HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1969-10-23, Page 5THURSDAY, OCTOBER 23, 1969 ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS AIIJDREY BELLCHAMBER TELLS YOU - ALL ABOUT BAYFIELD INTERESTING HAPPENINGS IN ONTARIO'S PRETTIEST VILLAGE Mr. and Mrs. E. Pongrhcz of Detroit, accompanied by Mrs. R. Fromer of Kitchener spent the weekend at their cottage. Mr. Bernard Sturgeon, Jeff and Roland, and Mr. George Miller and Cory of Toronto, spent Sat- urday with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Sturgeon, The Trinity Church Guild spon- sored a very successful card par- ty in the Parish Hall on Friday evening with four tables of bridge and six tables of eucliri.. Prizes for Euchre went to Mrs. Jean Bell and Mrs, R. J, Larson, Goshen Women Plan Fowl Supper Mrs, Anson McKinley was host- ess at her home for the October meeting of the Goshen United Church Women, Thursday night, October 16. Eighteen members answered the roll call on, "some- thing we were thankful for dur- ing the year." Mrs. Bob Peck opened the meet- ing with a Thanksgiving Med- itation, Mrs, Elgin McKinley read the scripture from Matthew. A hymn was sung, and Mrs. Rich- ard Robinson led in prayer. A very interesting report on the regional meeting at Walton was given by Mrs. Elgin McKinley, assisted by Mrs. John Robinson and Mrs. Anson McKinley, Mrs, Bob Peck read a story on "Front- iers of Christ.". Business was conducted by Mrs. Anson McKinley. Minutes were read and approved. Mrs. Arnold Keys moved that the group en- tertain in November and invite Brucefield, Kippen and Hensall as guests. Mrs. Bob Peck second- ed the motion. A motion was made by Mrs. Elgin McKinley to have the Christmas meeting on December 11, seconded by Mrs. Brian Lempiere. The annual fowl supper is to be held on October 29, and tickets can be bought from Mrs. Roy McBride, Mrs. Bob Peck closed the meeting with prayer. Lunch was served by Mrs. Bob McKinley and her group, with lone bands, to Mrs. Fred Weston, Doug Telford and Fred Mote won the men's prizes with George Clark having the highest number of lone hands, In bridge the ladies high prizes went to Mrs. R. L. Willsie and Wiens high to Gordon Graham, WEDDING ANNIVERSARY Mr. and Mrs. Walter Westlake of Bayfield celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary on October 22, with a family dinner at the community centre auditorium, followed by a reception. The couple were married on October 22, 1919, at the home of Mrs. Robert Scotchmer with the Rev. A. McFarlane perform- ing the ceremony. Following their marriage, the couple farmed in Stanley Town- ship for three years before mov- ing to Bayfield, where Mr. West - late built a garage next to the Albion Hotel, before moving the next year to the present site of Jack Merner garage, which he operated with Imperial Oil intil his retirement in April 1964. Mr. Westlake who served with the 161 Battalion, Huron County, and was wounded in April 1918, while serving overseas. He was also fire chief of the Bayfield volunteer firemen for 20 years and never niissed a fire during his time of office. Ivlrs. Westlake, the former Pearl Orr was born in Stanley Township, and operated the snack bar and refreshment booth ad- jacent to the garage. for 20 years. Huron County Crop Report Except for some corn to be pick- ed and some turnips to be pulled, this year's harvest is relatively completed. Fall ploughing was very slow until the rains last weekend. The soil which was relatively dry and hard, softened with the rain and thereby produced more fall ploughing. She was also active in the Red Cross organization during World War II, Mr, and Mrs. Westlake have five children, Bill of Vancouver, Mrs. Merton(Lorna) Merner, Bay- field; Lloyd Westlake, Bayfield, Garfield of Gold River; and Mrs. Bev (Gloria) McClinchey of Bay- field; 20 grandchildren, and one great grand- daughter. An honoured guest at the dinner and reception, was Mr. Samuel Westlake who was the happy couples best man of 50 years ago. 0 New Assistant For Ag Office Michael (Alike) Miller was recently appointed Assistant Agricultural Representative for Huron County. He is a native of Kent County where his fancily operate a hog, beef and cash crop operation.. Following his education at the Ridgctown District High School, he enrolled at the Ontario Ag- ricultural College, Guelph, where he majored in Crop Sci- ence and graduated with his B. S . A , in the spring convocation in 1969. Ile was active in many student functions at college. In his fin= al year, lie was chairman of the Union Council Finance Commit- tee, Director of the Campus Co - Operative, Treasurer of his year "69 O, A. C, , active in the Un- iversity Soils and crops club and participated in College Royal. Mike worked with the Ontario Department of Agriculture and Food for three summers, two at the RiclgeroWh College of Ag- ricultural Technology, Crops Division and last year with the Soils and Crops Branch out of Brighton. Following his sumnicr employ- ment with the Field Staff of the Jolly Green Giant Company this year, he has joined the lluron Extension office at Clinton, Ilis main farm 111anagement respon- sibilities will be in the area of Field Crop Production and Mark- eting. WE MUST MAKE ROOM FOR OUR CHRISTMAS MERCHANDISE! 20% OFF OUR ENTIRE STOCK No Gimmicks --Just an Honest Discount on Any Merchandise 9 DAYS ONLY Thursday, October 23 to Saturday November 1 NO EXCHANGES OR REFUNDS — ALL TERMS CASHI LUBICH HARDWARE Obituaries MRS, ELMORE THIEL Funeral service for Mrs. Elmore Thiel of Zurich was held at the Westlake funeral home on Mon- day October 13, with Rev. Black- well in charge. Pall bearers were Milford Doerr, Stewart Thiel, Jim Whitton, Stanley Paine, I<eith Thiel and Albert Clausius. Flower bearers were Bob and Richard Thiel, George McClin- chey and Don Noble. Mrs. Thiel was the daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. George Koch of Dashwood. She was mar- ried to Elmore Thiel, son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Thiel of Zurich. They celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary in1959, Mrs. ThielTad just returned from a three-week trip to Florida attended the wedding of agrand- daughter and the baptism of her great-grandson, when she was suddenly stricken ill at the home of her son, Harold. She was moved to South Huron Hos- pital, Exeter where she passed away on Saturday October 11, in her 80th year. Surviving are her sons; Harold and Carl of Zurich; Milford of Edmonton, Alberta, and one PAG! FIVE daughter, Mrs. Bernice McClin- chey of Blyth, L4 grand children three great grand children; three sisters, Mrs. Mary Doerr, of Glanworth; Mrs. Alma Touscany, of Mt. Clemens, Michigan; Mrs. Russell Pitt of Hyde Park; and one brother, Milford Koch of Utica, Michigan, as well as many nieces and nephews. MRS. JOHN PEPPER Mrs. John Pepper, a resident of Hensall district for many years passed away Friday, October 17, in South Huron Hospital, Exeter. In her 74th year, she was the former A. Elizabeth Fluker of Auburn. She was a member of Hensall United Church and active in church work. Survivors are three sons, Roy, Exeter; Bloss, Ailsa Craig; Ce,� cil, Hensall; two daughters, (Han- nah), Mrs. Alex Miller, Staffa, (Marian) Mrs. Russell Hooey, Wallenstein; and eleven grand- children. Her husband predeceas- ed her in 1967. Public funeral service was held from the Bronthron funeral home, Monday, conducted by Rev. Ilarold F. Currie. Interment in llensall Union cemetery. AVAILABLE BREG [ASS ATHROOMS THESE ROOMS COME IN TWO SIZES: et, 8 Inches Square and 5 Feet by 4 Feet 8 Inches They come complete with toilet, vanity tub, medicine cabinet, light fixtures and also hace finished walls, floor and ceiling.