HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1970-01-08, Page 2PAGE TWO
Dr. and Mrs. Noakes spent
the holiday season with their
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard
Noakes and family of Hensall,
and Mr. and Mrs, M. Huntley
of Ingersoll. David, having
completed his work for his PHD
in Zoology at the University of
California in Berkeley, has
accepted a position on the fac-
ulty of the University of Edin-
burgh, Scotland. Dr. and Mrs.
Noakes left for Edinburgh, Scot-
land on December 29. On
Boxing Day, 45 members of the
Noakes and. Sangster families
gathered for dinner in the Hen-
sall Legion Hall. Those attending
were from Chatham, London
and Hensall.
Mrs. Pearl Passmore spent
New Years with her daughter
and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs.
Felix Boogemans, and Vicki, at
Mrs, Bertie McMurtrie and Mrs.
Ann Broadfoot spent Tuesday
with Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Bell
and girls.
The results of the congregat-
ional balloting for additional
members to the Board of Session
resulted in the following being
elected to office in Hensall
United Church: Wilmer Ferguson,
Charles Hay, Harvey Keys, Cecil
Miss Carol Kerr returned to
Kippen East W.I.
Christmas Meeting
Mrs. William Bell was hostess
at her home Wedneisday, Dec-
ember 17, for the annual Christ-
mas meeting of Kippers East
Womens Institute, with pre-
school children special guests.
The home was beautifully dec-
orated in Christmas motif.
Mrs. Dave Triebner was co -
hostess. President Mrs, Ken Mc-
Kay presided and members an-
swered the roll call with a
Christmas verse,
Mrs. E.W. Ryan of C,F.B.
Clinton, gave a demonstration
of her beautifully created Christ-
mas decorations, with a draw for
one of the decorations. Mrs.
William Bell being the lucky
A sin -song of carols with Mrs.
Ross Broadfoot at the piano was
enjoyed. Christmas greetings
were read from all branches.
$40 was donated to the anniver-
sary fund at McDonald College.
Musical numbers were given
by the pre-school children, solos
by Randy Ford, Melanie Lovell
and her little brother, and a
reading by Bill Kinsmen.
Santa arrived with gifts for
everyone. Mrs. Harry Caldwell
gave courtesy remarks, and
lunch was served duringwhich
members exchanged gits with
their sunshine pals-
Waiper's Supertest
262.9910 Hensall
North Bay Monday of this week
by plane after sending the hol-
idays with relatives in Hensall
andyfriends in Exeter.
Mrs. C , L. Jinks returned
Friday after spending three weeks
with Mr. and Mrs. Ross Jinks,
Gail, Billy and Susan, London.
Mr. and Mrs. Laird Mickle
visited recently with their dau-
ghter and son-in-law, Mr. and
Mrs. Ross MacMillan and thein
family, David, Tommy, and
baby Ann Elizabeth, in Water-
loo, and the Kitchener- Water-
loo Hospital,
J,E, McEwen, ‘.a patient in
the Blue Water Re td e, Zur-
ich, was taken by amjxlance
Friday to South Huron�Iospital,
Mrs. Alma Hess,- who has
been visiting with.relatives in
Don Mills, returnecrfiZift st
Friday. Her gratidau hter,
Kathy McCloy, who is atten mg
U, W , 0,, spent the-week
with her,
Charles Micklei�
Mr. atttlws.�' ca Rile
and Miss -Ann i„ ondon
spent a few day with
their parents, Mr.`''•`.'
Laird Mickle.
Friends visiting rn.'” W ". and
Mrs, Carl Payne ° heirf'15th
wedding annaver; G ,QT were Mr.
and Mrs, John Skea;' rs, Beat-
rice Faber and Ron of Hen-
ensall, Mr. and Mrs:, arence
Hohner, Exeter, an T, taro
Coward of Winchelsea
Miss Troyann Bell v "ed over
the holidays at the he of Mr.
and Mrs, Harold Sha er a Ron
of Galt,
• Misses Pauline and Troyann.�
Bell and Miss Margaret McCor-
mick of Ottawa, Eastern Ontario
Champion Figure skater, visited
with Miss M. McCance, Sunday,
in St. Thomas. Miss Pauline
Bell of "Holiday On Ice", spent
the holiday vacation with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs- Stewart
Bell and Troyann, returning to
Rock Island, Ill.
Mr. and Mrs. Ron Passmore,
Michael, Mark, and Debra,
London, Mr. and Mrs, Felix
Boogemans and Vicki of Burling-
ton, spent the holiday with Mrs.
Pearl Passmore,
Mrs, Gordon Schwalm attend-
ed a children's party of the
C , 0.0 , and Explorers Mission
group in Knox Presbyterian
Church, Goderich. Those in
charge of the program were Miss
Lily MacArthur, formerly Nat-
ional Childrens secretary of
Canada of the Presbyterian
Church and Miss Flora MacDon-
ald of Goderich. Mrs, Jack
Consitt and Mrs. R, A. Orr of
Hensall, and Mrs. Ken Breakey,
Zurich, accompanied Mrs.
Schwalm to Goderich.
Holiday visitors with Mr.
and Mrs. R.A. Orr were Mr. and
Mrs. Jim Orr, Barbara and
Kathryn of Crediton.
Winners in draws in various
stores were; Al's Super -Save,
first, hind quarter of beef, M.
Vandyke, Mill Street, Hensall,
(A bachelor). second prize, side
of pork, Mrs, Joe Denomme,
Zurich; third prize, smoked ham,
Mrs, Betty Sangster, Hensall,
Tickets were drawn by Reeve
Oliver Jaques,
Beaton's Bakery, Candy Land
House, Mrs. Chester Baarda,
Exeter, three -pound Christmas
cake, Mrs. Hey, Zurich.
Holiday guests with Mr. and
Mrs, Alfred Smith were Mr.
and Mrs. Richard Tipping and
Paul, London; Mr. and Mrs.
George Smith of london; Mrs,
Glen Tedball and Joe Ann,
Thedford, Mr. and Mrs. Richard
McKellar, and children, Thed-
Miss Wendy Moir, of London,
formerlyof Hensall, left London
airport or a holiday with her
sister and brother-in-law, Mr.
and Mrs, D.E. Bond, and boys
in Denver, Colo., U.S.A.
Mr. and Mrs, Jack Chipchase
have returned to Roanoke, Vir-
ginia, after spending the holi-
days with respective families.
Guests over the weekend with
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Snell were
Stewart McQueen, Mr. and Mrs.
Don Rigby, and Mr. and Mrs,
Bill Knights, Stewart and Jane,
Blenheim, Mr. and. Mrs. Terry
North, Teresa and Tamm) of
Final. Don McArthur of Newton
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Bozatto
and Dana, of Port Colborne,
were holiday &uests with Mr.
and Mrs. William T. Kyle.
Huron Federation
Makes Plans For
Membership Drive
Robert Henry, president of
the Huron County Federation of
Agriculture, said last week, a
major membership drive will
be launched in the county during
January or February in an attem-
pt to strengthen the provincial
farm organization.
He said "direct service" mem-
berships in the Ontario Feder-
ation of Agriculture selling -for
$25 a year, will be made avail-
able locally and elsewhere in
the province to provide "some
direct liason" between the far-
mer and the OFA.
Mr. Henry siad membership
in the provincial farm body
from the grassroots level is
necessary to correct a "break-
down of cummunication from
the farmer to the provincial
level, and vice -versa."
Members of county federations
pay fees either through township
taxes or a commodity board.
Actual membership in the pro-
vincial body would provide spe-
cific services to the farmer,
principally in the form of a dir-
ect line of communication to
the organization, and enhance
more active role-playing b
the farmer, Mr. Henry said3.
"It will also give the OFA a
first-hand look at the actual
needs of the farmer, " he said.
He stressed that new policy will
not mean the end of the county
Of The
Hensall South Huron Agricultural Society
will be held in the
at 2 pan.
All Interested Persons Please Attend!
President Secretary -Treasurer
News of Varna and District
The Explorer group of the
United Church held a Christmas
party for their mothers, Miss
Cathy Taylor presided. Miss
Charlene Reid read the scripture.
Miss Brenda Dowson gave the
prayer, and Miss Nancy Faw-
cett read the minutes and the
roll call was answered by the
namer of a person in the Christ-
mas Scene, followed by a short
program. Mrs. Barry Taylor
read a Christmas story. Christ-
mas poems were given by Misses
Wendy Mustard and Patsy Taylor.
A reading, "A letter to Santa
from a poor boy" was given by
Mrs. Robert Taylor, and a skit
"The Night before Christmas"
by four girls. Afterwards the
mothers were invited to the
basement where the group and
their leaders had prepared a
delicious lunch, a nicely dec-
orated table with candles which
the group had made to give to
their mothers. Mrs. A,J. Mus-
tart thanked the group for the
lovely evening and the meeting
was closed with two piano solos
by Misses Brenda Dowson and
Charlene Reid,
The skating rink, which is
operated each year by the mem-
bers of the local Orange Lodge,
opened on Christmas Day an
the children had free skating
each afternoon up 'till Saturday,
January 3. The rink is now open
for skating Tuesday evening and
Saturday afternoon and evening,
also for Junior hockey Saturday
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