HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1969-04-17, Page 7THURSDAY, APRIL 17, 1969 Police Report During the week of April 6 to 12, the Exeter detachment of the Ontario Provincial Police investi- gated three accidents, in which six persons were injured, five of them in one crash. On Friday, April 11, at 5:30 p.m a car operated by Brian C. Fields of R. R. 2, Hensall, collided with a horse ridden by Susan Luther, age 12, of Hensall, on Concession 2-3 Hay Township. Susan Luther suffered a fractured pelvis and bruises. The horse, owned by Harold Elder, R. R. 2, Hensall was destroyed after the accident. Damage estimated at $150 to the car. Provincial Constable F. L. Giffin investigated. On Friday, April 11, at 6:45 p. m a car operated by Barbara Gackste- tter of R. R. 2, Dashwood, collide with a'car operated by James White of Dashwood, on No. 4 County Road in Shipka. Mrs. Gackstetter, her son, David; Mrs. Noel Westlake, and her daughter, Bonnie, and James White suffered injuries in the accident. Damage estimated at $1,500. Provincial Constable J. A. Wright investi- gated. On Saturday, April 12, at 1:30 a.m. a car operated by Robert E. Haist of Crediton was in an accident on Concession 12 of Stephen Township. Damage estimated at $150. Provincial Constable F. L. Giffin investigat- ed. The detachment investigated one breakin, two thefts and 12 other minor infractions of the law. There were seven charges laid • ender the Highway Traffic Act, 14 warnings under the same act, • and two tharges under the Liquor • Control Act. Mdtorists: Children on bikes are everywhere these days, and some of them are experienced. safe cyclists... but some are not. Give these young inexperienced simmonellamoreloomulli cyclists the same consideration you. 'd show if one of them were your own ehild. Always overtake them cautiously... never startle them with a sudden blast of your horn... and pass them with plenty of room to spare. Remember...your extra care could save a young cyclist from serious injury... and possibly his life. 0 There must have been a maver- ick in the ticket drum at the Ont- ario Safety League's Safe Driver Award Banquet in Toronto, March 31st. The biggest single draw prize was a $100 Canada Savings Bond, donated by Ford, Oakville. It was won by C. E. McPherson, veteran driver for General Motors, Oshawa. He was also one of 14 Ontario commercial drivers to receive a special OSL trophy for completing 25 years without an accident. Zurich Mennonite Ephraim Gingerich, Pastor SUNDAY, APRIL 20 -- 9:45 a.m.—Sunday School 10:45 a.m.—Communion Service Thursday Afternoon — W.M.S.A: Meeting Speaker: Cyril Gingerich Friday, April 18 -- 8:00 p.m.—G.M.S.A. NIP ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS PASS SKATING TESTS The following members of the Zurich Figure Skating Club have passed their tests as indicated: Beginners Bade: Patty Bedour, Elizabeth Datars, Sandra Datars, Brenda Clemenr, Karen Erb, Theresa Stark, Carol Regier, Beth Turvey, Debbie Smith, Kim Boyle, Karen Boyle, Patti -Lyn Greer, Margaret Roose- boom, Debbie O'Brien, Phyllis Grainger, Janet Webb, Susan Dignan. Stroking B- adge: Elizabeth Datars, Theresa Stark, BUILDING CONSTRUCTION Renovations and Repairs EOOFING • Asphalt and Metal PAPER HANGING and PAINTING Mahlon Martin PHONE 236-4808 St. Peter's Lutheran Church Rev. A. C. Slack -well, B.A., B.D. Pester SUNDAY, APRIL -29 — 10:00 a.m.--Worship Service 111/0 a.m.—Chardt School You Are Welcome Carol Regier, Beth T'urvey, 1.).'bbie Smith, Kim Boyle, Patti -Lyn Greer, ,Karen Boyle, Margaret Rooseboom, Cindy O'Brien, Susan Dignan, Janet Webb, Phyllis Grainger, Debbie O'Brien. Element Badge: --Darlene Oesch, Jane Willert, Rosemary Meidinger, Sandra Armstrong, Louise Regier, Wendy Meidinger, Patti -Lyn Rader, Cindy O'Brien, Debbie Eckel, Pam O'Brien, Debbie O'Brien, Susan Dignan, Phyllis Grainger, Janet Webb. Basic_ Bage: PAGE SEVEN Darlene McBride, Cathy 1-Iamather, Carolyn Bedour, Ire Ann Blackwell, Debbie O'Brien, Phyllis Grainger, Janet Webb, Susan Dignan. Novice One Bader: Cathy Grainger, Mary Blackwell, Cathy Hamather, Jume Badge: Marilyn Meidinger, Beth 1-lugill, Mary Ann Geoffrey, Cathy Grain- ger, Mary Blackwell, Darlene McBride, Cathy Hamather. Seed Bad Lois Doerr, Susan Badour, Donna Schilbe, Nancy Ray McKinnon. Clover Cream—AEI Ice Cream, half gal. _ _ 79c Mom's—I-Lb. Tub Soft Margarine _ _ _ _ _ 33c York -144)z. Tins Beans and Pork _ _ _ 2/39c Flavors Chicken Noodle -2 -Pouch Pak 20.0x. Bottle Heinz Catsup 37c Kellogg's --10.0x. Packages _ 3/$1 Frosted M _ _akes _ Nescafe -24c Off 10 -Oz. Jar Instant Coffee _ _ _ _ $1.49 Clever Leaf -73-0a. Tial C Saloon 49c liieei or tri—». Tisa SIM 49c towel Mod Pouch Pak—,ALE Flamers--Paek+nts Cake Mix ___3 piois. 49c 1 -Lb. PrtM fSoli liargar tie _ _ _ 2/55c fiegmismmorarsamoffstimmor srataraxammasemswisgreswiarso Ell United (bur& zunecti Roy. Jahn Leumi er, ..A., S.D., Minister Mrs. Milton Oesch, por.ist SUNDAY, APRIL 20 — 10:00 a.m.—Morning Worship Boys' and Girls' Fellowship 11:10 a.m.—Sunday Church School eseneellemommeelemellmilmoilm LAKEVIEW CONSERVATIVE Mennonite Church Perreerly SS 4, EAST STANLEY Minister: Alvin :baker SUNDAY, APRIL. 20 — 10:00 a.m.—Sunday School 11:00 a.m.—Worship Service 8:00 p.m.—Evening Service Every Wednesday Evening — 8:00 p.m.—Bible Study and Prayer Meeting We invite you to worship with us HAVE TOUR NITROGEN APPLIED BY Hensall District to -op When you are busy we can look after the application of your low-cost Anhydrous Ammonia or Aqua Ammonia CONTACT US SOON FOR EARLY APPLICATION Hensall District to -op 262-2608 Lucky Whip -4-O- Package Dessert Topping _ _ _ _ 59c 38 -Oz. Bottle Crisco Oil $1.09 White Swan -4 -Pak Package Bathroom Tissue _ - - _ 57c Lipton's Soup - 27c Peas, Beans, Cream Style Corn -14 Oz. Green Grant 2/49c L:bby's Fancy -484)z. Tins Tomato Juice 3/$1 Liquid -20c Off 12 Oz. Mir Detergent _ _ _ _. 2/79c Furniture -20c Off 12 Oz. Prestige Polish _ _ _ _ $1.29 7.Oz. Bag Kraft Carafe's 29c bla�pu4I? $135. Crest Teeth Piste ... 151/2 -Os. Package—W I Fre. Pavel Kra Pizza Mix 57 Fred+-•-R.gvl by 69c Angelfood Cake _ 5 -Lb. Bag Purity. Flour 5c Off 16 -Ox. Jar Cheez Whiz SPECIAL _49c 43c 75c FRUITS AND VEGETABLES SUNKIST ORANGES, 138s _- DOZ. 59c CALIFORNIA LETTUCE, 24s . HEAD 29c ONTARIO McINTOSH APPLES T - . 3 L B• 29c MEAT SPECIALS MACARONI AND CHEESE LOAF _ - LB. 49c FRESH PORK LOIN END ROASTS, 3 lb. aver. - _ LB. 73c FRESH LOIN PORK CHOPS - LB. 79c ROYAL VALE BONE CHINA CUP AND SAUCER Assorted Patterns -- 98c WITH $5.00 OR OVER ORDER DOERR'S DIAL 236-4354 -® ZURICH