HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1969-05-08, Page 4PAGE FOUR ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS THURSDAY, MAY 8, 1969 ecidaliicd eaoneneat — It Depends on Where You Sit We are concerned today because some young peopte and some not so young choose to adapt a manner of dress or a mode of conduct that doesn't conform with that of the majority. The boys let their hair grow long, grow beards when most are clean shaven; the girls go their own way deaf to parental and community comment. Perhaps there always were those who chose dif- ferent paths to the accepted. The odd ball of 75 or 80 years ago was the male who shaved if pictures of groups taken in those days means anything at all. We are reminded of this by the Montreal Star who in recent comment suggested that elders who rebuke the young for eccentricities of dress and manner should re- member some of the non -conformists of their own back- ground. Small towns and country places were delight- fully represented with people who did their own thing without caring a whit for the censure of the majority, the Star says and goes on to recount a variety of ex- amples. There were men who felt a gold collar stud was enough adornment for a white shirt and shunned collar and ties. Legends flourished about individuals who had no faith in banks and stored their money in strange places. Some only ate white -shelled eggs because they said the brown ones were impure. At least one couple in a locality, soured by a matrimonial tiff or interference of relatives, resolutely remaindered their lives by con- versing only through a third party or written messages. There was a farmer so stubborn he sold his prize cow when she balked once at milking time. Comic relief was provided by the staunch temper- ance advocate who refused to believe her raspberry vine- gar was alcoholic, even when tipsy guests were appre- hended by the law. She laid it to personal prejudice on the part of the authorities. One gentle soul was so addicted to preserving life he shunned poison and hand-picked potato bugs, releasing them a mile away from his farm, much to the discom fort of some of his neighbors. A miser carrier his false teeth in a box and only used them for exiting, in order to save wear and tear. Country storekeepers kept separate accounts for some men and women, who even went so far as to buy groceries individually. When you visited you were given special chairs, depending on which one you called .on. The Star, in,concluding, suggests that thaQ.:chatutraits of resolute eccentricity came from Nova $Scotia. nd ;re- calls that Ernest Buckler, in "Ox Bells; and Fireflies", relates how this married couple hadn't ipoken to each other in 15 years but managed to produce three sets of twins during the mute time!—(The Huron Expositor). Renting Can Bring Problems Time may not be far removed when no longer will it be possible to buy an article or a property. The St. Marys Journal -Argus refers to such a time as that of the 'relit -a -society'. It suggests that the out- look in today's world with respect to real property is changing quickly. There was a day when personal pride and the status symbol was ownership by private individuals of a farm, a home or a small industry. Heads of families worked long hours, made sacrifices and saved every penny to build up an estate which it was hoped would establish their offspring in an independent society, the paper says. The new situation arises because of government tax structures, which restrict or heavily penalize bank accounts and property valuations which make it less attractive for a man or woman to save on his weekly wages, or to invest in bonds. The next phase might well be the introduction of the "rent -a -society". It will require little or no capital, to rent a farm, rent a house, a car, or furniture ... but it will require a steady income to pay all these Mita! charges. Such a change can be no less than a return to the serf or tenant system, which made the hereditary nobe families of Europe wealthy, but the peasantry very poor and the St. Marys paper points out it was only when the first settlers came to North America and other new lands, that this lease tenure system was broken and the world progressed by leaps and bounds. ZURICH Citizens NEWS PRINTED BY SOUTH HURON PUBLISHERS LIMITED, ZURICH HERB TURKHEIM, Publisher Second Class Mail Registration Number 1385 pro w Member: �OWnA'_ Canadian Weekly Newspapers Association Ontario Weekly Newspapers Association °toc�t Subscription Rates: $3,50 per year in advance in Canada; $4.50 in United States and Foreign; single copies 10 cents From My Window Boy oh boy, reading the daily paper each morning can he an education. Pm not talk- ing about the front page where the daily world news is spread out in all its gory detail. what I :.lean is the juicy little tid- bits Vm read i11 ide between Me ads and underneath the regular stories. For instance, 1 read just to- day that an adult education progratm in 'Towson, Maryland, offers a course in "Magic, Witchcraft and the Occult", This is a ten -week course, I suppose, in the mystical art of stirring up a pot of some horrible potient to kill every- thing from vermin to varutits, i hope there is 0 follow-up ser of lectures on how to look cool while being burned at the stake: Then there is a little article about the Ohio housewife who accidentally dropped her wedding ring into a mail box when she was posting some letters. That reminded me of the time when I was very young that I was sent by my mother to mail some envelopes. In Illy excitement to accomp- lish the task. 1 dropped•rhe letters through the slot with- out ail) stamps and when I realized my mistake,. 1 simply dropped the money for postage in the box on top of the letters. 1 Clever did find out if those letters got to their destination with or without st atmps. C learned why storks have so long been associated with the delivery of babies. Says nig daily newspaper: "lie is known to be a faithful mare. :model parent and considerate at his elders." Sounds alitmsr human. doesn't he. The Beatles are back in the news once in a while for one reason or another, Today it is rebutt stories that the Beatles are losing popularity with their young fans. They call it 'unmerited" rumtobr. 1 call it ,justice. i say again. think what good these four boys could have wrought had:they chosen to tread the paths of near normality. Did you read about the N1)P \IPP who is upset because the province is discriminating against female dogs? '1 ou bet. While rhe province is going bankrupt with education costs and an ever spiralling cost of living, some well-meaning type spends more of the tax- payers looney defending a myriad of dumb bitches who couldn't even care less if their owners have Lo pay $2 more in dog tax each year because of their reproduction abilities. N or would it By Shirley Keller concern theta much it the dec- ision was to have them spayed. Ills suggestion was a hill of rights for dogs, I'ui Netting the towns which are presently run over with dogs - male and fc nialc- would he the last to endorse such legislation. Such dog -gone stupidity, I read the list of films harmed for public viewing. They really don't sound too appeal- ing, but then T' 11 judging them on their titles alone, Now let's turn the page and read the films 011 displa) in the big ('hies ilOw. "'•oor (:ow" "1:orr:ipti011' . "\'0u1t- liglni11g Wives" and "1r', 11o! in Paradise". I:ar her ae.'ll'at i 011.. al lilies top. b It :lpparertl. perfecrl'. fir for hi: 1 011 eves and minds providing yo are an achtlt. 1 noticed that hr Morton Shulman thought a picture by the namic of "Titicet Follies" should not have been banned, The movie deals with the abuse of patient's in a USA mental hospital. Could it be that; Dr, Shulman .was not that far wrong when lir claimed indecent behaviour of stall aitd patient_ in 50110 Of lite mem al Never Boil Me! Boil eggs? No, say food experts at MacDonald Institute, University of Guelph. High heat will toughen egg protein, Place eggs in a saucepan of cold water and heat slowly until the water just boils, re- ducing the heat so that the water will nor boil again. For soft -cooked eggs, simmer 2 to 4 minutes; for hard -cooked, 15 to 20 minutes. Cool at once in cold water to prevent dark surfaces. 0 Rummage Sale tiensall Kinettes held a very successful annual spring rumm- age sale Friday evening, May 2 at the local arena. Articles of used clothing not sold will he donated to the U C. W , for their hale for Overseas Relief. :\ [embers of the chub are most thankful for the splendid co-operation from residents of the village and district, hospitals in our fair province? ?.lakes one wonder. And the n to cap it off i read: if o. don't believe \ our over the hill, listen to a nine- year old explaining orbital rendevous to his brother. Man. that's rrue to life. The science Illi 5011 these days cause his father and 1 to sit with our mouths hanging wide open in awe and amaze- ment •\nd does he think we're dumb when we can't even converse at a public school level. - I can •ardly wait for 10 1.lrr- ow's news. Business and Professional Directory OPTOMETRISTS J. E. Longstaff OPTOMETRIST SEAFORTH MEDICAL CENTRE 527-1240 Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, Sat- urday a.m., Thursday evening CLINTON OFFICE 10 Issac Street 482-7010 Monday and Wednesday Call either office for appointment. Norman Martin OPTOMETRIST Office Hours: 9 - 12 A,M, — 1:30 - 6 P.M. Closed all day Wednesday Phone 235-2433 Exeter ACCOUNTANTS Roy N. Bentley PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT GODERICH P.O. Box 478 Dial 524-9521 HURON and ERIE DEBENTURES CANADA TRUST CERTIFICATES J. W. HABERER Authorized Representative 8%® For 5 Years 70,%o for 3 and 4 Years 71/.1% for 1 and 2 Years Minimum $100 DIAL 236-4346 — ZURICH FUNERAL DIRECTORS WESTLAKE Funeral Home AMBULANCE and PORTABLE OXYGEN SERVICE DIAL 236-4364 — ZURICH AUCTIONEERS ALVIN WALPER PROVINCIAL LICENSED AUCTIONEER For your sale, large or small, courteous and efficient service at all times. "Service That Satisfies" DiAL 237-3300 — DASHWOOD INSURANCE For Safety . 0 0 EVERY FARMER NEEDS Liability Insurance For Information About All Insurance — Call BERT KLOPP DIAL 2364988 — ZURICH Representing CO.OPERATORS INSURANCE, ASSOCIATION Robert F. Westlake Insurance "Specializing in General Insurance" Phone 236.4391 — Zurich