HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1969-10-02, Page 1• No. 39—FIRST WITH THE LOCAL NEWS ZURICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 2, 1969 NO CENTS PER COPY NEW CARS POPULAR - The new cars on displayat the big General Motors show at the Zurich Arena last week attracted a large number of interested spectators, and sponsors of the show were well pleased with the results. Shown here is Pete Masse, right, representative of Huron Motor Products, as he explains some of the features of the new Buick to Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Denomme and Mr. and Mrs, Louis Ayotte. County Council Expects Surplus for Year County council for Huron learn- ed Friday in regular session at Goderich that financial expend- itures in the county are in line with the budgets set for the cur- rent year, with the general ac- count including highways ex- penditures showing a net surplus• of $42, 302. Clerk John Berry noted the highways department was showing a deficit of $30,101 at June 30 when the financial statement was prepared, but he advised this was not unusual because work has been completed for which no. money had been received to that date. This revenue will increase during the latter part of the year, reported Berry, "and at the same time the expenses begin to de- crease. There is certainly no problem as far as a balanced budget in the highways depart - merit. " In his report, Elmer Hayter, reeve of Stanley and chairman of the Huron County Road Com- mittee submitted a report show- ing six jobs, all completed or nearly completed, which had 'Peen accomplished for less money than the original estimate At one job on county road 2 just south of Dashwood, the original estimate was for $157, 000 for 2.5 miles. Actually 3.75 miles were completed for $135, 000. "It is the first year in 13 years we've been under the estimates, " county engineer Jim Britnell commented. We're looking for- ward to a surplus." He suggested the road comm- ittee might well consider the purchase of some new equipment on this year's budget which woulc otherwise have to be taken into consideration next year at bud - County Council Hear Reports From Committee Heads In Quiet Session In a quiet session of county council Friday, Huron reeves and deputy reeves found it a time for gathering information. Delegations on hand to discuss county welfare and regional health units were received and heard with no resulting decisions. The property committee report- ed on the completion of the work on the court house walls and advised that repairs to the roof will be carried out by Dobson Roofing, Exeter. The Dobson tender was $2, 598 and the department of public works has agreed to pay its share of that amount. The former Department of Education office suite will be occupied by Family Court Of- ficals, as a result, the province will be paying 50.68 per cent of all maintenance on the building plus the rentals for the various facilities in the court house. A private office will be built for the county registrar at a 100 per cent cost to the province, new lighting at the registry office has also been financed 100 per cent by the province. Furnishings at the administrative building have been purchased by the province for $19,000,00. The new curator of Huron County Museum 'Raymond Scotchmer gave a glowing re- port of museum visitations and receipts. He said more people than ever before toured the museum and receipts were up over last year. Total visitors were 63, 641. In his report Mr. IIall, ass- essment commissioner, said trailers will become a special concern of the assessment de- partment soon, he advised that trailers which have become a 'part of the land (on foundations, for instance,) will be assessed as permanent homes. "The extra assessment will go to the owner of the land", Hall explained, "and the trailer own- er and the property owner will have to work it out between them," Roy Pattison, chairman of the county development committee, gave a brief report on the of- ficial tour of CFB Clinton, again soliciting the county's co-opera- tion to "get something in there", Exeter deputy -reeve Mery Cud - more reported that the total sum for the official plan of the count? of Huron will be some- what in excess of $58, 000. The firm of G . V , Kleinfeidt and Associates Ltd., London has been engaged. get time. Britnell also told council road budgets were not being cut by the Ontario Department of High- ways but that the standards are being lowered. He said for some time now, roads have been given prime consideration by the government, but that re- cently health and education are coming in for extra funds. "And perhaps rightly so, " said Brintnell. He claimed Huron County has a fine road system built on a champagne income. The county engineer reported some of the worl< proposed for this year had been deferred un- til 1970 including the concrete (continued on page 11) BULLETIN Word has been received from Zurich, Switzerland , that the charter flight arrived safely on schedule at 5:00 a. n7. Canadian Tim e. Huronview Administrator Retires After 15 Years of Loyal Service Harvey C. Johnston, adminis- trator of Huronview, the county home for the aged, for 15 years has retired and been succeeded by Chester A. Archibald, a native of Seaforth who was treasurer of the City of Brantford before taking the Huron County post.• Before coming to Clinton, Mr. Johnston served on the Morris Township Council for 13 years, six of them as reeve, He was warden of the county in 1952. A past president of the Morris Township Federation of Agri- culture, he was also president of Huron Co -Operative Medical Services and served for many years as director of the medical co- op which recently merged into a provincial organization. He is a charter member and past president of the Brussels Lions Club and is a past master of Brussels Lodge 284 A.F. and A.M. and a former member. L. Thiel Re-elected Chamber President Leroy Thiel, Zurich hardware merchant, was re-elected as president of the Zurich Chamber of Commerce, at the annual meeting of the organization held last week. He is serving his second term in this capacity. Other officers elected at the meeting were, first vice-pres- ident, Herb Turl<heim; second vice-president, Glenn Thiel; secretary, John Consitt; treas- urer, Bill McAdams. The 12 - man board of directors consist of Fred Haberer, Fred Momrner- steeg, Douglas Armstrong, Vin- cent Doyle, Robert Westlake, Leo Meidinger, Cleve Gingerich, Oscar Greb, Milford Doerr, Ted Steinbach, Len Merner, and Tom Meyers. The nominating committee for the new term was made up of three past presidents, Gerald Gingerich, Keith Westlake and Albert Kalbfleisch. Gerald Gingerich, chairman of the tourist committee of the organization, gave detailed reports on the tourist promotion booklet which was published this past summer, and also on the trip to Zurich, Switzerland, which the Chamber is sponsoring. It was agreed at the meeting to publish another tourist booklet next summer. Mr. Johnston is a former dir- ector of the Board of Men of the United Church of Canada. He was elder and superintendent of the Walton United Church Sunday School and served as president of the Huron Presbytery of United Church Men, While working at Huronview, Mr. Johnston has been a member of the Clinton Lions Club and Clinton Lodge No. 84, A,F. and A.M. He belongs to the Scottish Rite and Mocha Temple and the Blue Water Shrine Club. He was president of the Huron unit of the Canadian Cancer Society for the last three years and served also as director of the Ontario Division of the society. He is currently an elder of Ontario Street United Church and Clerk of the Session. He is secretary -treasurer of the Ex -Wardens Association. Mr. and Mrs. Johnston have moved from their apartment at Huronview and now reside at 304 Albert Street, Clinton. The new administrator and his wife are living on Raglan Street. Mr. Johnston continues in an advisory capacity at Huronview until October 31. Mailing List Corrections Made The mailing list of the Citizens News has been corrected and brought up-to-date, a.' of Sat- urday, September 27. If you have renewed or bought a new subscription prior to that date, and your label has not been cor- rected accordingly, please ad- vise this office as soon as pos- sible. All subscribers are asked to check their labels for their correct expiry date. If your label reades Sept'69, or any date prior to this, your early attention should be given to the matter. Postal regulations are demanding that all subscribers must keep their subscriptions up to date, or be dropped from the mailing list. Several hundred renewal not- ices will be going out within the next week, and prompt atten- tion to these will assist in pre- venting a price increase at the present time. APPLIANCES ON DISPLAY - A large crowd attended the monster General Motors Show at the Zurich Arena, sponsored jointly by Gingerich's Ltd. and Huron Motor Products Ltd., and were pleased with the fine display of appliances, cars and trucks. Shown here is Gerald Gingerich, left, showing Mr. and Mrs. Walter Weber, R. R.3 Dashwood, some of the features of the new full- width refrigerator.