HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1970-01-22, Page 6PAGE SIX ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS THURSDAY, JANUARY 22, 1970 For Sale POTATOES and carrots, 2' miles east of Zurich on Highway 84. Phone 2364038. 44,tf VACUUM CLEANERS — Sales and Service to all snakes. Con- tact R. K. Peck, RR 1, Zurich. phone Hensall 262.5748. 34,tf PEDDT.F, Sewing Machine, also redliner chair, both in good con- dition. Phone 2364059. 3,4,b 11 FEEDER PIGS. Call Harvey Martin, 262,5453. 3,b NUMBER of springing Holstein heifers. Contact Ephrnaim Ging- erich, 2364676. 2,3,b TWO REAL GOOD Holstein heif- ers, due sight. away. Call Bob Turner, 262-5347. 3,b USED TYPEWRITES — several models to choose from . All in good working condition. $49 to $59. Zurich Citizens News, 236- 4672. 3,tf ADDING MACHINE — used, Bur- roughs hand model. In excellent condition. Only $55. Zurich Cit- izens News, 2364672. 3,tf Apples Choice quolity Macintosh, Spies and Delicious — in refrig- erated storage. Charles Burgess, Del -Mac Orchtrds, phone 482-7289 field Golf Course, go 21/9 miles Turn right on Highway 21 at Bay - east, then turn left, for about 1 mile. 1,tfb For Rent FARM HOUSE -3% miles south of Zurich. All modern conven- iences. Call Lentils Gingerich, 237-3287. CONSTRUCTION equipment, power trowel, forms, pump, mix- er, etc. N. J. Carriveau, Zurich, 236-4954, after 6 p.m. and on Sat- urday. 15,tf Bowling Scores SENIOR MIXED LEAGUE January 15 Ramblers, A. Merrier__ 542 2 59 Hi Hopes, I. Frayne __ 714 5 31 Wlsipor'wills, H. Stade 659 4 79 Hawkeyes, C. Geiger _ 694 3 80 Seldom Wins, T. Thiel . 660 5 29 Varieties, H. F'kbeiner 567 2 58 H. single: D. Geiger and G. Soudant 295 IL triple: H. Stade _____ 788 MIXED LEAGUE January 9 Hot Dogs, J. Rau __. _ 715 7 86 Hillbillies, J. Bedard_ 731 7 73 Apollo 6, G. O'Rourke 503 0 27 Itchie Six, .Ii. McE`wan 612 0 78 T. Cats, 0. Sch'ent'ber 525 0 59 Dixie Six, N. Coleman 650 7 107 B & Cs, P. Bedard _._ 838 7 81 Strikers, J. Hamilton_ 587 0 43 Undecided, P. Regier_ 568 0 33 KI'dykers, J. Grootgin; 701 7 34 Women H. single: E. Creces ___ 320 H. triple: N. Coleman _._ 811 H. raverage: N. Coleman _ _ 211 Man H. single: J. Bedard ____ _ 348 H. triple: Joe Grootgin _ _ _ 894 H. overage: J. Bedard _. _ ... 220 ZURICH LADIES' LEAGUE January 12 Scamps, D. Dietrich ____ 545 5 D'1's Angels, M. McGuire 626 2 Ramblers, W. Erb 638 0 Night Hawks, M Schilbe 699 7 Jolly Six, W. McClinchey 632 0• Stanlites, L Harman 629 7 Packers, I. Frayne 558 7 Dommnioniaires, T. 'Stark _ 573 0 Alley Cops, M. Laporte _ _ 645 5. Ups & Downs, V Muller _ 623 2 Mix Ups, A. Faber .__-._ 621 0 BIM Gals, V. Lavery _ 739 7 X single: M. Rader 790; X single: W. Erb • _. 323 R. average: D. Finkbedner and M. Laporte . 203. Custom Work CUSTOM KILLING AND PROCESSING Butchering dates—Tuesday and Thursday TUESDAY — Beef and Pork Thursday — Beef Only PICK-UP SERVICE AVAILABLE Merner's Abattoir 237-3314 Dashwood Miscellaneous WE DO Mat Weaving. Ward Neeb, Zurich, Ontario. Phone 236-4752. 2,3,p Income Tax Returns Filed. Call Lance Reed any evening after 6 p.m. ar all day Saturday or Sun- day. Phone 236-4004. 1,tfb Watch and clock repairing. Work guaranteei. Fine selection of wat- ches, diamonds and china. Dia- monds re -setting. Hess Jewellery, Zurich. SANITATION SERVICE SEPTIC TANK PUMPING Drainage and Repairs For immediate service PHONE GRAND BEND 238-2923 or 238-2291 GRINSVEN DEAD ANIMAL REMOVAL SERVICE PICK-UP DEAD AND DISABLED CATTLE AND HORSES Sheep and Rotten Animals Not Accepted ! For fast, efficient service, call immediately, collect 245-0838 STRATHROY Help Wanted CARETAKER for DASHWOOD COMMUNITY CENTRE Apply to James Hayter, or Harold Schroeder Dashwood Notice ATTENTION New Library Hours for Zurich Tuesday -2:30 • to 5:30 p.m. Friday -3 to 4 p.m. & 7 to 9 p.m Saturday -2:30 to 5:30 p.m. Make Use of Your Library Card of Thanks A sincere thank you to every- one who so kindly remembered me with flowers, treats, gifts and visits while I was a patient in Victoria Hospital and since re- turning home: Mrs. Carole Deitz and Kerry Lynn. 3,p 9 99 9_9_9.V 9-0.SULLA.9 Q9 0 QAP 99 999 UM, RAO W till 99A11.9 a 0 9 0 0 0. RAV R.ILO 49 W449 43 19 YS Q9 DASI'WOOD end DISTRICT NEWS Correspondent: Mrs. Ervin Rader Mr. and Mrs. Valentine Beck- er have returned home following an enjoyable train trip to Roblin Manitoba, where they visited with Mr. and Mrs. A.O. Becker and the Andres family. Miss Sharon Rader spent the Obituaries WESLEY ENGELAND A. Wesley Engeland, 77, passed away at South Huron Hospital, Exeter, Thursday, Jan- uary 15. Surviving besides his wife, the former Violet Gray- biel, is one daughter, Joyce (Mrs. Torn Pinches) London; one grandson, Brian; one sister, Mrs. Amelia Willert, Dashwood. He was a member of Calvary United Church. Be fanned on the 14th concession of Stephen prior to retiring to Dashwood. The funeral was held Sunday, January 18 from the T. Harry Hoffman funeral home with Rev. Bruce Guy in charge. In- terment was in Calvary cemet- ery. Pall bearers were Milford Merner, Reinhold Miller, Ervin Eckstein, Carl Oestricher, Milt Haugh, and John Heckman. BYRON DESJARDINE Byron Desjardine, 39, passed away at his late residence, R.R. 2 Pahnerston, Wednesday, Jan- uary 14. Surviving is his wife the former Audrey Bullock, one daughter, Debrah; one son, Laverne; his mother Mrs. Ella Desjardine, Exeter; one sister Mrs. Gerald Mason, Dashwood; seven brothers, Herman, and Norris, Grand Bend; Ivan and Ian, Exeter; harry, Strathroy; Murton, Tiverton; Keith, _Lon- don. Service was held Monday, January 19 from the T. Harry Hoffman funeral home with Rev. Vincent of London in charge. Interment was in Grand Bend cemetery. Card of Thanks My sincere thanks to everyone for their Bards, visits, treats and phone calls while in the hospital and since returning home.—Mar- lene Rader. 3,b My sincere thanks to the many friends and relatives who kindly remembered me while I was a patient :in St. Joseph's Hospital, with prayers, flowers, cards, vis- its and treats. Special thanks to Rev. E. Gingerich, St. Joseph's Hospital staff, nurses and doc- tors far their many acts of kind- ness.—Irene Olausius. 3,P NOTICE Ratepayers are inhabitants- of the Township of Hay are requested by Council not to park cars on town- ship roads and streets during the winter months, in order to facilitate snow -plowing operations. Council will not be responsible for damages to any vehicles or mail boxes parked on roads or streets. Council requests that the residents of the Township of Hay do not push or dump snow on township roads. KARL HABERER, Road Superintendent, Township of Hay. weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Miller and girls of Zion. Twenty-eight senior Lutheran young people who were attendin€ a winter weekend at Grand Bend attended Zion Lutheran church on Sunday morning. U.C.W. MEETING The Executive was in charge of the January meeting of the United Church Women of Cal- vary church with Mrs. Eben Weigand chairlady. Mrs. Ken McCrae was pianist. Mrs. Syd Baker led in prayer and Mrs. Syd Neeb read the scripture. Mrs. Eben Weigand read a story about an Indian carver in keep- ing with the theme. Mrs. C.E. Kennedy of Grand Bend was guest speaker and presented the study, "Reconciliation in a Broken World" with special reference to poverty. The February meeting will be held in the afternoon to work at the church, followed by a pot luck supper. LADIES AID The January meeting of the Ladies Aid of Zion Lutheran church was held Wednesday, January 14 with group two and Lutheran Women Discuss Indonesia "Indonesia" was the topic of the Lutheran Church Women at their January meeting. Attired in native costume, amidst an Indonesian setting, Mrs. C. Deichert, Mrs. Gordon Hess, Mrs. L. Prang and Mrs. Harold Thiel very capably port- rayed the life and customs of these people. The work carried on by the Lutheran Church was also explained. Mrs. Prang presided for the business meeting. The Febru- ary meeting will be the Birthday Party, at the Blue Water Rest Horne. Mrs. Charles Martine, conven- or, in charge of devotions and lunch. Many cards of thanks were received for the 27 boxes packed at Christmas. The Altar Guild is Mrs. Lloyd Rader and Mrs. Valentine Becker. An invitation from Dashwood W.I. to accompany them to the new Dashwood Industries plant on February 3 was accepted. A bus trip to Frakenrnouth is planned for the summer. Mrs. Martha Miller sang a solo. Rev. E. Steinman chose as his topic "According to Your Faith, " ANNUAL MEETING OF THE Zurich Agricultural Society will be held in the Hay Township Hall, Zurich ON SATURDAY, JANUARY 24 AT 2 P.M. MRS. MARGARET DEICHERT, Secretary FUEL TENDER TOWNSHIP OF STANLEY Tenders will be received by the undersigned, to supply the following fuel, for the YEARS 1970 AND 1971 1—Diesel fuel for Stanley Township vehicles. 2—Furnace oil for Varna Township Hall, Stanley Township Shed, and Brucefield Fire Hall. Tenders to be in the hands of the undersigned by January 30, 1970, at 6 p.m. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Any information available from the undersigned. WILLIAM 11. TAYLOR, Road Superintendent, Township of Stanley, Varna, Orytaxio.