HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1969-11-13, Page 8PAGE EIGHT ZURICH ,CITIZENS NEWS THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 1969 For Sale USED TYPEWRITERS— Eight models to choose from. All in good working condition. Priced from $39,95 to $59.95. Ideal for school students or business. See' them at the Zurich Citizens News. COMMERCIAL Building, modern apartment above and store be- low. Electric heated and air con- ditioned. Apply McAdams T.V., call 236-4094 or write to Box 3248, Zurich. • Miscellaneous AVON CALLING -- Guarantee yourself a wonderful Christmas by selling Avon's Christmas beau- ty line in spare time—starting now in Dashwod area. Call eve- nings, Nits. Million, 451-0541, or write 17 Hawkesbury Ave., Lon- don. 41,2,3,b SANITATION SERVICE SEPTIC TANK PUMPING Drainage and Repairs For immediate service PHONE GRAND BEND 238-2923 or 238.2291 VACUUM CLEANERS — Sales and Service to all makes. Con- tact R. K. Peck, RR 1, Zurich. phone Hensall 262-5748. 34,tf REPAIRS on watches .and clocks. Special on bicycle tires and girl's bicycles. Hess Jewelery Stto2re, Zurich. APPLES— Choice quality McIn- tosh, Spy and Delicious. ON SPECIAL: small Macs, $1 per bushel; small Delicious, $2.25; Wealthier, $2; at Del -Mac Orch- ards, Charles Burgess, phone 482-7289. Turn right off High- way 21 et Bayfield Golf Course, go 21 miles east and turn left, for about one mile. 43,tf POTATOES, carrots and cooking onions, 21/2 miles east of Zurich on Highway 84. Phone 236-4038. 44,tf BEADY -TO -LAY Pullets avail- able, vaginated, de -beaked and delivered at $2.10. McKinley Farm and Hatchery, Zurich, phone 262-2837. 44,5,b BOY'S Skates, size 5, in good condition, $4.00; little girl's white skates, size 9, in good condition, $2.50. Phone 236-4662. 45,p Custom Work CARPENTER WORK, also re- modelling and renovating. Phone Bill Rammeloo, 237-3228. , 43,4,5,6,b CUSTOM CORN drying -550 bu- shel batch dryer. Keith Love, 236-4728, Zurich. 37,tf,b CUSTOM COMBINING — Grain, beans and corn. Narrow or wide rows. Trucks and elevators avail. able. Competitive rates. Contact Lionel Wilder, phone 236-4020. 32,tf. CUSTOM KILLING AND PROCESSING Butchering dates—Tuesday and Thursday TUESDAY — Beef and Pork Thursday — Beef Only PICK-UP SERVICE AVAILABLE Merner's Abattoir L37-3314 Da.chwnnrl Wanted to "I, uy WANTED to Buy old wall clocks. White to box R.U., Zurich Citizens News, Zurich, •Onstane). 45,6,p Wanted GRINSVEN DEAD ANIMAL REMOVAL SERVICE PICK-UP DEAD AND DISABLED CATTLE AND HORSES Sheep and Rotten Animals Not Accepted! For fast, efficient service, call immediately, collect 245-0838 STRATHROY HIGH SCHOOL Giro wants baby- sitting job. Call 236-4689. 45,6,b For Rent CONSTRUCTION equipment, power trowel, forms, pump, mix- er, etc. N. J. Corriveau, Zurich, 236-4954, after 6 .p.m. and on Sat- urday. 15,tf USED Furniture, from attic to basement. Phone 236-4243. 42,tf elp Wanted Sports Writer PART-TIiME Senior high school student; or young adult, who is inter ested in spurting activities, to write up accounts of all sports in this area. Work must be dune immediately after the event takes place. Good knowledge of all sports essential. Apply in person to: HERB TU Publisher Zurich Citizens News 11310:, Police Report (continued from page 1) On Tuesday, November 4, at 7.20 p.m. a car operated by Heather Davis of R• R.1, Cen- tralia, struck a cattle beast on Concession 6 of Usborne Town- ship north of the Biddulph-Usb- erne Townline. The cattle beast ran off after the collision and was not located. Damage est- imated at $100. Provincial Con- stable F,L. Giffin investigated. On Tuesday everting, Novem- ber 4, a car owned by Cyril E. • Blommaert of Exeter was parked on Victoria Street in the village of Centralia and was struck on the left front door by an unknown vehicle. Damage estimated at $100. Provincial Constable D.A. Mason is investigating. On Thursday, November 6, at 10.15 a.m. a car operated by Mary M. Smith of Zurich struck a horse on No. 83 highway east of Dashwood. The horse was owned by Case VanRaay of R,R.3 Dashwood, and was apparently not injured. Damage to the car Important AUCTION SALE of Holstein and Registered Guernsey Dairy Cattle; Dairy Equipment; Yorkshire Pigs; Silage; Hay; Straw and Misc. Items On the premises LOT 17, CON. 7, STEPHEN TOWNSHIP lis miles north of Crediton The undersigned auctioneer received instructions to sell by public auction on SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 15 at 1:30 p.m. DAIRY CATTLE: Registered Guernseys — Speedvale Pamela, born Nov. 1959, milking, due in Feb.; Speedvale Thelma,born Nov. 1962, due in March; Park- ville Polly's Sophie, born April 1961, milking, due in March; Speedvale Rachel, born Feb. 1960, milking, due in March; Claire Haven Favorite Peaches, born May 1958, due in Dec.; 2 registered Guernsey yearling heifers; Hereford cow due in Feb.; Holstein cow, milking, re - bred; Holstein cow, milking, due in Feb.; 2 Holstein cows due in Jan.; 5 Holstein cows, milking, due Feb. and March; part Angus -Holstein cow, milk- ing, due in Feb.; 4 part Here- ford and Holstein yearling heif- ers. Please Note: Cattle all good quality and will be offered for sale at 1:30 p.m. YORKSHIRE HOGS: York- shire sow with litter of 11; Yorkshire sow due before sale date; Yorkshire sow due in Dec.; Yorkshire sow with lit- ter of 9; 3 Yorkshire pigs av— eraging 100 lbs. each; purebred Landrace hog. Pigs all choice quality. DAIRY EQUIPMENT & MISC. ITEMS: Surge 2 -unit milking machine with piping for 20 cows; Woods 10 -can milk cool- er; fiberglas hot water tank; Viking electric cream separa- tor; • 20 milk cans; Woods elec- tric grinder and motor. SILAGE, HAY AND STRAW: 35x12 ft. silo filled with silage; 2,500 bales choice quality mixed hay; 500 bales oat straw. No Reserve — Terms Cash MRS. IRENE FINKBEINER, Proprietress DALTON FINKBEINER, Clerk ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer Phone 237-3300 Births Mother, Dad and I want to thank all of our friends for their cards, visits and 'gifts while I was in St. Joseph's Hospital; also the nursing staff on children's floor for their understanding care.—Douglas Oorraveau. 45,b Thank you so much to all who remembered me with cards, visits flowers and gifts while a patient at St. Joseph's Hospital and since my return home. All these helped so much to brighten and shorten days in hospital.—Helen Geiger. 45;p Card of Thanks BECKER—Mr. and Mrs. Charles Becker, Exeter, are happy to announce the birth of a sin, Timothy Charles, on Saturday, November 1, 1969, at South Huron Hospital. A brother for Melissa. Notice to Creditors In the Estate of AMELIA ELIZABETH THIEL, deceased All persons having clairrns against the estate of Amelia Elizabeth Thiel, late of the Village of Zurich, in the County of Huron, widow, who died on the llth day of October, 1969, are required to fide particulars of same with Bell & Laughton, solicitors of Eyeter, Ontario, by the 29th day of November, 1969, after which date the estate will be distributed having regard only to those claims of which notice has been received. BF1J, T, & LAUGHTON, Solicitors for the Executor, Exeter. Ontario. SENIOR MIXED LEAGUE November 6 Ramblers, T. Thiel ___ 579 4 p4 Whip'wnlls, H. Stade __ 603 3 39 Seldom Wins, A. Desch 578 0 7 Hawkeyes, G. Soudant_ 580 7 30 )Eli Hopes, B. Bedard __ 651 5 17 Varieties, R. F'kbeiner_ 597 2 30 H. single: L. Thornton __-_ 293 H. triple: 11. Stale 788 REPRESENTS SERVICE CLUBS - Ron Wareing, president of the Hensall Kinsmen, is seen placing a wreath at the Cenotaph in Hensall on Sunday morning, on behalf of the Kinsmen and the Kinettes. The parade to the Cenotaph was led by the Exeter Legion Pipe Band, and members of the Hensall Brownies and Girl Guides also paraded along with the Legion and the Legion Ladies Auxiliary members. ZURICH LADIES' LEAGUE November 3 Happy Gals, F. Forrester 595 5 Mix Ups, A. Faber 595 5 Packers, M. Clark 599 7 Dom'ionaires, C. Sweeney 590 0 Night Hawks, B. Oke 626 7 Ramblers, D. Beaton 517 0 Ups & Downs, F. Webb _ 503 7 Alley Cops, M. Laporte597 0 Devil's Angels, B. Bedard 560 2 N. Scamps, D. Lespeeance 519 5 Stariites, P. Schroeder 667 7 Jolly Six, J. Gladdin 602 0 11. triple: D. Ftirnkbei ner _ _ 770 11. .single: D. Fankbein er _ _ 312 H. aver.: D. Finkbeiner _ _ 207 was estimated at $200. Provin- cial Constable E.C. Wilcox in- vestigated. On Friday, November '7, at 9.50 p.m. a car operated by Brian Chappel of R. R.1, Staffa, collided with a car operated by Joseph S. Green, of Grand Bend on No. 4 Highway at the junc- tion of No. 84 Highway. Martha Rooseboom of Hensall and Kevin Shouldice of Listowel, passengers in the Green car, suffered in- juries. Damage was estimated at $700. Provincial Constable F.L. Giffin investigated. Durin the one-week period, rhe detachment also laid six charges under the Highway Traf- fic Act, and one under the Liquor Control Act. There were 24 war- nings handed out under the High - way Traffic Act. In addition, the officers con- ducted 12 criminal investigations They spent a total of 228 hours on duty, and patrolled a distance of 2247 miles. OPEN HOUSE Thursday, Nov. 12, 1969 Huron -Perth Tuberculosis end Respiratory Disease Association Office 121 Wellington Street Stratford, Ont. Bring your children and friends! THE HURON COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION Requires ELEMENTARY SCHOOL TEACHERS DUTIES TO COMMENCE JANUARY 1, 1970 at Schools in the Clinton, Exeter, Goderich and Wingham Areas Personal interviews will be conducted at CLINTON PUBLIC SCHOOL at 1:30 p.m., on Saturday, November 22 Written applications, including telephone number, most recent superintendent, and experience should be mailed to: J. W. COULTER, Superintendent of Schools, Box 370, Clinton, Ontario. D. J. Cochrane, Director. J. B. Laois, Chairman.