HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1969-05-29, Page 2PAGE TWO
THURSDAY, MAY 29, 1969
My Window
I've never enjoyed statistics
mostly because I find them so
darned depressing. You know
the kind I mean. Last year
one-third of all newspaper
columnists died of stomach
ulcers, or something like that.
Not too upsetting to the average
school teacher, but if you happ-
en to be a newspaper columnist
with a bit of a belly ache., you
begin to wonder.
This latest batch of statistics
doesn't really bother tris: too
much personally but I find them
rather insulting to the human
race in general. They have to
do with world-wide birth con-
trol effort now under study by
the United Nations,
In their excitement to keep
the world's population from
reaching 7, 500, 000, 000 by the
year 2Q00, a group of Americans
have suggested that the UN name
a commissioner for population.
His niain work would be to curb
the natural desires of men and
women have for each other,
or to push family planning at
them whether they understand it
or not.
You think that is unlikely.
Have you forgotten so soon how
some cities are keeping pigeon
population down by slipping a
birth control substance in their
But we were talking of statis-
ics. On the present trends of
high fertility and declining
mortality, it has been estimated
the world population will rise
from the present 3, 500, 000, 000
to 7, 500, 000, 000 by the year
2000. In the event of improved
economic development, some
experts estimate a decline in
fertility with the result that the
world population could be held
to 7, 000, 000, 000 by the start
of the 22nd century.
After digesting these facts and
figures for awhile, one could
almost conclude it is as great
an offence to go on living after
an expected age as it is to give
Mrs. Alfred Clark, Hensall,
passed away Thursday, May 22,
in South Huron Hospital, Exeter,
in her 77th year. She was the
former Bertha Welsh, Mrs.
Clark was a member of Hensall
United Church, and Unit 4 of
U. C . W., also a former member
of the choir for many years, and
former member of the Legion
Ladies Auxiliary.
Surviving are her husband;
one son, James, Palmerston;
one daughter, (Mary) Mrs.
Keith Buchanan, Hensall and
seven grandchildren. There are
also two sisters, Mrs. Nell
Youngblut, Vancouver and Mrs.
Jean McNurchey, Ottawa,
Public funeral service was held
Saturday at Bonthron funeral
home with Rev, H. F. Currie
officiating. Burial was in
Hensall Union Cemetery.
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DIAL 236-4830 -- ZURICH
By Shirley KGaner
birth to more than two children
per family,
Statistics are so hard, cold and
impersonal. The report goes
on to give -the happy news that
if babies are discouraged "with
all possible vigor" the world
population would be kept as low
as 6, 000, 000, 000 or even
5, 500, 000, 000 people.
The world has the means, the
report continues, to achieve
this tremendous feat. The pill
and the intrauterine device will
rake the place of God in future
And why are too many babies
worse than no babies at all?
According to the report babies
grow into people and too many
people cause pollution, con-
gestion, urban sprawl, psychol-
ogical ailments, widespread
famine, increased illiteracy,
um employment, squalor and
unrest which threatens the very
foundations of public order.
As a final blow the report
states" "There is no reason why
the political and religious ob-
jections of countries opposed to
family planningshould prejudice
the hopes and esires ofthose
in favour".
Well, I don't know. John D.
Rockefeller III who chaired the
committee which brought in
the report might feel that a
world-wide birth control drive
is the answer to the world's pro-
blems, but frankly I disagree.
I think a more charitible attit-
ude on the part of all manldng
would do more than any old
supply of birth control pills to
keep the world on an even keel.
But then the milk of human •
kindness probably isn't as depend-
able as those little white or
pink or yellow pills so who can
really object to Rockefeller's
proposal after all. Maybe it
is the only thing to do.
Area Couple Honored on Occasion
Of 50th Wedding Anniversary
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Adkins,
R. R. 2, Hensall, celebrated
their 50th wedding anniversary
with a family dinner at Hensall
Motel, attended by 40. The
bridal table was centered with a
three-tier wedding cake, flanked
with vases of roses. A reception
was held later in the evening in
the Zurich Community Centre
with over 200 attending and
offering congratulations and
felicitations to the happy couple,
They were married June 18,
1919, in St, Peter's Lutheran
Church, Zurich, by the late
Rev. E. Reinke. Bridesmaid was
Verda Schwartz of Detroit,
and the best man was the late
David Fuss. Both are active
members of this church, Mrs.
Adkins a member for over 70
years, and Mr. Adkins over 50
years. They farmed in flay
Township on the same farm for
.10 years, where they still reside,
Mrs. Adkins is the former Violet
Fuss and both she and her husband
are still enjoying the best o.`
health and arc very active.
Their family includes five sons,
Iloward, R. R. 2, Zurich; Wilmer,
Exeter; Sgt. Stewart Adkins,
North Bay; Jack, Courtright;
Donald, Sarnia; one daughter,
Shirley, Mrs. Ernie Powell of
Goderich; fourteen grandchildren,
Their son Stewart, North Bay,
who is stationed with the RCAF,
has been posted to India for a
Hensall PUC Pick
New Manager
Lorne Archer, 38, of Wingham,
has been appointed manager of
the 11ensall PUC, replacing
harry Page who resigned to be-
come manager of the Wingham
Mr. Archer was an employee
of the Wingham PUC for 12
years, and the Ontario Hydro,
Commission for two years.
He is married and father of
five children.
pasture dairy ration
Lush green pastures are high in protein, but
low in carbohydrates and energy, so despite the
fact your cattle were fed well all winter, they
could lose weight if fed only pasture.
Maintain your herd production thoughout the
early growing season with SHUR-GAIN Pas-
ture Dairy Ration. It provides energy lacking
in lush green pastures because SHUR-GAIN
Pasture Dairy Ration is high in carbohydrates.
dairy feeds
DIAL 236-4951
1 year and leaves June 2,
The couple were recipients of
many lovely gifts, including a
T, V, from their family.
Congratulatory messages, a
telegram from Pierre Elliott
Trudeau, Prime Minister of
Canada; a framed scroll from
Premier Roberts, personal tele-
phone call from Honourable
Robert Stanfield, Leader of the
Opposition; Charles McNaughton,
Provincial Treasurer, Robert
McKinley, lluron MP and tele-
gram from Mr. and Mrs. Willian
Adkins of Owen Sound, the
former a brother of Mr. Adkins.
Relatives and guests attended
the celebration from London,
England; Dundas, Toronto,
North Bay, Courtright, Sarnia,
Goderich, Exeter, Zurich and
Mr. and Mrs, Avila Ducharrrie
and Mrs. Theresa Hartman •
attended the 25th wedding
anniversary of their brother,
Mr. and Mrs. Cyrille Ducharme
Windsor, over the weekend.
Hensall Legion Hall
Friday, June 6
9 p.m.
Open for tickets: Thursday -Sat-
urday, 2 to 6 p.m,; Friday, 2 to9,
May 29, 30, 31; Wednesday -Thurs-
day- Friday, June 4, 5, 6.
Prizes on display at Legion Hall
Sponsored by Hensall Legion
Ladies' Auxiliary
Independent Shipper
AS OF MAY 1, 1969
United Co-operatives of Ontario
Livestock Department, Toronto
Monday Is Shipping Day From the
Varna Stock Yards
Cali Bayfield 565-2636
by 7:30 a.m. Mondays, for Prompt Service
Your Bean Planting
We have a complete selection of all
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on hand in both
Sanilac and Seaway Variety
plus a limited supply of Michigan Seed
Come in and order your seed
Custom Treating Service
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The best f=ertilizer Value in town
We carry a complete line of
for farm use
PHONE 262.2603 -- HENSALL
Est. 1880