HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1969-11-20, Page 1No. 46 --FIRST WITH THE LOCAL NEWS ZURICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 1969 STANLEY COUNCIL RE-ELECTED - Members of Stanley Township council were returned to office by acclamation on Monday night, when no other candidates were nominated. Front,row, left to right, are reeve Elmer Hayter; clerk -treasurer Mel Graham; deputy -reeve Anson McKin- ley; back row left to right, councillors Jack Scotchmer, Tom Consitt and Calvin Horton. NOMINATE DEPUTY -REEVE - Monday night was the nomination meeting for ratepayers in the Township of Stanley, and the clerk, Mel Graham, was the returning officer. Shown here are Allan Armstrong, left, and Roy McBride, on the right of Mr. Graham, as they file the nomin- ation paper naming Anson McKinley as the deputy -reeve for the year 1970. The council were elected for a one-year term only, so next year they can return to the two-year term system • 10 CENTS PER COPY Award Zurich Oil Contract To Lowest of Three Tenders The council of the village of Zurich, at their regular monthly meeting, awarded the contract for fuel oil supply to Robert N. McKinley, of Zurich, a distrib- utor for Arrow products. His ten- der was guaranteed price of 16.1 cents per gallon, for one year. The McKinley tender was the lowest of three received. In other business at the meet- ing, council were advised by their auditor, A . M , Harper, of Goderich, that his fees for the year 1970 would be increased from $550 to $975. No decision was reached as to whether or not the firm would be engaged for next year. Clerk Mrs. Elda Wagner re- ported to council on the outcome of the Court of Revision held in the Zurich Community Centre, on November 5. A grant of $15. was approved to the St. John's Ambulance Corps, and a request for a grant to the CNIB was filed. Council Hensall Nomination Slated For Friday; Election. Possible One of the few municipalities in thts'area. to hold a nomination meeting this year will be the village of Hensall. Date for the meeting has been set for this Friday nights, November 21. From the hour of seven to eight o'clock, ratepayers in Hen- sall will have the privilege of nominating candidates for the office to reeve and councillors. Following the eight o'clock deadline, all the candidates will have the opportunity to address the meeting of ratepayers, out- lining their platforms, as well as reviewing past records in the municipality. To date there has been no definite announcement from any candidates, although it has been rumoured there will be an el- ection for both the position of reeve and councillors. If an el- ection is to be held in the vil- lage, it will take place on the Monday, December 1. Zurich Reeve Speaks to Chamber Gordon H. Hess, reeve of the village of Zurich, was the guest speaker at the dinner meeting of the Zurich Chamber of Comm- erce, at the Dominion Hotel last Thursday night. He outlined to the gathering a brief history of the village, and explained how costs have risen over the past years. The reeve had been asked to speak to the organization on the reason for the tax rate being so high in the village this year., "It is really quite simple, " he told the group, " The revenue last year was $13, 000 short of what was needed, so naturally the tax rate had to be increased to wipe off this debt." Mr. Hess broke the municip- ality into two different classes as fax as the operations are con- cerned, and listed the hydro, water and arena as revenue seek- ers. He named the dump, fire department, streets and sidewalks as units that are not revenue seekers and must be paid for by the ratepayers. The reeve.also outlined briefly the origin of the hydro and water systems in the village, and how they managed to pay their own wat. In speaking of the arena, he noted that the revenue there is increasing steadily, and he hoped it would continue to do so. He added that at the present time the responsibility for fin- ancing the operation of the arena lies entirely in the hands of the village, but he felt that in time this would have to change since the building serves a much great- er area than the village itself. Mr. Hess also dealt briefly with the proposed sewage system for the village, pointing out that if the project goes through, it will be owned by the Province of Ontario, and not by the village itself. He added that any work on the roads in the village was being held up until such time as a decision is reached on the sewage project. He also spoke on the proposed water expansionrogram, out- lining the need fax improvements to be made in the system. The speaker was introduced by Douglas Armstrong and thanked by Keith Westlake. In the business portion of the meeting, the organization agreed to donate $100 to the Zurich Minor Athletic Association, to further their work in minor sports. in the community. The retail merchants committee was in- tructed to proceed with plans for a Christmas promotion in the village, to tie in with free (continued on page 9) 0 Council Returned To Office In Stanley Township Ratepayers in the Township of Stanley indicated on Monday night that they are well satisfied with their present administrators, as reeve Elmer Hayter, deputy reeve Anson McKinley, counc- illors Jack Scotchmer, Tom Consitt and Cal Horton were all returned to office by acclamatior. The council in Stanley were re-elected for a one-year term this time, so their tenure of office will coincide with that of the Huron County Board of Education. Next year, when the time for election of mem- bers to the Huron Board ofEduc- ation takes place, the Stanley Township council will be elected for a two-year term, the same as the school officials. There were no other nomin- ations made at the Stanley meet- ing, held in the Township Hall. Returning officer for the nom- ination was clerk Mel Graham, who also acted as chairman for the meeting of ratepayers which members felt that since a door- to-door canvass was made of the village, the ratepayers should not be expected to donate twice to the same organization. A buildingermit was approv- ed for DuwardpMcAdams, in the amount of $200., to cover part of his building with siding. Hensall Legion Elect New Slate New officers appointed at a meeting of the Hensall Branch of the Canadian Legion 468 for 1969-70 are; president, Paul Neilands; vice-president, Vic Stan, and Murray Traquair; immediate past president, Ted Roberts; Sergeant of Arms, Ross Fitzpatrick; secretary -treasurer, Sam Rannie; Padre, Rev. Harold F. Currie; service bureau, Fred Beer; executive, Garnet Allan; Stan Kochan; Harry Horton, W. H. Bell; Jack Simmons, Jim Sma le; Heinz Rooseboom; Jim Chal- mers. 0 Hensali Kinettes To Visit Shut-ins Mrs. Murray Baker was host- ess for the meeting of Hensall Kinette Club with 100 percent attendance. Ir was announced that the annual visit to shut-ins in the village and hospitals will be held Sunday, November 30. Plans were made in conjunct- ion with the Kinsmen Club to entertain patients at the Ontario Hospital, Goderich, on December 10. A letter was read from their adopted child in Italy. A thank - you letter was read from the Children's Aid Society for a don- ation sent by this club. 0 Condition Of Accident Victim is Satisfactory Jim Stan, 20, of R. R.1, Hen- sall, was listed in satisfactory condition at St. Joseph's Hospital London, Monday night, with back injuries suffered in a two - car crash on Highway 4 near Hensall on Saturday. He was a passenger in a car driven by Dennis Bierling of R. R. 3, Exeter, who escaped in- jury. The second driver, Larry Johnson of R. R.1, Hensall, was not hurt but his wife Ruth, a passenger, was treated for minor injuries at South Huron Hospital. followed the nomination meeting Each of the members of council spoke to the gathering, outlining various phases of the work which has been carried out during the past year. The reeve and deputy - reeve also gave reports of var- ious activities at the county level. The clerk -treasurer's report showed that the 1969 assessment for the Township amounts to $2, 820, 040. Total tax arrears Stanley amount to $35, 396.31. Of this amount $4, 314.27 dates back to 1966; X12, 776.02 dates back to 1967; and #18, 306.02 is from the year 1968. The residential and farm tax rate in Stanley for 1969 is 22.4 mills, while the commercial rate is 25.5 mills.