HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1969-07-31, Page 6PAGE SIX ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS THURSDAY, JULY 31, 1969 • Es •. •tom.:.: ,. a.>. r^} "•T 1/,•. ttti For Sale BLACK and DECKER 71i," Skil Saw, $30.00; heavy duty ? t" drill, $20.00; lumber, fern stand; angel stone and window stool. Earl Gingerich. 30,b INTERNATIONAL Bean puller, for Farmall "A", Massey Harris bean puller for Farmall "A" with new knives. Russell Grainger, 565-5352. 30,1,b We can supply our customers with No. 1 white honey at the end of this week. 28c per pound. J.W. Haberer Apairies, Zurich. 30,b CRUSHED Gravel, sand, fill and top soil delivered. Contact Earl Soldan, Hensall, phone 262-5638. 30,1,2,3,p COMMERCIAL Building, modern apartment above and store be- low. Electric heated and air con- ditioned. Apply McAdams T.V., call 236-4094 or write to Box 248, Zurich. 3Otf. I,000 1.5-W1`EK old De'. alh nul- Iets, $1.75 each. 1fcKinlev',: Farm and Hatchery Ltd. Pho',e 262-2837. 29.h THREE BEDROOM ]buss in Hensall. Modern conveniences. Call Zurich 236-4611, at noon or between 5:30 and 7 p.m. 29,30,h REPAIRS on watches and clocks. Special on girl's bicycle and f'shing tackle. Hess Jewellery Store. VACUUM CLEANERS — Sales and Service to all makes. Con- tact R.K. Peck, RR 1, Zurich, nhone Hensall 262-5350. 26.tf USED Refrigerator, 6, cu. ft., in good condition. Also a Clare Jewell range, in good condition. Call Menno Steckle, 262-5447. 28,9,p For Rent CONSTRUCTION equipment. power trowel, forms, pump, mix- er, etc. N. J. Corriveau, Zurich, 236-4954, after 6 p.m. and on Sat- urday. 15,tf Custom Work CUSTOM Spraying, 2-4-D, atra- zine and eptam, etc. For lowest prices on all these chemicals con- tact Lionel Wilder, phone 236- 4t$20. 20,tf Custom swathing of grain. Call Larry Merner, 236-4638. 30,1,2,3,b, Custom Combining—all grain. Willert Brothers, Phone 236-4724 or 236-4043, 30,1,b. CITSTOM SPRAYING -- Corn or grain. Contact Curtis Gingerich, 236-4875. 24,1) CTTSTOM Swathing — Swathing and conditioning of hay. Also grain swathing, Contact Don Gingerich, 2364852. 23,0 Wanted USED 8-10 inch electric grain chopper. Phone Ted Geoffrey at 2364768. 29,tf,b PAI,T.FT LOGS wanted — We are regular purchasers of paI- let logs—advise us of any logs available. Zurich Wood Pro- ducts, Limited, P.O. Box 40, Zur- ich. 29,b Male Help Wanted YOUNG MAN with knowledge of Bookkeeping and desire to learn wodworking plant busin- ess operations. Apply in writ- ing to Zurich Wood Products Limited, P.O. Box 40, Zurich. 29,b, Lost and Found LOST -400 lb. black Poll Angus. Missing from pasture for about three weeks. Please contact Ivan Baechler, 236-4630. 30,b LOST ----Two $5.00 hills in down- town Zurich. Small Reward. Con- tact Andrew Thiel. 30,b Card of Thanks I would like to express sincere thanks to relatives, neighbours and friends for their many acts of kindness shown in my recent sad bereavement. A special thank you to those who donated to the various charities and for the beautiful floral tributes. Al- so I would like to esneciallv thank Rev. Huether, Rev. ar,d Mrs. Amacher and Rev. Faist for assisting at the funeral. Everything was greatly appreci- ated. — Mrs. E. E. Wuerth My sincere thanks to all those who remembered me during my hospitalization at South Huron Hospital. — Len Prang Engagements Mr, and Mrs. Anthony M. Den- omme, announce the engagement of their daughter, Elaine Phylis, to Mr. George Victor Keller, son of Mrs. Frieda Keller and the late Edward Keller, Dashwood. The wedding will take place on Saturday, August 23, 1969, at 1:30 p.m. in St. Peter's Roman Catholic Church, St. Joseph. 30,p Mr. and Mrs. Ross Richardson, RR 1, Zurich, are pleased to an- nounce the engagement of their daughter, Donna Jean, to Mr. Maxwell David Willsie, son of Mr. and Mr's. Maxwell Willsie of London. The marriage will take Place on Saturday, September 6,. 1969, at 3:30 p.m. in Hensall United Church. 30,b 1. Look both ways be- fore you cross the street. 2. Keep from between parked, cars. 3. Ride your bike safely and obey all signs and signals. 4. Play your games in a safe place away from the street. 5. Walk when you leave the curb. 6. Where there a r e no sidewalks walk on the left side o f the road facing traf fic. Coming Events Anyone wishing to rent space for concessions at the Zurich Bean Festival are asked to con- tact Glen Weido, as soon as poss- ible. 30,b CUSTOM KILLING AND PROCESSING Butchering dates—Tuesday and Thursday TUESDAY — Beef and Pork Thursday — Beef Only PICK-UP SERVICE AVAILABLE Merner's Abattoir 237-3314 Dashwood Miscellaneous SANITATION SERVICE SEPTIC TANK PUMPING Drainage and Repairs For immediate service PHONE GRAND BEND 238-2291 or 238-2776 Don't let land go to waste because it's rough or poor or wet or dry. Put your waste land to work, growing forest trees. Trees give you a cash crop -- poles, pulpwood, timber --and they increase the value of your property. That's why Ontario has a free forestry service to help you turn idle acres into a growing investment. For inform- ation, squire at the nearest office of the Department of Lands and Forests. GRINSVEN DEAD ANIMAL REMOVAL SERVICE PICK-UP DEAD AND DISABLED CATTLE AND HORSES Sheep and Rotten Animals Not Accepted I For fast, efficient service, call immediately, collect 245-0838 STRATHROY 11 1 @( 4 -The Elmer rule broken here is number .. . CRAMBLER SCRAMBLER) BIKES TWO BOYS' TWO GIRLS' 1 ti ILYTE ACCESSORY KITS Each kit contains valuable items for your bike. 1. Show which Elmer rule is being broken above, then COLOR the picture. 2. Any Canadian child of elemen- tary school age may enter. 3. Fill out box with your FULL name and address. 4. Cut out along dotted lines and mail to address' shown in box. 5. All entries become property of Elmer the Safety Elephant. Judges' decision is final. ONTARIO SAFETY LEAGUE MAIL BEFORE AUG.5TO: ELME BOX 4072, STATION A, TORONTO 1, ONT. NAME ADDRESS (Town or City) TELEPHONE AGE Boy Girl