HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1969-04-17, Page 11THURSDAY, APRIL 17, 1969 ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS selling. Tom Rowe, son of Mr. and Mrs Percy Rowe, former residents of Zurich, has joinedthe staff of radio station CFCO in Chatham, as an announcer. Cold and raw wintry weather visisted these parts over the past few days and made people think they were back in December in- stead of April. Several young people were con firmed as members of Zion Luth- eran Church, Dashwood, by Rev. L. Hignell, on Sunday Morning. Members of the Evangelical Women's Missirnary Society in Zurich were guests of the Goshen WMS at their regular meeting on Monday night, and an octette from the group entertained at the meeting. Mrs. Donald Hartman has been working as a relief telephone op- erator at the office located in Zurich, during the past few weeks _-�- -OF YEARS GONE -BY- 50 Years Ago APRIL, 1919 Daniel Staubus has returned from Goderich and had moved into the house owned by John Siemon on Walnut Street in Zurich. Mr. and Mrs. Sol Kipfer of Bayfield were Tuesday visitors in Zurich and while in the village Mr. Kipfer disposed of his property occupied by Jacob Kipfer to Wellington Johnston. Private Ed Fisher, son of Mr. and Mts. Oswald Fisher, was given a real hero's welcome, when he arrived back in Zurich from over- seas this week. He was brought into the village and met at the outskirts by a large group of children and adults who sang patriotic songs and cheered lustily for their hero. Henry Datars who took over the Massey -Harris agency last Decem- ber has sold the implement shop and stock to Casper Walper, who is well posted in this line of business and should do a rewarding effort for the company. W. Ruby and Wellington John- ston have purchased a new Ford runabout, to be used in the meat business they plan on opening in Zurich very shortly. Earl Guenther has purchased the livery business in Dashwood and has taken immediate possession of the same. 40 Years Ago being a farewell party for Henry Ehlers, who will be leaving the area very shortly. Rev. Roy M. Geiger, who has been pastor of St. John's United Church, Chesley, has accepted a call to the United Church at Preston. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Moses Geiger of Zurich. William H. Hoffman has recenr- ly made some improvemerts to his business building in Zurich to make room for his son, Lee, who will move his gent's furnishings store into part of the building. APRIL, 1929 Aaron Gingerich of the Bronson Line, Hay Township, has purchase• the fine 100 -acre farm from the estate of his father, the late Daniel Gingerich. Cyrus Colosky has come up with one of the largest eggs ever seen in these parts, laid by a white Leg- horn hen. The egg measured eight and a half inches by six and a half inches. a number of friends gathered at the home of A , and Mrs. D. Haugh, at Dash 'ted, the occasion 25 Years Ago APRIL, 1944 Alex Zimmer, prominent blacksmith and machinist at Dashwood, passed away at his residence after a short illness. He was born at St. Agatha. • The fishing season at Bayfield is now in fuk is now in full swing after the ice has finally left. For the most part the fishermen are getting nice catches of perch and herring, about five miles out from shore. Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Thiel have moved their household effects to the farm on the Babylon Line, which they recently purchased from William Wein. Private Orland Durand, who is th armed forces, returned to the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Durand, north of Drysdale, where he will enjoy several days furlough. Samuel McBride, of the Town Line, near Hillsgreen, while throwing straw from the top of the stack on Saturday, had the misfortune to fall backwards onto a patch of ice, injuring his Back. 15 Years Ago APRIL, 1954 A very successful auction sale was held on Saturday at the farm of Alfred Ropp, when the total pro- ceeds amounted to over $12, 000. Auctioneer Alvin Walper wielded the hammer and did a fine job of re you to OMSIP? When you have a child or reach 21 or move to a new caldron; sat when you are newly minted... To keep your OMSIP protection and to speed payment -not iy'within 30 days H•1•R•S Health Insurance Registration Board, 2195 grange Street, Toronto 7. If we are to help we need to know. 1 10 Years Ago PA9E.,.IELEY.EN 19 OUNCE Libby's Cooked Spaghetti _ _ 2/49c 19.OZ. TINS Aylmer Beets 2/39c 7 -LB. BAG Five Roses Flour 77c CARNATION Evaporated Milk 6/$1 Celery, Jumbo Stalk _ _ _ -. _ _ 27c LUCKY DOLLAR FOOD MARKET ZURICH APRIL, 1959 In a daring double robbery last Friday night, thieves stole close $1,000 each in cash and merchan- dise from the stores of Stade and Weido and Gascho Brothers, in Zurich. Entry was gained by breaking through a side door of th Gascho Store. Charles S. MacNaughton, of Exeter, was named by Huron'Pro- gressive Conservative Party to be their candidate in the forthcomin• provincial election. Mr. MacNa ghton has been the member for Huron for the past few years. Mrs. Hubert Schilbe was appoin ted to the position of secretary - treasurer of the Zurich Agricultur- al Society, replacing Elmore F. Klopp, who has retired after 35 years of service. Alex McGregor, of Kippen, has been named as president of the board of directors of the Hensall District Co -Operative, following the annual meeting. POURED CONCRETE SILOS We Build Them Stronger to Last Longer • Will lend themselves for any kind of storage. • Ensilage, haylage, high moisture corn, etc. • A cement chute never needs repairs. • 6 inch wall for greater strength and longer life. Silos, Elevators and Manure Tanks We also install Roofs and Accessories OVER 15 YEARS OF SILO BUILDING EXPERIENCE Schoonderwoerd Bros. LTD. FOR BETTER QUALITY AND BETTER PRICE RR 1, Mitchell Phone 348-8701 or 348-996'7 Member Ontario Silo Association HENSALL DISTRICT COOPERATIVE OFFERS BEAN CONTRACTS GRAIN CONTRACTS We :have a complete line of Seed, Fertilizer and Chemicals for Your Spring Needs GRASS SEED SEED GRAIN CO-OP SEED CORN SEED BEANS FERTILIZER BULK BLEND and BAGGED ANHYDROUS AMMONIA LIQUID NITROGEN ATRAZINE EPTAM 2-4-D PATORAN BUY AT YOUR CO-OPERATIVE HENSALL ZURICH BRUCEFIELD