Zurich Citizens News, 1969-10-23, Page 8PAGE EIGHT ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS THURSDAY, OCTOBER 23, 1969 For Sale USED TYPEWRITERS — Eight models to choose from. All in good working condition. Priced from $39.95 to $59.95. Ideal for school students or business. See them at the Zurich Citizens News. 32,tf. 1967 PONTIAC Parisienne, 2 Dr. Hard Top, fully equipped with 327 V-8 engine, .automatic trans- mission, P.S., P.B., radio, white walls, discs. Car is 'in top condi- tion. Phone before 3 p.m. 1-271 3386. 39,40,1,2,p. COMMERCIAL Building, modern apartment above and store be- low. Electric heated and air con- s ditioned. Apply McAdams T.V., call 236-4094 or write to Box 248, Zurich. 30tf. APPLES—PICK your own, low trees, Spy, King, Tatman Sweet, Snows, Delicious, Greening, Rus- set, etc. Also picked McIntosh, and Cider apples. Beginning Oc- tober 6th picking days, Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays and Satur days, closed Sundays. Phone 482-3214. :Fired McClymont •and Son, 1 mile south of Varna. 39,40,1,p VACUUM CLEANERS — Sales and Service to all makes. Con- tact R. K. Peck, RR 1, Zurich. phone Hensall 262-5748. 34,tf CRUSHED GRAVEL, sand, fill and top soil, delivered. Contact Earl Soldan, Hensall phone 262 5638. 39,40,1,3,p POTATOES, Carrots and Spanish Onions, 2', miles east of Zurich on Highway 84. Phone 236-4038. 36,tf. BROWN Winter Coat with lynx collar; blue fall and spring coat; black velvet dress; purple crepe dress; olive green winter duffle coat and various others, all at low prices. All sizes, 9 to 12. Phone 2364943. 40,1,b J.F. three furrow, 14" mounted plow. Just used one year. Phone 262-5433. 41,2,p APPLES for sale, pick your own. Top quality Spys, $3.00; Delic- ious, $2.25 per bushel, off low trees. Wind falls, $1.50. Bring your baskets and save while they last. Ross Middleton's Orchards, one mile east of Bayfield, north of the river. 41,b ARLOR ACRE roasting chickens, dressed. Neil Gingerich, phone 2364736. 42,b 1963 MERCURY Meteor, 4 -door sedan, V8 automatic, radio, etc. Priced for quick sale. Phone 236-4196, after 6 p.m. 42,3p 5 PARTY DRESSES, size 10 and 12. Telephone 236-4243. An- tiques aid used furniture. 42,b REPAIRS on watches and clocks. Special on bicycle Mires and girl's bicycles. Hess Jewelery Store, Zurich, 42,tf 23 PIGS, 'approximately eight weeks old. Phone 236.4637, Sid Rainer. 42,p HOCKEY Helmet, knee, shoulder and elbow pads, gloves and stock- ings. Also hockey bag. Used one season. Phone Gary Hugill, 2364928. 42,b APPLE BTYr1l:,R. •Call Lennis Gingeric'h, 237-3287. 42,3,b SNOW APPLES and pie pump- kins; .also, j'a'ck -o -lantern -pump- kins for Hallowe'en. Wilfred Mousseau, 236.4110. 42,.p Help Wanted BOUSELCEEPER - Companion re- quired by Bayfield lady, in com- fortable home on Main Street, before November 1. Apply to 565-2646 or 565.2864. 42,b Custom Work CUSTOM CORN drying -550 bu- shel batch dryer. Keith Love, 236-4728, Zurich. 37,tf,b CUSTOM COMBINING — Grain, beans and corn. Narrow or wide rows. Trucks and elevators avail- able. Competitive rates. Contact Lionel Wilder, phone 236-4020. 32,tf. CUSTOM KILLING AND PROCESSING Butchering dates—Tuesday and Thursday TUESDAY — Beef and Pork Thursday — Beef Only PICK-UP SERVICE AVAILABLE Merner's Abattoir 237-3314 Dashwood For Rent CONSTRUCTION equipment, power trowel, forms, pump, mix- er, etc. N. J. Corriveau, Zurich, 236-4954, after 6 p.m. and on Sat- urday. 15,tf Wanted USED Furniture, from attic to basement. Phone 2364243. 42,tf PLACE to feed 20 head of young cattle, about 700 lbs., no horns, 17 Hereford and 3 Poll Angus. William Hoggart, 21 George St., Clinton, Ont. Telephone 482-9773, after 6 p.m. Miscellaneous AVON CALLING — Guarantee yourself a wonderful Christmas by selling Avon's Christmas beau- ty dine in spare time—starting now in Dashwod area. Call eve-- .nings, Mrs. Million, 451-0541, or write 17 Hawkesbury Ave., Lon- don. 41,2,3,b SANITATION SERVICE SEPTIC TANK PUMPING Drainage and Repairs For immediate service PHONE GRAND BEND 228-2923 or 238-2291 GRINSVEN DEAD ANIMAL REMOVAL SERVICE PICK-UP DEAD AND DISABLED CATTLE AND HORSES Sheep and Rotten Animals Not Accepted! For fast, efficient service, call immediately, collect 245-0838 STRATHROY Coming Events Rummage Sale, sponsored by the Kinette Club of Hensall, will be held in the Hensall Arena Auditorium on Friday evening, October 24, at 8 p.m. 42,p A trousseau tea will be ,held by Mrs. Ralph Weber in honor of her daughter, Diane, on October 25, from 2 to 4 do the afternoon, and 7 to 9 in the evening. Every- one weloome. 42,p In Memoriam Gallman—In loving memory of a ,dear wife, mother and grand- mother, Frieda Gallmtan, who passed away our years ago, Oc- tober 24, 1965. Deep in our hearts, your memory is kept, To love and to cherish and never forget. —Ever remembered by husband, John and family. 42,p Renew Your Subscription Now Births OLSON—Allan and Bernice (nee Dilling), London, wish to an- nounce the birth of their son, David Allan, Monday, October 13, 1969, at St. Joseph's Hos- pital, London. A brother for Elizabeth and grandson for Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Dillng, Hensall. 0 EXTENSIVE AUCTION SALE of Tractors, Truck, Combine, Farm Machinery, Pony, Feed, Antiques, Household Effects and Micellaneous Items on the premises Lot 20, Con. 4, Hay Township 31/2 miles east of Zurich or 2 miles west of Hensall, Highway 8a'. The undersigned auctioneer re- ceived instructions to sell by public ,auction on SATURDAY, OCTOBER 25 at 12:30 p.m. Tractors, Truck and Combine: Nuffield BMC diesel ,ztandard tractor with all modern features, includThe 3 -furrow high beam 3- pointhitch plow, recently pur- chased; John Deere "A" stand- ard tractor; Farman "A" stand- ard tractor with loader; Chev- rolet 1464 3/4 -ton pick-up truck; Case 77 ,cornbine; •McKee harves- ter, including heavy duty wagon and closed -in rack; Dodge 1 -ton truck, not road worthy. Farm Machinery: Oliver 16 -run grain and fer- tilizer drill; Case 8 -ft. swather; John Deere power take -off 7 -ft. mower; McDeering 3 -bar side rake; John Deere tractor spread- er; Cockshutt 8 -plate one-way disc; M.H. 3 -bar side rake; Int. 81 ft. cultivator, on rubber; 3 - drum steel roller; tractor disc; diamond ,harrows; 2 rubber tire wagons; 16 -ft. hay rack; grain box; Allis Chalmers hay baler (round bale); Mayratth 40 -ft. hay elevator; 20 -ft. grain auger, with motor; Gehl hammer mill and belt; hay loader; M.F. 3 -point hitch 4 -furrow plow; set of bob sleighs; 3 2 -furrow plows; 2 iron kettles; miniature saw mill with motor, real antique; tractor chains; .Sedore manure loader; Beatty pump; quantity tile; cable and belt; Pioneer chain saw; new aluminum sheeting; logging chains; 500 cap. chick brooder; .aluminum 14 -ft. boat, brand new; Johnson 10 h.p. outboard motor. Pony: Dark bay gelding pony, well broken; rubber tire show buggy, harness, cutter. Feed: Large mow loose hay. Household Effects, Antiques: Glass ,cupboard; settee; chairs; tables; ferneries; opining wheel; dressers; rockers; antique hall mirror and seat; trunks; hanging lamp; Aladdin lamps; coal oil lamps; parlour lamp; black wal- nut chest; pictures and frames; large.assortment carpenter tools; Winchester 45-75 lever action calibre deer rifle; Winchester 12 - gauge shotgun; Winchester dou- ble barrel 12 -gauge s ho t g u n; many other miscellaneous items. Plan to attend this interesting sale. No reserve—to settle estate. Terms—Cash Edith May Bell, Shirley Passmore and Donald Bell Executors for the estate of the late Harold Bell ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer 40,1,2,b ESTATE AUCTION SALE of Valuable Household Effects, Antiques and Miscellaneous Items on the premises In the Village of Zurich The undersigned tauctioneer re- ceived instructions to sell by public auction on WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 29 at 1 p.m. Dining room extension table, 6 matching chairs; antique china cabinet; chrome table and chairs, like new; Prestebine medium size refrigerator; Rogers Majestic 21 - inch television, recently pur- chased; TV .aerial; Westinghouse electric radio; 3 oak rockers; Boston rocker; bookstand; flower stand; end tables swivel chair; day bed; mantel clock mirrors; trunk; Raymond sewing machine; pictures and frames_._ numerous kitchen chairs; electric •clock; oak bedsteads; steel bedsteads; 3 dressers; 3 co.nmodes; antique washstand; coal oil lamps; as- sortment linens, pillows, quilts, comforters, tablecloths; silver- ware; glassware; fancy dishes; cues and saucers; set of dishes; toilet set; kitchen utensils; 3 cast iron fry pans; tea kettles; Sim- plicity electric washing machine; tubs; 2 small iron kettles; flower pots; jugs; sealers; crocks; police night stick and cap; lawn chairs; garden snuffler; garden tools; extension ladder, etc. Terms—Cash HAROLD THIEL, CARL THIEL, Executors for the estate of the late Amelia Thiel ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer 0 IMPORTANT AUCTION SALE of Truck, Trailers, Cement and Silo Equipment, Household Ef- fects and Miscellaneous Items on the premises in the Village of Zurich The undersigner auctioneer re- ceived instruction to sell by pub- lic auction on SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 1 at 1:30 p.m. Truck and Trailers: Fargo No. 100, 1969, half -ton pick-up truck, in brand new con- dition; 2 -wheel trailer, new con- dition; 2 -wheel trailer with long steel base suitable for hauling boat. Cement and Silo Equipment: Two cement mixers; steel wheel- barrows; round mouth scoop shovels; 2 100 -ft chains; 3 spools cable; 4 heavy duty logging chains; various water hose; sledge ,hanimers; wrecking bars; block and tackles; crow bars; gas en- gine; ;hacksaws; 2 extension lad- ders; 32 -ft, and 38 -ft. devices; speed wrenches; spades and shovels; slush scraper; ropes; tool box; bolt cutters; sections of picket fence. Household Effects: Williams upright piano and bench, new ,condition; modern bedrom suite; oak bedstead; studio couch and ,chair; chrome table and 6 matching ,chairs, re- cently purchased. rocker; Singer sewing machine; pole lamp; foot stool; electric lamp; sealers, etc. NO RESERVE In case of inclement weather sale will be held lin Lutheran Church shed. WESLEY HUGILL, Proprietor ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer 0 EXTENSIVE AUCTION SALE of Valuable 50 -Acre Farm, Trac- tors, Trucks, Bulldozer, Float, Wrecking Equipment, complete line Household Effects, Antiques and Miscellaneous Items on the premises Lot, South Half 13, Con. 14, Hay Township The undersigned auctioneer re- ceived instructions to sell by public auction on SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 8 at 12 p.m. Real Estate: Consists of Lot Sl/x of 13, Con. (Continued on page 9) TENDER FOR FUEL OIL St. Peter's Lutheran Church ZURICH, ONTARIO Sealed Tenders for the supply of FURNACE OIL, will be accepted until FRIAY, OCTOBER 31, AT 6 P.M. by the undersigned Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. DOUGLAS ARMSTRONG, Secretary, Zurich, Ontario, VILLAGE OF ZURICH OIL TENDER SEALED TENDERS, clearly marked as such, will be accepted by the undersigned, for the Supply of Fuel Oil for the Zurich Arena, Zurich Community Centre, Zurich Fire Hall and Municipal Office. Contract will be for one year. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. All tenders to be in the hands of the clerk -treasurer by 12 noon, on November 5, 1969. MRS. ELDA WAGNER, Clerk -Treasurer, Village of Zurich.