Zurich Citizens News, 1969-05-22, Page 1No, 20—FIRST WITH THE LOCAL NEWS ZURICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, MAY 22, 1969
FIREWORKS DISPLAY—A crowd estimated
at over 1000 people attended the big fireworks
display at Hensall on Monday night, sponsor-
ed by the Hensall Fire Department. Shown
here is one of the many beautiful rockets which
lit up the sky for miles around.
Four Injured
Two motorists and their sons
were treated for minor injuries
at South Huron Ilospital,
Exeter, Saturday afternoon,
following a two -car accident
on Ilighway 84, west of Zurich.
They are Harry Sing and son
John, 12 of London; Mathew
Ducharme and his son, Michael,
5, of R.. R. 2, Zurich.
All were taken to hospital by
Westlake Ambulance, Zurich,
and released later after treat-
The Herman. Kinettes met at
the home of firs. Alvin Camp-
bell when all members answered
the roll call. There were four
guests present, Marilyn Camp-
bell, Pearl Nicol, Tcriessa
1Vi11iants and I\lrs. Lillian Pym.
Report on the recent run mage
sale was most gratifying. Two
delegates will 11tc attending the
convention in Sarnia.
Donations were given to the
Cancer and the C. F. Mrs. -
Pym showed pictures of their
trip ro Europe. Mrs. Campbell
won the raffle.
Next meeting is to be held
at Mrs. J. Drysdale's, May 28.
Stephen Township Council Okays dans
For Athletic Field at Dashwood Park
"rhe 1)asltwood baseball park
will now be officially known as
ail athletic field under the reg-
ulations of tate Ontario Comm-
unity Centres Act.
Ar a meeting last week, Ste-
phen township council gave
approval to the change after
(tearing a delegation from Dash-
wood making rhe request.
A board of seven then was set
up with representation from llay
and Stephen township councils.
Lionel Wilder is the flay dele-
gate to the newly -formed board
while deputy -reeve Joseph
Dietrich is the Stephen repres-
Completing the board are .Dash-
wood arca residents Glenn Webb,
lac[; Ford, Bob 11offntan, 13111
Yauelerworp and Irvin Rader.
The new group ro he known
as the Dashwood Community
Hensall Native Dies
In Highway Crash
Ronald (Ronnie) .1. McKenzie
of Exeter, formerly of Ilensal1,
was Mlle() shortly after midnight
Saturday viten he was hit by a
truck as Ite crossed highway .1,
near Centralia. He was pro-
nounced dead on arrival at St.
Joseph's 11ospital, London.
Provincial police at Lucau,
investigating tate accident, said
he may have been crossing the
highway itt order to hitchhike
house. Ile was hit by a north-
` bound pickup trucl<'driven by
Brian Stn illic, R. R. 2, 1 lensall.
Ronald, who was ;1: years old
is a native of 1lcnsall and a son
of the late Mr. and Mrs. Robert
McKenzie of Ilcnsall. Ile was
working and boarding in Exeter.
Ile is survived by three broth-
ers, Glenn and Jack, IJensall;
Ray of Whitehorse, NWT.
Public funeral service was
held from the Bonthron funeral
house, Hensall on Tuesday,
May 20 at 2 p.m., conducted
by Rev. Robert Bisset of Avon -
ton. Interment was in Bairds
Cert t ercry .
Centres Board met last Wednes-
day for the first time. One of
the projects at hand is the in-
stallation of floodlights at the
Dashwood field,
Under the new set-up, the
park land must be purchased and
deeded over jointly to the two
municipalities involved.
Clerk Wilmer D. Wein was
instructed ro write to Department
of Health officials asking for a
permit ro continue burning
at township dumps.
Council officially accepted the
plan of the Ontario Water Re-
sources Connttfssion whereby
the township will be able to
purchase water at current rates
for residents in the north- west
portion of the township.
In a special meeting, Thurs-
day, council dealth with eight
municipal drain reports.
The Campbell and Cooper
reports were referred ro the
engineer for further study and
the Neil and Swartz drains have
been returned for assessment
In drain tender awards, K. L.
Acton of Watford was awarded
the work on the 1=loclgins-Ryan
drain for $2, 381) and the sante
ratan will do the Weber drain
construction for $2, 631.14. The
Watford fine was the lowest of
numerous bids on each contract.
Essery and Roestel of Centralia
submitted rhe lowest of six
tenders for the Kaak drain and
will do the job for $1, 567'.
Lowest of four bids on the Mar-
tin drain at $6, 180.20 was
llodgins and Hayter of Parkhill.
The wet cool weather is still
slowing down the spring seeding,
to such an extent that the farm-
ers are presently about two weeks
behind. Some of the farmers on
the lighter drained land have
completed seeding their spring
grains and corn, with some of
the spring grain already up. Rec-
ent storms have caused a lot of
flooding which may kill some of
the spring seeding.
of London, the former Dianne Thiel, of Zurich, held a demon-
stration of hair pieces at the Township Hall, Zurich, last Thurs-
day night, Mrs, Beatty is seen here displaying one of the latest
styles in hair pieces, using as cher model Mrs, Howard Arm-
strong, IW. 1, Zurich.
WORK BEE—About 30 to 40 youths, all
members of the Mennonite Youth Fellowship
from Baden, Wellesley and Elmira area, con-
verged on Gingerich's store in Zurich on Satur-
day, and painted the interior of the building
in record time. Left is Carol Gingerich, as she
fills the paint trays for Jim Brubacher, of Elm-
ira and Ross Gerber, of Wellesley. A similar
work bee carried out by employees of W.R.
Fuss Electric, Hensall, last Wednesday night
ro-wired a section of the building, following the
disastrous fire of a couple of weeks ago.