Zurich Citizens News, 1969-06-05, Page 11THURSDAY, JUNE 5, 1969 ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS From My Window You will remember, I hope, the column from last week. We were discussing how the United Nations has been encouraged to appoint a population ambassador - someone to keep the population down to a point where the world can feed them and maintain them without too many pollut- ion problems, etc. Since that time, everybody has been getting into the ace. In just one weep, the whole western world seems to he in an uproar about keeping the popu- lation explosion down to pop! Just the other day, a high school principal and father of four suggested that parents who have more than two children should be penalized. He didn't say (tow but it is interesting to guess. Maybe he thinks the govern- ment should put a tax on fertility If you are a healthy productive young. woman with a handsome virile husband, maybe you should pay for all rhe mistakes you make past two children. Or perhaps, would-be parents of a third child would be requir- ed to buy a licence permitting them the luxury of a larger family. If you could not pro- duce proof that you could feed and clothe and educate that third child as easily as the first two, you would be denied a Treating permit'. (Just too bad I guess, if you have accidentally gone ahead with your plans only to find you have been forbidden to do so.) Or maybe it would be worked on a quota basis. For instance, one town with so many married couples would be allowed so many children among them. You are safe for the first two babies. No sweat. Suddenly mother gets those queer nauseat- ing upsets and she knows she is pregnant, heaven forbid. To save additional taxation she must find a couple with no child- ren or only one child who will technically assume "ownership" for the unborn child. Once that is accomplished, rhe 'foster parents' would have no further rights to the child except to remember they can give life to one -less baby themselves. Complicated theory eh? Like the lepers of so many years ago, there may come a day when parents like my hus- band and me with three children to our credit, will have to live on the fringes of society ringing a little bell and calling "unclean unclean". My son claims the adult -world is hopelessly confused. While some are working night and day to spread the gospel of birth control, others are laboring feverishly to perfect a mechan- ical womb. Into this gruesome gadget the scientist plans the male seamen an the female ovum. He watches carefully as the embryo forms into a fetus and the fetus become a human infant. At any stage he can correct any mistakes making it impossible to create a deformed or abnormal baby, Either science is crazy or I am. One day they want to pen- alize me for my peculiar powers ju ;;µye babies; the next day they Zurich Citizens News By Shirley Keller hope to show up my inadequacy as a baby -maker by replacing me with a bunch of nuts and bolts. Woman still has the final say in these matters and that is as it should be. There may come a time when science will advance: so far as to unmake it attractive to all females ro be simply baby -factories at the whim of the government. But to the woman who loves her husband and cherishes their ability ro produce a large family, it will be darned difficult to keep her from giving birth if that is her wish. Science has wrought utany wonderful miracles. Otte day it will go too far in its quest to play Cod. I hope I'm not around to see the destruction, Pette Residents Pay to Library A number of Perth County residents using the Huron County Public library facilities will be required to pay a fee of $2,50 when they register at the library. There is no county library in Perth County and as a result, there can be no offsetting ser- vice between iluron and `Perth. In Middlesex and Bruce. Counties, there is a county library service and persons from these counties using Huron library facilities will` nor have to pay the registrat- ion fee. •hm the matter of rentals, the board has established a policy whereby tate basic rental will he based on the likl8 costs and ro this will be added in percent for capital expenditures. An allo- cation of r1:,, 000 was provided in the budget for rent. Rents will he revioN,cd each year to .prevent 0 municipality's loss of money by rooting to the county hoar. llom\'cvcr, the county hoard has made it clear it will not permit 0 municipality to inake a large profit on rent- als. PAGE ELEVEN RADIO FREE FRIDAY There's something wrong here. That 1930 -style radio is about as different from CBC radio's Louise Delisle and Peter Growski as Guy Lombardo is from The Beatles. Peter and Louise host the CBC radio network's new two-hour program, Radio Free Friday, each week at 8:03 p.m. (EDT). Their "with -it" blend of music, conversation and controversy make that radio sound like a different machine, rt,ov.rnrl has to make 0 h,.t ,I,+ we mark it less than las ala omparably equu i:.ped. GM lU® .,�.. =yam, �Lt[d6t5v No �lm re I,; ar rt illy _o : 1::: H less ,� , r ie"I r ,; i 'k.. 1.; 1.: il, a I Normally, you expect to pay more to get more. So you'd naturally expect Canada's favourite car, Impala, to cost more than a '68 Impala with the same equipment. Well ... the price spiral stops right here. Like an example? Take our Impala Custom Coupe, equipped with a 300 -hp Turbo -Fire V8, power front disc brakes, Turbo Hydra-matic trans- mission, head restraints, whitewalls and wheel cov- ers. And we'll take $120.50* off last year's price. *Based on manufacturer's suggested maxitiiW i total( prices, including federal sales and excise tax and suggested dealer delivery and handling charges. How come? Because this year we've cut the price on the 300 -hp motor, the Turbo Hydra-matic trans- mission and the power discs, and we've made head restraints standard equipment. So you save a bundle. And on top of all this, Impala's a better car this year. By now you should be getting the mes- sage. More car, less money. And your Chevrolet dealer will be happy to prove it. SEE YOUR LOCAL AUTHORIZED CHEVROLET DEALER Pacesetter Values SNELL BROS. LIMITE 4150 MAIN STREET -- EXETER — PHONE 235.0660