HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1969-05-08, Page 13THURSDAY, MAY 8, 1969 ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS PAGE THIRTEEN. County Board Sets High 1969 Budget Huron County Board of Educa- tion Monday night set its bud- get at $9, 378, 037. The board will ask municipal- ities for $4,248,115 for oper- ation of the county's elementary schools, $4, 739, 922 for secondary schools and 840, 000 for schools for retrainable retarded. What this will cost each municipality will not be known until May 20 when the board will bring in a breakdown of municipal assessment based on a formula laid down by rhe. provincial government. The board did not consider its first budget excessive. Board chairman John Lavis noted that the. Lambron County board had estimated rhe cost of its new system at 850, ttilo less than it; former system. \Ir. Lavin felt a similar situ- ation would prevail in IIuron County and suggested a cont- parison study he made, The' 'hoard concurred. Robert i'lliort of Clinton, Church Fire ,\ faulty furnace is suspected as the cause of Sunelays t;:> mint fire at Crediton United Church. Inspector Robert T<anflnan of the Ontario 1 -:ire Marshal's office. said Monday night that r'.p i. Irod been made to the furnace prior to the fire, I)ebrisancl,fear of a \.a110 collapsing restric'ed inspect fan of the base -hew. ew. furnancc ! onda •.. Investigation contin- ues. Rev, 11, S, Warren, pastor said a meeting was to be held Wednesday dnesday night to determine the 66 -family congregation's future. The fire was detected before dawn by ?drs, Ilerb fallrner who lives beside *he church. Intense Twat forced her from the home before she could alert firemen. Fire Chief Alen Becher said further delay was caused by telephone line trouble. The fire was out of control and the church beyond saving when firemen arrived. LYAL BROWN, the personable host of CBC radio's Sunday Supplement, is heard each Sun- day morning. A vital part of CBC's radio revolution, this Sunday newspaper of the air offers a total spectrum in com- ment and music of what's going on behind the scenes. vice- chairman of the board, said, "It should be pointed out that this board is carrying a large load from last year" "In June this county saw the biggest salary increase probably ever seen for elementary school teachers." said Mr. Elliott. Dan Murphy, board member from Godericlt, said the board had a saving on trustees' salaries of 8 25, 000 over the old system. This is because under the county -wide system there are fewer trustees. Car Diagnosis Is Stressed For Ultimate Safety Tf the brake pedal sinks to the floor under light foot press- ure, worn brake linings, or a leak in the brake system is indicated. Tf the c"ar pulls constant I) to Otte side \'.lien stopping, fault) wheel alignment or a mal- functioning brake linin, is indicated. Excessive play in the steer- ing indicates steering box trouble or malfunctioning steering ball joints, tie -rod ends, relay rods or idler arms. Car vibration at 50-66 MPH indicans defective tires or improper wheel balance. Steering column shimmy indicates looseness in the front end, weak or worn shock absorbers, or out -of -round tires. Rear -wheel locking on light application of brakes, indicates a faulty or leaking oil seal. Constant steering to keep the car on the road means that the tires are improperly inflated or the suspension is faulty. Excessively noisy exhaust systems could mean dangerous carbon monoxide gas is getting into the car. Drivers are also alerted that any unusual odor is a danger signal that something is wrong with your car. These symptoms were worked out by the Canada Safety Council on the basis of the most common car ailments discovered by mechanics. E PLANT SIDE DRES yoo« S4I/E WITH AOR/C� ANHYDROUS d41.41ONM SERO/CE 1 Agrico anhydrous ammonia and Agrico service go hand in hand. Its important to us that you get your anhydrous ammonia when you need it to get your crops Doff to a good start. We have rental applicators and nurse tanks ready to move. If you like we'll even arrange for a custom application. And don't forget soil tests and Critical Path crop programs. It'sall part of Agrico service to help you grow more profitable crops. Book now for pre -plant or side dress ammonia from Agrico. A BETTER WAY FROM ACHICO BRUCEFIELD AGRICO SERVICE CENTRE TELEPHONE FOR SERVICE 4 8 2- 7 2 4 1