HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1969-05-22, Page 10PAGE TEN ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS THURSDAY, MAY 22, 1969 For Sale DIAMONDS and Trophies, also Corn .Flower. Repairs to watches' and clocks. Hess Jewellry Store, t Zurich. 11,tf ; F.r.F,CTRIC MOTORS—One 5 h.g.,' three phase, 208; one 2 h.p., three, phase, 208. Also one speed con-, trol panel. Call the Zurich Citi- zens News. 11,tf POTATOES — Good supply on hand. Call Arnold VanDen- boomen, Highway 84, two and •a half miles east of Zurich. Phone 236-4038. 12,tf SEVERAL Leading varieties of Strawberry Plants, all from cer- tified stock, Now is the time to plant. L. V. Hogarth, phone Ex- eter 235-1414. 17,8,b ASSOR1'ta) flower and vegetable boxed plants, 45c per box; ger. aniums, 50 per pot; begonias, 85c per pot. Contact Lance Reed. 19,20,1,p 12 YORK Sows, due in 3 or 4 weeks; first litter. Contact Lorne Gingerich, 2364145. 19,29,p BOXED Plants—Asters, alyssum, dahlias, ivy, marigolds, petunias and salvia cabbage. Call Samuel Huber, 262-5356. 20,1,b PAIR Boy's Roller Skates, size 51/2, used one season. Call Helen Thiel, 2364360, after 6 p.m. 20,b 1964 DODGE Sedan, automatic, 6 cylinder, 6 wheels, with new tires; 8 -ft. trailer and racks; gar, den roto -tiller, 2 years old; rub, ber-tired wheelbarrow; 2 -furrow Ford plow; one Lawn Boy mower; 32 -ft. extension ladder; one plate glass window 48x54; 2 bicycles, one girl's and one boy's; cedar posts; snow fence and steel posts; side dressers; one bed; laundry tubs; fruit jars; dishes and other articles. — CaII Franklin Corri- veau, 2364754. 20,1,b Male Help Wanted MAN to help build silos, must; be able to climb. Contact Wesi Hugill, 2364928. 20,b. Custom Work CUSTOM Spraying, 2-4-D, etre- zine and eptam, etc. For lowest; prices on all these chemicals con:. tact Lionel Wilder, phone 9R9- 4020. 20,tf For Rent CONSTRUCTION e q u i p m e n t, power trowel, forms, pump, mix- er, etc. N. J. Corriveau, Zurich, 2364954, after 6 p.m. and on Sat- urday. 15,tf Miscellaneous SANITATION SERVICE SEPTIC TANK PUMPING Drainage and Repairs For immediate service PHONE GRAND BEND 238-2291 or 238-2776 GRINSVEN DEAD .ANIMAL REMOVAL SERVICE PICK-UP DEAD AND DISABLED CATTLE AND HORSES Sheep and Rotten Animals Not Accepted! For fast, efficient service, call immediately, collect 245-0838 STRATHROY Rene ; Your criptiNow Card of Thanks We should like to thank Herb Turkheim, Leroy Thiel, Father Doyle, the Zurich Women's In- stitute and all who participated in the preparations for Sunday evening, May 11, which will long remain a memorable occasion for us. We especially wish to thank the Blue Water Rest Home Board, the Chamber of Commerce, the Lions Club, the Zurich MAA, the Zurich Bean Festival Committee and all the individual contribu- tions for the beautiful gifts which we will always treasure as me- mentos of our stay in your friend- Iy and thriving community. — Betty and Ray McKinnon and family. 20,p I wish to sincerely thank rela- tives, friends and neighbors for the many cards, flowers and treats while I was a patient in Victoria Hospital, London, and since I have arrived home.—Mrs. Shirley O'Brien. 20,b We wish to express our sincere thanks and appreciation to neigh- bors and friends for cards, treats and visits and who helped in any way while Percy was a patient in South Huron Hospital and since returning home. Special thanks to Dr. Wallace, Dr. Goddard, the nurses and staff, Westlake Am- bulance Services, Rev. A. C. Blackwell for his prayers and visits and the LC-W.—Percy and Luella Willert. 20,p The wife and family of the late Richard Jeffrey wish to extend their sincere appreciation to all relatives, friends and neighbors for mass cards, floral tributes and sympathy cards during our sad bereavement. Special thanks to Monsignor Bourdeau, Dr. Goddard, the Catholic Women's League, Westlake Funeral Home and all that helned in any way. Your kindness will always be re- membered. 20,p Sincere thanks to friends, rel- atives and neighbors for cards, treats and visits while I was a patient in hospital and More re- turning home. cnacial thanks to Father Durand. Monsignor Rom - dean and Dr. Downham.—Wilfred Corriveau. 2n b There's a difference in printing quality. See us ... compare. Coming Events David Wilherson, author •of Cross and Switchblade, and di- rector and founder Teen Chal- lenge, New York City, at Sarnia Collegiate, Thursday, May 29, at 7 p,m. Charter bus leaving Zur- ich Arena at 5 p.m. Bus reserva- tions can be made by contacting Car.oIe Erb, 236-4989, or Harold Zehr, 236-4342, for $1.25 per .pas- senger. 19,20,b The Zurich Women's Institute will sponsor a piano recital for the pupils of Miss Idella Gable at the Hay Township Hall on May 22 at 8 p.m. 19,p Services CUSTOM KILLING AND PROCESSING Butchering dates—Tuesday and Thursday TUESDAY — Beef and Pork Thursday — Beef Only PICK-UP SERVICE AVAILABLE Merner's Abattoir 237-3314 Dashwood MOWING lawns, after school, evening, Saturdays, and daring summer holidays. Call Doug Trukheim, 236-4662. 20.1.p In Memoriam Mousseau—In loving memory of a dear mother, Mrs. Francis Mousseau, who passed away May 21, 1944. —Always remembered by her daughter and son, Margaret and Wilfred Mousseau. Rest in Peace. EXTENSIVE AUCTION SALE Of Office Equipment, Garage and Workshop Items, Parts and Stock on the premises Desjardine's Garage, Zurich The undersigned auctioneer received instructions to sell by public auction on SATURDAY, JUNE 7 at 12:30 p.m. Watch for complete list in following issue. ELROY DESJARDINE, Prop. ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer CLEARING AUCTION SALE Of Household Effects and Miscellaneous Items on the premises in the Village of Zurich The undersigned auctioneer received instructions to sell by public auction on SATURDAY, JUNE 14 at 1:30 p.m. Complete list in following issue. HENRY FLAXBARD, Proprietor ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer 0 DISASTER CLEARING AUCTION SALE to be held in the VILLAGE OF ZURICH Lutheran Church Shed for Gingerich Sales and Service The ' undersigned 'auctioneer received instructions to sell by public auction on Wednesday Evening, May 21 Thursday Evening, May 22 Friday Evening, May 23 at 6:30 sharp Sale includes GE, Beatty and Frigidaire stoves, washers. dry- ers, refrigerators, humidifiers, toasters, irons, hair dryers, tele- visions, stereos. lamps, pole lamps; complete line of furniture, including chesterfield suites, din- ing room furniture, rugs. pic- tures„ kitchen tables and chairs, bedroom suites. Office equipment. Complete line wiring, plumbing and heating equipment; large variety paints and varnishes; used refrigerators and stoves, etc. Due to recent fire complete store stock will be offered for sale. PIan to attend this opportunity sale as everything will be sold without reserve. GINGERI"H SALES & SERVICE LTD.. Prnurietor ALVIN WALPI+'R, auctioneer Phone 2373300 Zurich Citizens News Wedding SCHENK- DESJARDINE Baskets of mauve gladioli and pink and purple mums graced the chancel of the Church of God, Grand Bend, April 26 for the wedding of Darlene Maurine Desjardine and John (Jack) •Sch- enk, The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Thomas Desjard- ine, Grand Bend, and the groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Leon- ard Schenk, Dashwood. Rev. E. J. Wattam, officiated at the ceremony, Organist Mrs, Verona Hayter, accompan- ied the soloist, Mrs. E. J. Watt - am. On the arm of her father, the bride was stunning in a floor - length wedding gown of white French lagoda and the most delicate chantilly lace. The basically fitted gown featured a scooped neckline, long lily - point sleeves and a scallopped coat effect of the same chant - illy lace. This cascaded at back to a light sweep train. To complete her bridal esemble, she wore a French pure silk ill- usion fingertip veil caught up by a headdress of Swisr guipure lace petals and tiny pearls. She carried eighteen pink roses, stephanotis and mauve mums with trailing ivy. Maid of honor was Miss Joan Desjardine, Exeter; Mary Lou Schenk, Dashwood, Miss Judy Smith, Exeter; and Miss Diane Desjardine, Grand Bend were bridesmaids. Flowergirl was Miss Jacqueline Winegarden, Grand Bend, They were gowned alike in floor -length gowns of mauve crepe with deep purple sashes and matching headdresses. They carried nosegays of pink car- nations, mauve mums and pur- ple status. Delmar Miller, uncle of the BILL PAUL Bill Paul is heard each week on the CBC radio network's pop- ular Sound of Britain, Saturdays. Bill hosts the Family Favorites segment of the program from CBC's Toronto studios while Michael Aspel in London, Eng- land, shares the duties across the Atlantic. groom, Dashwood, was best man. Ushers were Eugene Guenther, Dashwood; David Rader; Dashwood, and lien Stubbs, Thedford. Ringbearcr was Tommy Dinncy, Grediron. The wedding dinner was served in the basement of the church. To receive her guests, the bride's mother chose a rose knit jacket dress, navy accessories and a corsage of white carnat- ions tipped with pink. She was assisted by the groom's mother who had selected a textured • satin coat and dress ensemble of capri blue, matching accessor- ies and a corsage of white car- nations tipped with pink. For travelling to Ottawa, the bride changed to a yellow two- piece suit, black accessories and a corsage of white roses and yellow mums. The young couple will live in Grand Bend. 00 \ OOP' _10 NO' Extra Care Results in Best Service for You PO° Large or small, your printing job re- ceives special attention before it goes to press, insuring quality re- sults, letterpress or offset, 1100 ?UR!CH Citizens NEWS •