HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1970-01-29, Page 1Qacra© No. 4—FIRST WITH THE LOCAL NEWS ON, ZURICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JANUARY 29, 1970 10 CENTS PER COPY A NEW SPORT - Something new for area sports enthusiasts has developed this winter along the shores of Lake Huron. Ice fishing is making an appearance, due to a heavy thickness of ice close to shore, and some good catches have already been reported. Seen here trying their luck just south of St. Joseph, are Tim Decker, Pete Deitz, Ed Gascho, and Wayne Decker, while kneeling in front examining the hole in the ice is Keith Thiel. Their fishing hut can be seen behind the group. County Council Opposed to Present School Tax System (by Shirley J. Keller) Since most municipal councils in Huron County pres- ently collect their taxes once annually, it was decided at 1-Iuron County council's January session that it would ini ose hard- ship on most councils iftheyhad to collect taxes on a quarterly basis as suggested in Bill 240 of the Secondary Schobls and Boards of Education Amendment Act. Council also agreed to send a letter to the I-iuron County Board of Education asking them to accept payment of taxes twice annually, at the end of June and at the end of December. Zurich Agricultural Society Elects Officers Claire Deichert, R. R.1, Zurich was re-elected to his third term as president of the Zurich Agricultural Society, at the annual meeting of the organ- ization held Saturday afternoon in the Ilay Township Hall, Zur- ich. Vice-presidents are Mrs. Irene Steinbach and Bill Baech- ler. Elected to the board of dir- ectors of the society are Mrs. Annie Flaxbard, Mrs. Arnold Merner, Joseph Hoffman, Larry Merner, Ken Gascho, Herb Beirling, Fred Mommerstee, Vincent Doyle and Glen Thiel. Secretary -treasurer is Mrs. Margaret Deichert. Chairman for the election of the board of directors was Albert J. Kalb- fleisch, who encouraged the members of the organization to carry on with their work and try to improve the annual Fall Fair each year. Following an offer from the Zurich Chamber of Commerce, to donate $100 in prize money towards 4-H Calf Clubs, the meeting agreed to stage an'a1l- out effort to re -organize for this particular phase of the event A committee made up of Herb Beirling, Ken Gascho and Vin- cent Doyle were appointed to visit the agricultural office in Clinton to seek all assistance possible in this project. They hope to organize both a dairy and beef club, with the addit- ional prize money -to be split among the two groups. All boys between the ages of 12 and 21 are eligible, and those inter- ested should contact one of the committee in charge as soon as possible. Chairman of the various committees all gave reports to the meeting, which was attend- ed by about 35 or 40 interested. persons. In most nearly every case, the reports indicated a better fair in 1969 than in some of the years past. Numerous suggestions were made at the meeting for ways of improving the annual event, and in the next few months the directors plan on holding regular meetings to further discuss these plans. One of the ideas which were mentioned was field crop competition, and the meeting felt quite confident this could become a reality. Gate receipts in 1969 were up over the past years, the financial report indicated. The heaviest expenditure reported was the drawing of fill into the arena to cover the floor for the show of horses. Auditors for the coming year were appointed at the meeting as well. They are Wayne Horner and John Consitt. Huron -Perth Board Name Committees The Huron -Perth Separate School Board at its meeting in St. James' Separate School, Seaforth, last lvlondayy night, discussed setting up the Board By-laws in booklet form for the use of the Board members and especially for the use of new members elected to future Board. Vice -Chairman, Howard Shantz, • Stratford, was named to head up a committee to draft a set of by-laws. He will be aided by the following members: Vincent Young, Goderich; Chris Walraven, St. Marys and Arthur Haid, Britton. Discussions were held on com- mittees, responsibilities of committees, reports and recom- mendations, communications among members, with Board Office, with Chairman, etc. Committee meetings are to be held on Mondays, when possible, between regular meetings which are held every second and fourth Monday each month. A booklet -Developing School Systems - was discussed and one is to be ordered for each member. The meeting ended with the four committees - Finance and Insurance, Personnel and Salary Negotiating, Property and Main- tenance and Transportation - meeting as individual committ- ees. Clerk John D. Berry told cou- ncil the school board had already indicated they will request quar- terly payments with 25 percent of the tax money payable at the enol of March, June, September and December respectively. Elmer Hayter, reeve of Stan- ley Township, said that if the board of education rejects coun- cil's proposal to pay twice a year, representatives of the board of education should be in- vited to a regular county coun- cil session to explain the board's position in the matter. Also in the matter of taxation, representatives of IBM took all Thursday morning to explain to reeves, deputy -reeves and clerks just what IBM offered to municipalities which used their tax billing system. It was learned that an average municipality billing twice a year could expect to pay $500. or more for the IBM service. IBM is capable of producing about 1800 tax bills per hour. The mailing and handling would be accomplished at the munic- ipal level. Huron and Perth To Discuss Joint Board of Health (by Shirley J. Keller) The possibility of amalgam- ation between the Health Unit in Huron,and the Health Unit in Perth !booms larger after the January session of Huron County Council. A committee will be establish- ed to study further , the amalg- amation of the two units. This committee will be of equal representation from both Units and consist of five members of the Board of Health plus the Medical Officer of Health and the secretary -treasurer. A letter has been sent to the Minister of Health with a copy going to Hon. C.S. MacNaugh- ton indicating Huron willingness to negotiate with Perth in the (continued on page 9) Su'hscription Rate Up Next Week A great many of the subscr- ibers to the Citizens News will find their subscriptions are due in February. Effective February 1, the subscription rate will be increased to four dollars per year in Canada, and five dollars per year in USA. All subscribers have therivilege of renewing at the oldrateuntil the first clay of February, which is just a few days away. Increased postal rates have necessitated the price increase in subscriptions at the present time, and the amount will bar- ely cover these additional costs. PICK EXECUTIVE The annual meeting of the Zurich Agric- ultural Society was held last Saturday afternoon, and the officers for the coming year were named by the board of directors. Left to right are Mrs. Irene Steinbach, first vice-president, Mrs. Margaret Deichert, secretary -treasurer, Claire Reichert, pres- ident, and William Baechler, second vice-president. Bigg plans are under way to make the 1970 fall fair one of the best 1n the history of the event,