund of the church amounted to $3, 3.00. Appreciation to Rev. and Mrs. Currie was given by Ron Wareing, and a gift presented by Mrs. Ron Mock. 0 Hensall Kinettes The Kinette Club of Hensall met last Wednesday night at the home of Mrs. Alvin Camp- bell. President Mrs. Harold Knight welcomed the special guest, Mrs. Ken Pollock. Donations were made to the Mental Retardation Association and to March of Dimes, which the Kinettes sponsored Monday night, February 2, in a canvass of the village. Plans were finalized for the club's assistance at the arena booth for the winter carnival week- end New industry To Build Campers (continued from page 1) Co -Op, which was formerly the home of Zurich Builder's Supply. They will also have some extra space at the south end of the building, which will give them over 3, 000 square feet of floor space. Most of the necessary equip- ment is now in the shop, ready to work with, and all supplies should be in this week, as well, Mr, Taylor said. At the pres- ent time only three or four per- sons will be employed in the plant, but as production increas- es and systems are set up this work force could be increased. Plant foreman for the new enterprise will be Murray Bak- er of Hensall, another veteran of many years experience in the mobile home industry. Both Mr. Baker and Mr. Taylor be- gan working in the shbp this week, and they hope to turn out their first model unit in the very near future. Follow- ing this an assembly line system of production will be adopted. Mr. Taylor has been quite active in tike community over the past years, and at the pres- ent time is the Hensall-Hay Township- Zurich representative on the Huron County Board of Education. Prior to this he serv- ed on the Advisory Committee to the Central Huron Vocational School at Clinton for a number of years. THEIR CODE OF ETHICS THEY CAN TRULY CLA/ IS THE SECRET TO THEIR FAME a Walper's Supertest 262-9910 Hensall LIST DRAW WINNERS At the Hensall Winter Carn- ival, five lucky draws were made and the winners are; first prize, binoculars, Bob Turner, R, R,1, Zurich; second prize, radio, Ed Fink, Hensall; third prize, luggage, Frank Varley, Hensall; fourth prize, wool blanket, Jamie Caldwell, Hen- sall; fifth prize, ladies wrist watch, Nancy Underwood, of Huron Park. The draw took place at the arena Saturday night with reeve Oliver Jaques drawing the lucky tickets. �. ~�'�G•+tf�y r. .ir�rf^ f � �^" r•�r?{��ff ;i $AVE AS MUCH AS $200 During Our February Clearance OF NEW Skiroules OVER 1 DOZEN NEW MACHINES — Plus — Several Good DEMONSTRATORS and USED MACHINES Full Warranty On All New Machines and Demonstrators FINANCING AVAILABLE JOHN ELDER ENTERPRISES RR2 HENSALL PH. 262-55.96 Come and see! Come and choose for every room! Come and save? CORONET AND OZITE C , RPET (INDOOR and OUTDOOR) All colors...all weaves...all materials that mean beauty and long wear. Save! Let us measure your Rooms, and give you a complete estimate, free of obligation! DONALD OKE LTD. tlMR6AfIDIeVIVIIMnm'wmmuOMEMESMEt PHONE 236-4092 ZURICU