HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1969-06-05, Page 6PAGE SIX
For Sale
POTATOES — Good supply on
hand. Call Arnold VanDen-
boornen, Highway 84, two and a
half miles east of Zurich. Phone
236-4038, 12,tf
12 YORK Sows, due in 3 or 4
weeks; first litter. Contact Lorne
Gingerich, 236-4145. 19,29,p
BICYCLE—Red and white boy's
CCM Rambler, 3 -speed racer.
Contact Mrs. George Haggitt,
2364095. 21,p
HOUSE for Sale in the village of
Hensall; 3 bedrooms, kitchen,
bathroom dining and living room;
asbestos shingle siding and
asphalt roof. Phone 2364958.
REPAIRS on watches and clocks.
Special on girl's bicycle and
fishing tackle. ,Hess Jewellery
hay stooker, with loader. Max
Ducharme, 236-4715. 22,p
MOFFAT 30" deluxe electric
range, in A-1 condition. Phone
238-2293. 22,b
30" electric range; Frigidaire,
heavy duty; Coldspot 10 cubic
foot refrigerator; sump pump, 3
months old. Priced for quick
sale. Call 236-4768. tf
PRIVATE SALE -1968 Javelin, 8
cylinder, au to ma ti c, power
brakes, pushbottom radio and
white walls. Call 2364391.
HOLSTEIN Heifer, and several
litters of pigs. Apply to Alvin
Gingerich, 236-4735 22,3,b
ALL -WHITE Rabbits, v a r i o us
sizes. Call after 5 p.m., 236-4164.
1964 DODGE SEDAN, •automatic,
6 cylinder, 6 wheels, with new
tires; one plate glass window
48x54: 2 bicycles, one girl's and
one boy's; cedar posts; cattle
clipper; number •of storm win-
dows with sash; 3 dressers; steel
bed and wood chairs; 2 dropleaf
tables; baby stroller; 4 bamboo
curtains: garden Roto -tiller, with
reverse gear, 2 years old; girls'
dresses and coats, size 4 to 14X;
youth's charcoal suit, like new;
sports coat and 2 topcoats; large
size outfit for altar boy; fruit
jars; dishes and other articles.—
Call Franklin Corriveau, 236-
4754. 22,b
home or modern apartment in
Zurich, available by July 1 at the
latest. Young couple with no
children. If you have something
available to rent. please call Herb
Turkheim, 2364672. 21,x
Drainage and Repairs
For immediate service
238-2291 or 238-2776
Sheep en4 Rotten Animals Not
For fast, efficient service, call
immediately, collect
245.0838 STRATHROY
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Stephen.
son, Clinton, Ontario, are pleased
to announce the engagement Of
their only daughter, Ann Emma,
to Mr, Daniel Miles McMillan,
son of Mr. and Mrs. William Mc.
Millan, Seaforth, Ontario. The
marriage will take •place Satur-
day, July 5, 1969, at 3 p.m., in
St. James' Catholic Church, Sea -
forth, Ontario. 22,b
RADER—Don and Karen Rader,
RR 3, Zurich, are happy to
announce the arrival of their
daughter, Lisa Mae, on Thurs-
day, May 22, 1969, at South
Huron Hospital. A sister for
Pati-hynn and Scott.
In Memoriam
Steckle—In loving memory of a
dear husband, father and grand-
father, Daniel Steckle, who passed
away one year ago, June 6,
We shall meet some glorious
There on Heaven's golden shore,
Where our loved one will be
He has only gone before,
—Always remembered by wife
and children. 22,h
For Rent
CONSTRUCTION e q u i p m e n t,
power trowel, forms, pump, mix-
er, etc. N. J, Corriveau, Zurich,
236-4954, after 6 p.m. and on Sat-
urday. 15,tf
Custom Work
CUSTOM Spraying, 2-4-D, atra-
zine and eptam, etc. For lowest
prices on all these chemicals con-
tact Lionel Wilder, phone 2136-
4020. 20.tf
MOWING lawns. after school,
evening, Saturdays, and during
summer holidays. Call Doug
Trukheim, 236-4662. 20,1,p
Butchering dates—Tuesday and
TUESDAY — Beef and Pork
Thursday — Beef Only
Merner's Abattoir
237-3314 Dashwood
Help Wanted
PART-TIME Secretary needed
for Hensall Recreation Park and
Community Centre Board. Please
send replies, by letter before
June 14, to Paul NeiIands, Hen-
sall. 22,b
Wanted to Buy
USED CANOE. 'Phone 236-4384.
Coming Events
Hensall-South 'Huron Agricul-
tural Society will accept a few
groups of four steers or heifers,
for their fair on June 17. Any-
body wishing to . bring any out,
kindly notify WiIlram Coleman
or P. L. McNaughton, or any
member of the Hensall Calf Club
before that date. 22,3,b
Hensall Twilight Stock Show,
Tuesday, June 17,. Good prizes,
Midway in attendance, Baby
Show 7:15 p.m., Western Horse
Show. Prize list available from
P. L. Mel Laughton, Hensall.
June 1 to 7 is Red Cross Water
efe.ty Week, Always kneel or
sit low in a e3.u35- Don't take
chances. Wear a life jai at
all times.
Mr. and Mrs. Harrison Schoch
announce the marriage of their
daughter, Brenda Charlotte, to
Hendrieus Johannes van Vugt,
son of Mrs. John Heu 'elmans
and the late Christianus van Vugt.
The wedding took place on Sat-
urday, May 31, at 2 p.m. in Ade-
laide Street Baptist Church, Lon-
don, Rev. William Steeper of-
ficiated, The groom is an honor
graduate of the University of
Western Ontario. The couple
will reside in Windsor. 22,p
Card of Thanks
We wish to express heartfelt
gratitude to all our dear friends
and neighbors during our recent
bereavement. A special `thank
you' to Dr. Wallace, Father Dur-
and and Father Doyle and the
Westlake Funeral Home. Also
to all those who sent cards, floral
tributes, mass offerings, etc. Al-
though a terrible tragedy for us
the shock has been coniderably
eased by the way in which the
whole wonderful community has
rallied to our aid.—Ray McKin-
non and family. 22,p
We wish to express our sincere
appreciation to relatives and
friends and neighbors for the
nice cards sent to my wife while
in St. Joseph's Hospital, and also
for the beautiful flowers sent by
W.M.S.A. Thanks to Pastor
Ephraim Gingerich for coming in
and also Dr. Wallace and Dr.
Walker for their concern. Thanks
to the staff and nurses who were
so kind to my wife—Aaron Ging-
erich and 'family. 22,p
I wish to express my sincere
appreciation to relatives, friends
and neighbors for your kind
thoughts, visits, cards, floral con-
tributes and transportation. Spe-
cial thanks to Dr. Goddard,
nurses and staff at South Huron
Hospital, Mr. M. Morrison, spe-
cialists and nurses in Victoria
Hospital, London. Also thanks
to my sister who willingly took
charge in the home duties. —
Mary McBride. 22,p
Of Office Equipment, Garage and
Workshop Items, Parts and Stock
on the premises
Desjardine's Garage,
The undersigned auctioneer
received instructions to sell by
public auction on
at 12:30 p.m.
Office Equipment:
McCaskey cash register, with tax
key; Remington electric adding
machine, large office size, nearly
new; desk; desk Iight and chairs;
one console and one mantel
radio; 2 electric clocks; 2 station
inter coin; billing machine.
Vending pop cooler, '15,c mech-
anism; hot cofee and soup ma-
chine; steel sink and taps.
Workshop Equipment:
% inch B & D drill; 1/2 inch
H.D. drill; i/z inch B & D impact
tool and sockets; air tire changer;
Silver Beauty 75 amp battery
charger; air jack; 8 -ton hydraulic
jack; handyman on wheels; Nei-
hoff timing light; pullers; cylin-
der hone and ridge reamer; ring
compressors; groove cleaners;
tractor sleeve puller and plates;
radiator and cap tester; Sunnen
valve spring compressor; Sunnen
torque wrench; tap and die set;
battery and generator starter;
anti freeze testers; Snap-On tach
and dwell, new; Snap-On coil,
cond. and ohmeter tester; vacuum
and comp. testers; truck tire bead
oicnker; exhaust hose; paint gun
and regulator; light clusters and
body rep tools; air sander; brake
and clutch punch and rivet ma-
chine; welding clamps; trouble
and extension cords; tractor tire
fluid , pump and motor; truck
wheel wrench; tire irons and
bars; air lines and couplers;
bushing and oil seal driver sets;
flaring tool; booster cables;
grease guns; parts cabinets; pipe
wrenches; funnels; measuring
cans; shovels; brooms and misc.
hand tools and wrenches; various
chains; one set 825-900x20 truck
chains, new; heavy steel puIIeys
and blocks; tow bar; chain tight-
ener; flashing truck roof light;
45 plow points and display stand.
Lincoln No. 180 electric weld-
er; Purox heavy duty acetylene
welding outfit, equipped with
double guages, cables and cart.
Parts and Stock:
Covering most Ford, GM and
Chry. products, 60-69; complete
line Blue Streak H.D. of points,
cond., coils, caps, starter drives,
switches, brushes; 3 new alterna-
tors and regulators; rebuilt gener-
ators; regulators; water pumps;
bonded brake sets; master cylin.;
brake hoses and cyl. cups: fuel
pumas; wiper blades; steel and
copper lines; tail and exhaust
pipes;. mufflers; air and oil VI-
ters; seal beams and clearance
and signal lights; Fram oil and
air filters; Prestolite batteries;
chemicals; gaskets; brass fittings;
wheel and axle bearings; tractor
ign; lawn mower ign; spark
plugs; cabinets of bolts and nuts;
quarts and 5 -gal. cans of oil;
used tires and tubes. 30 new
Kelly tires and misc items,
ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer
Of Valuable Household Effects,
Antiques and Miscellaneous
on the premises in the
Village of Zurich
The undersigned auctioneer
received instructions to sell by
public auction on
at 1:30 p.m,
Norge medium size refrigera-
tor; 3 -piece chesterfield suite;
Boston rocker; oak rocker; pine
glass cupboard; antique chest of
drawers; miniature Edison phon-
ograph, including 25 cylinder
records (real 'antique); dining
room extension table, 6 chairs;
kitchen table 'and chairs; combin-
ation electric and wood stove;
kitchen cabinet; 12x15 'Congol-
eum rug (new); 2 small trunks;
new quilts, mats, comforters and
linens; pine wood box; mirrors;
electric lamps; 2 oak bedsteads;
dressers; commodes; steel bed-
stead, springs and mattress;
large assortment glassware, sil-
verware, antique dishes; kitchen
utensils; fancy jugs and croeks;
sealers, electric fry pan; 2 copper
bailers; apple. peeler; butter
bowl, print and 'addle; 2 space
heaters; 200 gal. tank; lanterns;
2 large iron kettles; ice cream
freezer; garden tractor with cul-
tivator; hand sleigh; wheelbar-
row; antique cow bell; power
mower; step ladder; bicycle;'
scythe; emery; cedar posts and
used Iumber; garden scuffler and
Terms --Cash
ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer
This happy young fellow woii't be a year old till July but
already he looks like a future football player. ife big and
sturdy and loves rough games, especially wrestling. Randy
is a solid baby with big blue eyes, light brown, slightly ,curly
hair and fair, sensitive skin. A very sociable boy, he enjoys
children and Likes to be in the midst of their activity. He is
also fond of a puppy in his foster home. He is very active .
and as he starts to walk is beginning to be independent,
though he still likes to be cuddled. Randy's family history is
incomplete but it is known he has one Indian grandparent
and that his mother may have diabetes. The baby himself is
in excellent health. He needs parents who will give himlove
and stimulation. To inquire about adopting Randy please
write to Today's Child, Department of Social and Family
Services, Parliament Buildings, Toronto 182. For general
information about adoption ask your local Children's Aid