HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1969-12-23, Page 12PAGE TWELVE ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS -- CHRISTMAS EDITION SANTA VISITS ZURICH - Santa Claus made his official visit to Zurich on Saturday afternoon, and presented packs of candy to all the children in the area. Iviany of the children took the opportunity of talking to Santa and telling him what they wanted for Christmas. Seen here are Vicki and Tracy, daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Percy Bedard, Zurich, as they tell Santa what they would like. Santa's visit to Zurich is sponsored annually by the Lions Club. TUESDAY, DECEMBER 23, 1969 School Children's Thoughts at Christmas WHAT IS CHRISTMAS? ( by Veronica McKenzie) Christmas is the annual birth- day of our Lord. The night of his birth, his mother Mary, and his father Joseph, were bedded down in a stable in Bethlehem for there was no room in the inn. During the night the babe was born. Mary wrapped the babe in swaddling clothes and laid hirr in a manger. There were in the field, shep- herd keeping watch over their sheep, when an angel appeared singing " Glory to Cod on High." The angel fore -told the shep- herds where the babe was and to hasten unto Bethlehem. As the shepherds hastened to Bethlehem, a star grew bright leading three wise Icings to the stable where Jesus lay. The babe received incense, gold and myrh, And from that night forward Jesus has been a redeemer of man. SANTA CLAUS (by Henry DeMooy) On December twenty-five Santa will come to your home alive. But if you're bad Santa will still be glad. Just to see you And to give your presents too He goes to everyhouse As quiet as a mouse. Down the chimney he goes Even if it snows He sneaks to the Christmas tree With a happy smile you see. If your awake Santa will not give you the candy that he had to make Some people wonder why Robert Peary didn't find him And they think he was hitting behind a rim. So when you grow up Don't fool around like a duck Try to find Santa and his hiding place Up in the North Pole and that just might finish the case. North Pole. Dear Santa Claus, How are you and Mrs. Claus? We have tried to be good., When Merry Thristm #' IIrrr a atu sraonn to he tt r season of warm rn;nputrn# ui arr mitt! frirndn nub lnurb ours. Aub a wrauirrful Mar far us #n express our #l1aukz for lgaur isgaitg anb rnnuiberattan. rc rrrg Tint Autos! you come here, there will be cookies and milk for you and hay and water for the reindeer, in- cluding Rudolph. Catherine and Jennifer would like the game called twister, shoes, Johnny West and &ang, pencil case with everything needed, lots of paper, stuffed dog, lunch kits, slippers, skates and a toboggan. We have presents for others already. Thank you for taking time to read our letter, Your friends, Catherine Weido Jennifer Decker. 0 ESTABLISHING CRIB Though legend says that St. Francis of Assisi first in- troduced the Christmas crib in the 130. century, history records that the first manger scene was created by Pope Liberius in 354 A.D. May a happy and a peaceful Yule be yours. And .many thanks! Gerry Smith Gerry Rader HAIR STYLES A SPECIALTY BARBERS 364 Main St. Exeter For all the bountiful blessings of Christmas, let us rejoice! To each and every one of our good friends and patrons, we extend, with sincere appreciation, good wishes for the holiday. C. G. FARM SUPPLY RR 3, Zurich Phone 236-4934