HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1970-01-08, Page 12PAGE TEN ZURICH CITIZENS'NEWS. THURSDAY, JANUARY' 0, 1970 AUDREY BELLCUAMBER TEI.I M YOU - - - - ALL ABOUT BAYFIELD INTERESTING HAPPENINGS IN ONTARIO'S PRETTIEST VILLAGE Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Higgins spent Christmas in Georgetown with their son and daughter-in- law, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Hig- gins and also visited with Mrs. W. Chesney in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. G. N. Rivers joined J. S. Rivers and family in London for Christmas. Guests of Mr. and Mrs. Rivers on Box- ing Day were Mr. and Mrs. G. Poulter of Ottawa. Mrs. Gerald Mansfield is stay- ing with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Grant Turner. She returned recently from Izmir, Turkey where she has spent the past seven months, her husband is returning in January and Mrs. Mansfield will rejoin him in Syracuse, New York. Mr. and Mrs. J.H. West of London, joined their son and his wife, Mr. and Mrs, Paul West and family for Christmas Day. Mrs. M. J. Butler, Clinton and Mr. and Mrs. DougDellar and little daughter of rangeville joined other relatives fox a Christ., mas dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Haw on Thursday. Recent callers at the Haw res- idence were Mr. A.L. Crich and son William of Sarnia. Mr. and Mrs. Don Haw and family spent the weekend with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. Redell of Hopeville and also visited other relatives. Mrs. R.B. Menerey spent Christmas with her nieces, Miss- es Kathleen and Marie Elliott of Clinton. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Arkell were recent visitors with Mrs. and Mr. Bryan King in London. Mrs. John MacKenzie was the guest last week of her son-in- law and daughter, Dr. and Mrs. Manley Thompson and children of Chicago. Mrs T. Cobb spent Christ- mas with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Couch of Kitchener. Guests of Reeve elect, Mr. E. W, Oddleifson and Mrs. Oddleif- son over the holidays were Mr. and Mrs. R. Hughes, London, and Mrs. Moore of Brampton. Mrs. J. Jowett is a patient in Clinton Hospital. Mrs. Elaine Marshall and daughter, Tracey of London were holiday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Weston. With Mrs. M rtle Parker from Friday 'til Sunday were Mr. and Mrs, Charles Parker, and Mr. and Mrs. Ian Stewart of Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Don Johnston and Ricky joined his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Johnston in Wheatley for the Christmas holidays. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Larson and Karen, spent Wednesday until Friday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. J, Larson. Mr. and Mrs. Eric Earl spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. R J. Stevenson and family, London. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Rowse and family of Welland are visiting Ivlrs. Rowse's mother, Mrs. L. B Smith. Mrs. Gilbert Knight spent the past week in Toronto, and re- turned on Sunday with her dau- ghter and family, Mr. and Mrs. Art Latimer, Bill, Gil and Chri- sty. The Latimer family are spending the remainder of 1969 with Mrs. Knight. Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Sturgeon, Jeff and Roland visited their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Sturgeon and Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Rathwell over the holiday season. Mr. and Mrs. W.E. Parker visited their sons and families Mr. and Mrs. R. Parker, Dor- chester and Mr. and Mrs. W. Parker, London over Christmas. Guests at the Albion Hotel over the holiday season were: Mr. and Mrs. S. Carver and NI • • Ladies' or Girl's SKIRTS (unpleated — 1 or 2 pleats accepted at this price) PANTS or SLACKS SUITS, Ladies' or Men's 2. piece CLEANED and PRESSED These prices in effect throughout entire area Leave Your Clothes at Our Nearest Agent or Phone 2382122 for pick-up and delivery WALDRON'S Grand Bend Cleaners & Launderers OUR MOTTO IS QUALITY WITH SERVICE Tony of London, Mrs. William Smale, and Art Rennie, Grosse Point Farms, Mich. Mr. and Mrs, Norman Brown and daughter "Buffy", London, Mr. and Mrs. Neil Mustard and family, Tor- onto and Mr. and Mrs. Barry Reilly of London. Spending the festive season at their Bayfield homes were: Dr. and Mrs. William Tilhnann and family, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Beechie and family, Dr. and Mrs. J. Walters and family, Mr. and Mrs. Ron Chapman and family, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Gregory and family and Mr. and Mrs. Art Bell all of London. Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Scot - INTERNATIONAL SCENE (continued from page 5) the curious mixture of state-run enterprises, co-operatives and private enterprise. While 90% of all workers are in the employ of private enterprise, would you be surprised to learn that the state operates nearly all the railways, 95% of the iron mines, all tobacco plants, part of the forestry industry, a few banks, and a restaurant chain that in- cludes the country's liquor mon- opoly. While there are undoubtedly many large private industries in the country, there are many small ones as well. The furniture industry has over 800 factories which average about 15 employ- ees each and some towns are made up entirely of very small industries with only a few em- ployees. Before you get the idea that Sweden hasreached the state of being heaven on earth, let me assure you that they have their problems. Speaking of heaven, almost all the Swedes are Luth- eran, which is the State religion, but most Swedes do not attend church, nor are they particularly religious. What they seem to have done is to replace it with their own brand of materialism and=humanitarianism. However, more of their shortcomings and virtues at a later date. chmer and daughter Jodie of Appleton, Wisconsin were hol- iday visitors with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs..,Alf Scotchmer. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cluff and Robbie of London and Mr. and Mrs. Fletcher McLaughlin Megan and Alfie, of Toronto are visiting Mr, and Mrs. Fred Le - Beau. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Weston spent the holidays with their fmily in Detroit. Mr. and Mrs. Doug Gemein- hardt and Mr. and Mrs. Mel Martin are vacationing in Flor- ida. Mr, and Mrs. Wilson Carrick and Shawn of Teeswater were guests on Boxing Day with Mr. and Mrs. E, W . Erickson and. family, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Stuart and family of Strathroy were weekend visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Ken Mackie. Mr. and Mrs. George Wright London and Ken Wright. Tor- onto, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Makins on Christ- mas Day. Mr. John Sturgeon is now a patient in Clinton Hospital. Obituary LLOYD C. DOWSON Lloyd C. Dowson, 80, of Sea - forth, and for many years a resident of Stanley Township, died Friday, December 19,1969, in Seaforth Community Hospital after a short illness. A son of the late George Dow - son and Ellen McKinley, he was educated on the Goshen Line, Stanley Township. A farmer, he had been retired for 15 years and moved to Seaforth in 1960. Mr. Dowson was not married. He is survived by a niece and nephews. The body was at the R. S. Box Funeral Horne where services were held at 2 p.m. on Monday December 22, by Rev. Murdock Morrison of Goshen United Chur- ch. Burial was in Bayfield cemet- ery. The bailbearers were Frank McClinchey, Wilmer McClin- chey, Elgin McKinley, Camp- bell McKinley, Bernard Keys and James Keys. Flower -bearers were Douglas and Steven Keys. row?' DLL► • ONE T///N6 THAT REALLY TOP SECRET /N OTTAWA THESE DAYS,— /S HOW TO LIVE WITHIN YOUR BUDGET E0 E./ENO General Contracting BUILDING and REMODELLING WE WILL BUILD YOUR HOME • COTTAGE • BARN • GARAGE One contract will take care of your complete project, including I'LITMBING • HEATING • ELECTRICAL WORK Backhoe Service Now Available Aluminum Doors and Windows STANDARD STOCK SIZE DOORS Completely Installed Only $38 Richard Bedard DIAL 236-4679 ZURICH Maar D.D.T. DISPOSAL PROGRAM With effect from 1 January, 1970 the use of D.D.T. is banned throughout Ontario except in tobacco and apple grow- ing and then only on a permit basis. Those with- D.D.T. in their possession must not dispose of it along with ordinary refuse or flush it into drains or down water closets (toilets). A disposal program has been arranged by the Huron County Health Unit in co-operation with the Ontario Depart- ment of Health. Persons who wish to dispose of D.D.T. Insecticide may take it to any of the following collection centres from January 12 to January 17, 1970 during the hours of 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. ZURICH[ DASHWOOD HENSALL VILLAGE CLERK'S OFFICE BRUCEt MILD JACKSON'S STORE HAYFIELD BAY1 HELD LUMEEIt Collection Centres HURON COUNTY GARAGE HAYTER'S GARAGE Dr. G. P. A. Evans, Medical Officer of Health, County of Huron.