HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1969-08-21, Page 2PAGE TWO
welcome to the .. .
Delicious home -baked pork and
beans with all the trimmings wil'
be the feature attraction this
year at the fourth annual Bean
Festival, which is scheduled for
this Saturday, August 23. Act-
ivities are scheduled to get under
way at noon, and continue on
throughout the rest of the day.
Well over 5, 000 people are
expected to attend the all- after -L
noon and evening programs,
Visitors are expected from many
cities in the United States and
Canada, from such centres as
Detroit, Toronto, Hamilton,.
Kitchener, London, Stratford
and Sarnia.
Since Zurich is located in the
centre of a rich bean -growing ar-
ea, many of the visitors will avai
themselves of the opportunity to
visit local farms where beans
are the major crop. Wagons will
available to transport these
people to where beans are being
grown in large quanities. Due
to the lateness of the season this
year, it is doubtful if any bean
fields will be ready for harvesting
at festival time.
The beans will be cooking in
old-fashioned iron kettles right
in view of the crowd. Visitors
will be able to eat their meals
at picnic tables spread through-
out the main business areas of
the village. While most of the
activity will centre around the
downtown area, there will also
Police Report
During the week of August
10 to 16, the Exeter detachment
of the Ontario Provincial Police
investigated seven accidents
in the area. The detachment
had a busy week as they also
investigated 15 criminal occurr-
ences in the same time. A total
of four charges were laid under
the criminal code act, three
under the Liquor Control Act
and 16 under the Highway Traffic
The accidents were as follows:
At 12.35 p. m. , August 10,
Harold J. Denomme, Warren,
Michigan, collided with a
vehicle owned by Anthony A.
Corriveau. This occured on the
St, Joseph's Church parking lot,
Damage estimated at $75.
Constable E. C. Wilcox invest-
At 3:30 p.m., August 10,
Thomas H. Walker, Exeter, and
David R. Hunter collided on
Highway 4, 14 miles south of
Exeter. Damage estimated at
$600. Injured was Ronald
Brintnell, age 17. Exeter.
At 10:00 p. in. , August 12,
Howard Allan, R. R. 1, Bruce -
field, collided with a heifer
owned by Hensall Sales Barn.
The animal had escaped from
the barn the previous day. The
animal apparently uninjured ran
off. Damage to Allan's truck
estimated at $75 by Provincial
Constable F. Giffin.
At 3:45 p.m., August 12, Janet
M. Simons, Bayfield, collided
on No. 21, 4 miles north of
Grand Bend, with Wesley Yasney
of Canton, Conn. Total damage
was estimated by Provincial
Constable J. A. Wright at $800.
No injuries.
At 10:30 a, m., August 14,
Harold McGrath, Stratford, rep-
orted damage in amount of
$200 which occurred when he
ran off the road at Highway 21
and No. 84. Investigated by
Provincial Constable E. Wilcox.
On August 15, at 8:45 p.m.
Provincial Constable Lamont
investigated at King Street,
Hensall, a report of hit and run
accident in which a vehicle own-
ed by Alexander McBeath, R.R.
3, Kippen, was damaged in the
amount of $50 by an unknown
At 2:10 a.m., August 16,
Gordon Phillips, R. R. 1, Hensall
collided with a parked 'auto and
a hydro pole at the corner of
Queen and Brock Streets, Hensall
Damage was estimated at $200.
by Provincial Constable F. Giffin
be horseshoe tournaments taking
place at the Zurich park. Sev-
eralladiee groups and church
organizations will have bazaars
and food stands in the streets,
and to add this there will be
pony rides for the children. Oth-
er activities include checker and'
solo competitions in the Town-
ship Hall.
Another feature of the festival
this year will be an outstanding
St. Boniface CWL
Plan For Festival
The August meeting of the St.
Boniface Catholic Women's
League was held on Tuesday,
August 12, in the St, Boniface
School auditorium.
The meeting was opened with
prayers and the minutes of the
last meeting were read and
approved. The treasurer then
read her report.
The Education convenor, Mrs,
Louis Farwell thanked all those
who signed the petition requestini
support for higher education.
Mrs. Jerome Sweeney, the Spirit-
ual convenor, read a verse
entitled "Light Shining Out of
the Darkness".
The final plans were made for tl
the pie booth at the Bean Festival
Each lady in the parish is request-
ed to donate two pies, the empty
pie plates can be found at the
back of St. Boniface church.
Mrs. Theresa Stark reported
that 140 books of tickets for the
quilt displayed in Westlake's
window had been sold and return-
ed. She also asked that if anyone
has tickets that they won't be
able to sell, would they please
return them to her.
Plans were made for a Pilgramrn
on August 20 to the Shrine of
Out Lady, at St. Marys.
The members present agreed to
cater to a Knights of Columbus
dinner on the 25th of October.
Further plans will be made at a
future date.
Mrs. William Miller, who will
be handling the Regal Christmas
Birthday and all occasion cards
has offered to donate any profits
she makes to the C. W. L.
The meeting was closed with
At this time the guest speaker,
Cyril Gingerich, was introduced
and showed very interesting and
informative slides on Biafra;
after which refreshments were
program of entertainment through
out the afternoon and early
evening, with hootenany singer
Jay Boyle headlining the show.
There will be a great deal of
local entertainment interjected
into the afternoon program.
The Zurich Centennial Band
will provide musical entertain-
ment as well. A portable stage
will be set up on Mill Street,
where all the entertainers will
Along with the serving of
home-made pork and beans,
there will be street markets set
up offering for sale such items
as home-made pies, home-
made sausage, home-made
bread, home-made cheese,
honey, fresh fruit and all types
of vegetables.
This year the Bean Festival
dance will be held on Friday
night, as a prelude to the
festival iteself. At the Friday
night dance, a "Be an Queen'
will be chosen, and she will
reign over the festival on Satur-
day. Any girls throughout the
area are invited to take part in
the contest, for which valuable
prizes will be awarded. All
contestants must register ahead
of time at the office of the
Citizens News.
Winding up the entire event
will be a monster fireworks
display at dusk on Saturday night.
Pl'an Bean Queen
Contest at Festival
All girls in the area are invited
to participate in the "Bean Queer
contest, to be held in conjunct-
ion with this years annual Beari
Festival. Contestants will
appear in ordinary street dress,
and it is not necessary to have
a sponsor, although some of the
entries will be sponsored by area
businesses or organizations.
The contest will take place in
the Community Centre at about
10 p.m. on Friday night. Music
for the dance will be supplied
by Ken Ducharme and the Blue
water Playboys.
Valuable cash prizes are
awarded in the contest, and all
girls will receive a consolation
prize. The winner will have
the privilege of competing in
the Exeter Rodeo Queen Contest
later this month.
Any girls wishing to enter
must register in advance at the
office of the Citizens News,
any time from now until the
event takes place.
South Huron District High
School Students
1—All students will assemble in Gymnasiums 1 and
2 at 10 a.m., on Tuesday, September 2.
2—Buses will therefore follow the regular routes,
but will run one hour later than usual, on Tuesday,
September 2.
What Is It!
The Zurich and District Bean
Festival of 1969, which is
again being held on the fourth
Saturday in August, is the fourth
of which the committee plan on
being an annual affair. It is
believed to be the only one of
its kind in all of Ontario, and
was initiated four years ago by
a group of public-spirited
citizens of the community.
The project has again received
the whole -hearted support of all
organizations and public-spirited
citizens of the area, and all
visitors are assured of an enjoy-
able tour of the heart of the
bean rowing belt of Western
Again this year, the central
area of the village will be
blocked off to form a mall.
Area merchants and organization,
will have displays along the
mall and visitors are invited to
visit these displays.
for 3 years
John R. Consitt
2364332 Zurich
Welcome to the ... .
Zurich Bean Festival
Special Prices for the Festival
See our complete line
on display at the
Bean Festival
Westlake Furniture
Designed For .. .
can be combined with:
Covering All Risks on Mobile Farm Machinery
and Farm Equipment
These two forms of coverage can be purchased
separately, or bought as a Package with a
special IO% discount.
See Us Now For Complete Information and Advice!
Robert F. Westlake
PHONE 296-4391 -- ZURICH