HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1969-10-02, Page 7i THURSDAY, OCTOBER 2, 1969 ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS FOODS AND CONSEQUENCES (continued from page 5) offer in the way of what is prop- erly known as nutrition. We usually cannot say that this is a carbohydrate food, and that is a protein food, because both nature and the cook blend var- ious ingredients together to obtain the finished product. Thus any one "food" can be an ex- ample of each of a variety of nutrients. As good an example as any is whole milk, which contains fat (cream), protein, carbohydrate, and an almost complete variety of vitamins and minerals. 1. CARBOHYDRATES: these are the energy -producing foods - fuel for the power -plant that runs EXTENSIVE AUCTION SALE of Tractor, Farm Machinery, Pony, Antiques, Household Effects and Misc. Items on the premises Lot 20, Con. 4, Hay Twp. 3�/Z miles East of Zurich or 2 Miles West of Hensel), Highway 84 The undersigned auctioneer re- ceived instructions to sell by public Auction on SATURDAY, OCTOBER 25 at 12:30 p.m. Watch for complete Dist in fol- lowing issue. Edith May Bell, Shirley Pass- more, Donald Bell, Executors for the estate of the late Harold Bell. ALVIN WALPER, AUCTIONEER AUCTION SALE of Valuable Tractors, Farm Implements & Misc. Items On the premises LOT 19, LAKE RD, WEST 6 miles south of Bayfield, Hwy. 21 or 6 miles north of Grand Bend. The undersigned auctioneer received instructions to sell by public auction on WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER S at 1:30 p.m. Tractors M.F. No. 165 Diesel Standard tractor with all modern features, only 650 working hrs.; M.F.-3—furrow 16 irsoh trip beam plow, all in brand new condition; Case Row Crap No. S.C. tractor including 2 -row seuffler, puller and loader; Int. 15 -run power lift your body. Unfortunately, for most of us, our bodies are too efficient in full conservation. Any excess obtained is stored - as body fat. 2. FATS: all of the following: lard, shortening, butter, mar- garine, vegetable (salad) oils, meat fats or drippings, fish oils, and perhaps others. The other day, I was absolutely confound- ed to hear a grown woman, who cooks for a family, say how glad she is that oils don't have cal- ories. Madamw! Any of the ab- ove have a caloric value of app- roximately 100 calories per table- spoonful. To operate properly, your body really needs something less than one tablespoonful of fats per day. The rest is excess, and presents a marvellous op- portunity to gain weight. 3. PROTEINS: the building blocks of the body proteins consist of a variety of substances all of which are found in meats, fish, milk, cheese, and eggs. These are therefore known as complete protein. Such foods as dried peas and beans, nuts gel- atine, etc. contain some, but not all of the protein factors which our bodies require. Com- plete proteins are essential for re -building our body cells, whict are continually wearing out and being replaced - every hour of every day. Next week, I will attempt to give you a small insight into the nature and sources of vitamins and minerals, and how they are involved in the maintenance of our health and happiness. For here, if ever, is a subject upon which what you don't know can hurt you! grain and fertilizer drill; Kong skilde triple IC -11% ft., 3point hitch cultivator, recently pur- chased; New Idea, 7 -ft. power take -off mower; Int. 4 -bar side rake; 3 -drum steel droller; rub- ber tire wagon and rack; horse drawn manure spreader; 4 sec tion diamond harrows; Gehl hammer trill. like new; 15 -ft. steel ,gate; Renfrew cream sep- arator; cedar and steel posts; em- ery mery and motor; forks; shovels; chains; Ford 1z/2 ton platform truck not roadworthy; hay and grain; 1000 bales choice mixed hay; 900 bushel Gary oats. No Reserve — Terms Cash. • MRS. MONICA JEFFERY, Proprietress ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer IL IIVI 13 IE Ft ak irs BUILDING MATERIALS 2x4's 2x6's 2x8's 2x1 O's Available in any lengths. COMPLETE ASSORTMENT CHECK OUR PRICES before you buy structural lumber! Floor Covering Headquarters Carpet, Linoleum, Tiles and Seamless Floors Free Estimate on Any Job! DON OKE pro. PHONE 236-4092 — ZiJRICH Nifty Needlers Hold 4th Meeting (by Rita Pennings) The fourth meeting of the Zurich 5 4-1-I club was hdld Tuesday September 23, at Anes Lampieres. We opened with the 4-H pledge and all members answered to the roll call "Places and Feather stitch could be used", Our leaders Debbie McKinley and Agnes Lampiere demonstrated the chain and lazy daisy, stitches. Then we sewed it on our sample and "Learning Stitches" article. Debbie read the minutes of the last meeting which were ap- proved. We decided to hold our next meeting September 30 at Dar- lene McBrides house. PAGE SEVEN DIAMONDS CLEANED AND CHECKED NO CHARGE ANSTETT JEWELLERS LTD. Clinton ' -- Walkerton -- Seaforth 1.11111, Sweet Mix -32 -os. lar FF Bicks Pickles 53c 2 -Ib. tin Beehive Corn Syrup _ _ 35c Robin Hood -7 -lb. bag All Purpose Flour _ _ _ 69c 2 -lb. tin Nestles Quick 79c Assorted colors -400's Scotties Facial Tissue _ 29c 25c off Tide King Size _ _ _ _ $1.69 Fresh Apple or Raisin Westons Pies 2/85c Jack's Spanish-6-oz—Reg. 33c Pkg.—Speclal Peanuts 2/39c Poly Bag deal -7 Reg. Bars Camay Soap 99c Union Carbide Large-10s.—pkg. Garbage Bags 69c Liquid -16 -oz, jar Beekist Honey 39c 1 -Ib, prints Coleman's Margarine 2/53c 00� E Clover Leaf -6 -ox. tin Albocore Tuna _ _ _ _ 45c Clark's Fancy -48 -oz. tin -7c off Tomato Juice 37c All flavours Shake'n'bake 2/55c White Swan -4 Roll Pak Bathroom Tissue _ _ _ _ 62c Surget-2-Ib. Cello Bag Spaghetti or Macaroni 45c 100 ft. refill Cutrite Wax Paper _ _ 35c Stokley or Delmonte-10-oz.—Peas, Corn, Beans, Mix or Match Apple Sauce, Van Camp Pork and Beans Mix Vegetable _ _ 6/$1 Reg., Pkg's Kraft Dinners 2/33 Squirrel Brand -16 -oz. jar Peanut Butter 49c Nabob -44 -oz jar -8c off Waffle Syrup 55c Nabob Lemon Pie Fill 2/55c Sungold—Orange or Apple—Mir or Match Flavour Crystals _ _ _ 2/35c FRUITS AND VEGETABLES Fancy Mclnto4h Apples Ontario Celery 24's Tokay Ontario Snow White Cauliflower 3-1b. bag 39c 2 bunches for 49c 2 lbs. 45c MEAT SPECIALS Mac and Cheese Loaf _ Smoked Picnics _ Fresh Pork Hocks _ _ _ OM PON head 39c We QM MIS MN PIO NM 1,d CRIS I.. Val Urn demi, alto tan nee vs. 0313 D OERR'S DIAL 236-43M — ZURICH lb. 59c lb. 59c 3 lbs. $1