HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1969-10-02, Page 11THURSDAY, OCTOBER 2, 1969 ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS PAGE ELEVE Fall Fair Entries Show Increase In Quality Over Previous The quality of the inside exhibits at this year's Zurich Fall Fair was probably the best in many years, as more area ladies cernpeted than ever be- fore. Principal winners in ladies work were Mrs. Hugh Morenz, Mrs. Ruth Willert, -Diane Wbber, Mrs. Len Prang, Mrs. Irvin Play - foot, Ruth Ann Flaxbard, Marion Becker, Mrs. Stephen Gingerich, Mrs. Harold Deichert, Mrs. Myrtle Hay, Mrs. Wilfred Col- clough, Mrs. V , L. Becker, Mrs. Jerome Sweeney, Mrs. Ted Stein back and Mrs, Dave Cross. Domestic science winners were Mrs. Eben Weigand, Mrs. Col- clough, Mrs. Deichert, Mrs. Ray Fisher, Mrs. Stewart Black- well, Mrs. Fred Mommersteeg, Mrs. Herb Beierling, Mrs. Cross, Mrs. Sweeney, Mrs. David Blackwell, Mrs. Gingerich, Mrs. Playfoot, Mrs. Len Prang, Mrs. Francis Kipper, Mrs. Fred Mc- Clyrnont. Floral exhibit winners were Mrs. Fisher, Mrs. Kipper, Mrs. Beierling, Mrs. Cross, Mrs. Wil- lert, Mrs. Colclough, Mrs. D. Blackwell, Mrs. Becker. Vegetables; Mrs. Willert, Fred McClyrnont, Mrs. Beierling, Mrs. D. Blackwell, Ken Gascho, Marion Becker, Mrs. Fisher, Mrs, Expects Surplus (continued from page 1) deck on the Benmiller bridge. I3e said the fine weather this summer allowed work to pro- ceed easily and without inter- ruption, a distinct factor in the accumulation of a $15, 000 to $20, 000 surplus mentioned for this year in the road department. At Huronview where the es- timated budget was $746, 466 for 1969, actual expenses until June 30 were $363, 070. 97. Robert Lyons, chairman of the committee of management of Huronview got approval for his committee's recommendation that a Perdiem rate be set $216 per month and $7.10 per day for any part of the month, re- troactive to April 1969. He also reported that Dr. C.F. Doorly, Goderich is the new home physician at Huronview. Harvey Johnston, former administrator at Huronview, introduced Chester A. Archibald, the new administrator who com- menced his duties September 1. Estimated budget in the health unit was $227, 511 while actual expenditures to June 30 of this year totalled $102, 185.93. Library expenses have totalled $57, 589.64 to June 30, budget estimates for the year are $145, 000. The children's Aid Society is operating within its budget too. Actual costs have been $108, 567. 70 of a budget for $215, 366. Clerk Berry spoke briefly on the matter of interest rates which is of great concern when one real- izes the prime borrowing rate at the present time is 8Z per cent At the present time, the county is paying interest on $1, 200, 000. "The county does have a re- serve for working capital in amount of $50, 000, " explained Berry. " This money is available as ready cash rather than put- ting the same sum into the sur- plus account and then having to borrow to return this money to the bank account." "I would strongly recommend that in considering the budget for 1970, " Berry continued, every consideratioh be given to increase the working capital account in order to save on bor- rowing and as a result save on interest.' Just rs a matter of interest, Berry told council the average cost per delegate to conventions in 1969 was $165. 08. "This does not seem ext- ravagant, " he said. Ethibitions Becker, John Becker, Mrs. Play - foot. Grain; Stewart Blackwell, Fred McClyrnont, Mrs. Willert. In the special classes winners were as follows: working man's dinner, Mrs. Ray Fisher, Mrs. Stewart Blackwell; Schneider's specials, Mrs. Eben Weigand, Mrs. Wilfred Colclough, Mrs. Harold Deichert; Ogilvie specials Mrs. Fred Mommersteeg, Mrs. Weigand, Mrs. Colclough; Arva Flour Mills specials, Mrs. Wei- gand, Mrs. Herb Beierling, Mrs. Stewart Blackwell; Fry Cadbury specials, Mrs. Weigand, Mrs. Colclough, Mrs. Playfoot; Shirriff's Potato Chips specials, Mrs. Stewart Blackwell, Mrs. Weigand. Mrs. Beierling. Dashwood Tigers Again Win Series (by Ross Haugh) The Dashwood Tigers moved into the Ontario Baseball Ass- ociation Intermediate "D" Final Saturday afternoon with a close 2-1 win over the Ivey Maple Leafs. The Tigers had won the series two weeks earlier but an Ivey protest of the second game was upheld forcing the Saturday game in Dashwood. Dashwood now moves against the Mattice Tigers in the provincial final. The best -of three series will be played in Dashwood on Thanksgiving weekend. It is expected the first two games will be played Saturday and Sunday with the deciding garne if necessary slated for Monday afternoon. The weather will probably decide if the Sat- urday game is played in the afternoon or under the newly installed floodlighting system. The Tigers scored both of their runs Saturday in the fourth in- ning to gain the victory. Stan Lovie lined a single to left field and Pete Ravelle followed with a long drive that carried over the right field fence. The only other Dashwood hit of the day was a single from the bat of second sacher Bud Desjardine in the second inning, Bob Webb went the distance on the Dashwood mound and limited the visitors to four well scattered hits. Ivey scored their run in the top of the third. Zurich Horse Show Although the crowd at this year's Horse Show held in con- junction with the annual Fall Fair, was down in numbers from previous years, the calibre of horses and showrnen left little to be asked. Winners in the heavy horses classes were Orval Bestard, Cecil Crain, Charles Halliday, R.R. Pinnegar, and Walter Clarke. The open jumping class was won by Miss Joan Elliott. Others in special classes were as follows; roadsters, Alden Craven; Shet- lands, Percy Clarke, wagon or express,, Ralph Kent;. Palominos, Ronald Alton; open parade, Wil- son Brewer; fine harness poibies, Ivan Berdan; musical chairs, George Beer; musical chairs, horses, Mrs. Ted VanRompaey; junior fancy turnout, Robert Phillips, single carriage, Walter Clarke; single hackney, Howard Armstrong; pony race, Robert Phillips; single roadster, Alden Craven; flag race, Murray Manson; lady driver, Mrs. Walt- er Clarke; roadster to bike, Ralph Walker; girl's pony race, Sandra Schroeder; boy's pony race, George Beer. BROWNIE'S DRIVE-IN THEATRE CLINTON Box Office Opens at 8.00 p.m. FRIDAY & SATURDAY October 3 and 4 Showing at 8:30 p.m, "THOROUGHLY MODERN MILLIE" In Color - Starring JULIE ANDREWS - MARY TYLER MOORE and CAROL CHANNING - Second Feature - "WHAT'S SO BAD ABOUT FEELING GOOD" Showing at 10:45 p.m. - Starring GEORGE PEPPARD and MARY TYLER MOORE Color Cartoon Coming Next Weekend: "The Split" and Hot Millions" (Adult Entrtainment) Zurich Minor Athl'etic Association FinancialReport -1968-69 RECEIPTS Bank Balance, September 30, 1968 R. H. Johnston, Donation Chamber of Commerce, Donation Registration Fees Hockey Games Receipts Z.M.A.A. Projects (dances, stags, hat pools, etc) $ 200.00 100.00 436.07 1374.44 2931.83 $5042.34 DISBURSEMENTS Zurich Arena Ice and Hall Rentals $1240.50 Out of Town Ice Rentals . 85.25 Equipment (sticks, uniforms, tape,) 2297.19 Printing 203.32 Postage and Telephone 40.56 Bank Charges 5.05 Medical 80.00 O.H.A. Registration and Percent of Game Receipts 140.00 Insurance of Jr. 'D' 175.00 W.O.A.A. Registration and Insurance 171.50 O.M.H.A. Percent of Gate Receipts 17.00 W.O.A.A. Referees Assn. & % of Playoffs 54.00 Softball Champs (Game at London) 25.00 $4535.05 Bank Balance, September 1, 1969 $ 88.78 $5131.12 $4535.05 $596.0'7 Notice of Application By THE CORPORATION of THE VILLAGE of ZURICH For Approval of a By -Law imposing a water Works Rate. TAKE NOTICE THAT: 1. The Council of the Corporation of the Village of Zurich intends to apply to the Ontario Municipal Board for approval of the construction of a Water Works System for the Village of Zurich, consist- ing of a ground level reservoir, a pump house, the installation of high lift pumps and the instal- lation of certain water mains, as referred to in Schedule "A" hereto, at an estimated cost of $130,366.00, and intends to charge the whole of the cost of the work as a water works rate for a period of twenty (20) years in the manner de- signated below. 2. It is proposed to raise the whole of the annual payments by the following: (a) A frontage rate of 0.421/2c per foot. (b) A Fire Protection charge of $150.00 per fire hydrant, to be payable from the gen- eral rate, (c) Water Rates to users as follows; i) Flat rate to domestic customers - $48.00 per annum ii) Flat rate to Commercial customers, and to residents out of the Village of Zur- ich - $75.00 per annum iii) Metered rates to larger commercial customers (those using more than 25,000 gallons per bi-monthly meter reading) .50c per 1,000 gallons for the first 25,000 gallons, and .35c per 1,000 gallons for the balance. (d) Rental of the Truck bay and storage area to the Hydro -Electric Commission of the Village of Zurich at $1,300.00 per annum. The following is an example of the annual charge Dn an average dwelling property in the Village of Zurich having a frontage of sixty six (66) feet and assessed at $2,000.00; (a) Frontage assessment - 66 feet at .421/2c per foot $28.05 (b) Fire Protection (equivelant to ap- prox. 3 mills) 6.00 (c) Flat Rate Water Charge 48.00 Approximate total annual charges $82.05 3. (a) The area upon which frontage rate is to be levied is as follows : STREET FROM TO FredericW Street (both sides) Edward St. Mary St. Goshen St. (both sides) Edward St. Rosalie St. Mary St. (both sides) John 5t. Frederick St. Rosalie St. (both sides) Frederick St. Goshen St. Mill St. (both sides) Frederick St. Goshen St. "Edward St. (both sides) Frederick St. Goshen St. Main St. (both sides) Frederick St. Approx. 450 ft. east of Goshen St. (b) An exemption will be granted under Section 380 (14) (b) of the Municipal Act on corner lots of up to 100 feet. 4. The area upon which the Fire Protection charge is to be applied, shall include the whole of the Village of Zurich. 5. The Water Rate shall apply to all the users of the Water System. 6. Any ratepayer may, within twenty-one (21) days after the first publication of this notice, send by prepaid post to the clerk of the Village of Zurich, at the address given below, a notice in writing stating his objections to such ap- proal or to the imposition of the special rate. 7. The Ontario Municipal Board may approve the said special rate pursuant to the statute and may approve of the said works, but before doing so it may appoint a time and place for a public hearing when any objections will be considered, but notice of such hearing will be given only to those persons who have given notice of ob- jections as provided for above. DATED at the Village of Zurich, this 22nd day of September, 1969. Mrs. Elda Wagner Clerk -Treasurer Village of Zurich ZURICH, ONTARIO