HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1969-07-24, Page 9THURSDAY, JULY 24, 1969 ih YOUNG DESIGNERS — These two young people, Billy Deichert and Elizabeth Deichert, are quite proud of the emblems they have as part of their course of instruction at the Vacation Church School in the Lutheran Church, Zurich. The children have been attending for the past week and a half. Types of Fish Confuse Anglers This spring many people Who caught smelt or rainbow trout thought the) were catching collo, because of their general resemblance. Recently a commercial fisher- man submitted one of several fish taken in Georgian Bay lust On Wasaga Beach to the department of lands and forests for examination. These were silvery in appearance, and turned out to be rainbow trout. ri l:vol� the "experts" pan be . fooled if they are •looking for Coho. The almost identical silvery appearance of the collo, rain- bow and even kokanee, at certain stages of life, make such mistakes unavoidable. Exper- ienced fishery biologists who have handled both rainbow and collo require some time to make positive identification. Such errors are understandable but not those that involve the longnose sucker and common shiner which are often referred to as rainbow trout. Roth of these fish have red coloration on their sides, especially during the spring spawning time and thus people readily consider thein rainbows. In Toronto, this spring, according to conservation officer Paul Dreyer, some smelt fishermen were mistakenly identifying col.tn sinolts as alewife. The coho unlike the alewife, has a small adipose fin just in front of the tail fin. The alewife, when laid on its side, is a very flat, compressed fish. If anyone is still doubtful whether or not his fish is a splake, rainbow coho or Kokanee, it should be placed in a refrig- erator and the nearest department of lands and forests' contacted. Someone will gladly check its identity. The department is anxious to verify the identity of salmon -like fish for its own records which, when compiled, will assist staff in plotting the movements of these fish. All four fishes are now found in lake Ontario and Georgian -Bay. Recently, a fairy fresh 10 -inch fish was washed ashore at Port Credit, just west of Toronto. The woman who spotted it was convinced it was a coho, and phoned the department. 1-1oweve: by the time the conservation Renew Your Subscription Now oiliccr arrived, the lady's cat had eaten almost half of it. ,\s a result of the cat's mauling, tearing and chewing there was little to go'by and identilicatiou, was inconclusive. Department of lands and forests personnel would appreciate the opportunity to examine cul) trout -or salmon -like fish before the cat does. Zurich Mennonite Ephraim Gingerieh, Pastor SUNDAY, JULY 27 — 9:45 a.m.—Worship Service 10:45 a.m.—Sunday School Thursday, July 24 — 7:30 p.m, — WMSA "And God made two great lights: the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night: he made the stars also— and let them be for signs, and for days and years: Genesis 1:16. 11th 41111111111.111 St. Peter's Lutheran Church Rev. A. C. Blackwell, B.A., B.D. Pastor SUNDAY, JULY 27 — 10:00 a.m.—Worship Service 11:00 a.m.—Church School Everyone Welcome Emmanuel United Church ZURICH Rev. John Huether, B.A„ B.D., Minister Mrs. Milton Desch, Organist SUNDAY, JULY 27 — 10 a.m. Worship Service 11:10 a.m, Adult Bible Classes LAKEVIEW CONSERVATIVE Mennonite Church Formerly SS 4, EAST STANLEY Minister: Alvin Baker SUNDAY, JULY 27 — 10:00 a.m.—Sunday School 11:00 a.m.—Worship Service 8:00 p.m.—Evening Service Every Wednesday Evening— 8:30 p.m.—Bible Study and Prayer Meeting We invite you to worship with us MEW AMIN ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS PAGE NINE ONE 1\1(ORl I`P1TION \e\l week's edition of the t'itizcus News Dill he the hist !'. ore.the 111111111 holiday period, 'Mere Nill he no edition during the week of .\ut;ust 1, Uniikw past years, only one issue of the Citi. -ens News will he missed this summer, instead of the customary th0, The nem edition will he published as scheduled 011 .\u,ust 11. Advertisers and ot,liers \‘i5111110 any nles:;1 ;es ill next week's issue or thi week after should remember that it will he the last one for a two-week period.. If \ 011 have some activity raking place heiore ;\ugu5t 11 it should he listed in next week's edition. During the Week of August -1, there will he a skeleton staff 011 duty ;tt the Citizens News to look after an) necessary printing requirements. 0 Renew Your Subscription Now Zurich Citizens News WE pRomlsgs 1!T_PRIOES T a a fi 0 r OU H T ` ,R Stuart House -18"x25' roll Foil Wrap 65c Golden Dew -1 -Ib. prints Margarine _. 5/91 Pineapple Grapefruit -48 -oz. Delmonte Juice _ _ _ _ _ 32c 11 -oz. bottle Aylmer Catsup - _ - - 2/37c 12 -oz. Green Giant Niblets _ 5/$1 York -19 -oz. tins Choice Green Beans _ 2/43c Chase and Sanborn -1 -Ib. bag -10c off Ground Coffee _ _ _ _ Ib 85c Chase and Sanborn -10 -oz. Instant Coffee _ _ _ $1.53 Chase and Sanborn -6 -oz. Instant Coffee _ _ _ _ $1.09 Clarks -14 -oz. Beans and Pork _ _ _ 2/43c Clarks -19 -oz. Beans and Pork _ _ _ 2/55c Bee' or Irish and Chicken--15-oz. Clark's Stew 39c Beef—Irish—Chicken--- 25 -oz. Clark's Stew _ _ _ -- _ _ 57c Green Giant Medium -14 -oz. tins Small Peas 2/49c Green Giant -14 -oz. tins Cut Green Beans _ _ _ 2/45c Bick's-32-oz. lar Sweet Mix Pickles _ _ _ 65c Ellmarr-16-oz. Peanut Butter 45c St. Williams---20-oz. Cherry Pie Fil 53c Koos Aid—regular Drink Mixes- _ _ 5 pkgs 29c 13 -oz. bag Hostess Potato Chips _ 65c White Swan—Assorted color -2 roll pak Bathroom Tissue _ _ _ _ 29c Union Carbide -100's Garbage Bags 75c Chicken Noodle Lipton's Soup _ _ 2 pkgs 55c 25c off pkg. Tide, King Size _ _ _ $1.59 Personal Size -51: off— 4 bar pkg. Ivory Soap 37c FRUITS AND VEGETABLES NEW GREEN ONIONS 2'bunc'hes 17c CANTELOPE 36's 3 for $1 ONTARIO HEAD LETTUCE _ _ 24's 2 'heads 35c ONTARIO NEW POTATOES 10 Ib bag 69c SUNKIST ORANGES 113's doz. 69c MEAT SPECIALS FRESH PORK BUTT CHOPS _ _ _ FRESH PORK ROASTS VISKING BOLOGNA EPICURE RINDLESS SIDE BACON 1 lb pkg. 95c Ib 69c Ib 65c _ 2 lbs 95c DOERR'S DIAL 2364354 — ZURICII