HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1969-03-27, Page 9THURSDAY, MARCH 27, 1969 ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS OLD LANDMARK DISAPPEARS For many years this giant elm in front of the farm of Louis Far- well, south of Zurich, was a landmark to persons travelling along the county road. Last week the tree fell victim'to the works crew of HuronCounty and the men are seen here as they cut up thefirst half of the tree, which they removed in two sections. Helpful Tips From Ontario Department The less money you have to spend on food, the more meal - planning you'll have to do. Fish, cheese and eggs make thrifty main dishes. Quick-frozen fish is avail- able all year round, and can be pre paired in many delicious ways. Cheese and eggs make inexpensive main dishes, with little waste. Both rank high in good quality pro- tein, say food specialists at Mac donald Institute, 'University of Guelph. Here are some money -saving ideas when you're buying food. Home economists at Macdonald Institute, University of Guelph, recommend buying food in the amounts you need. Check in- gredients for recipes and purchase accordingly. Take advantage of special sales by buying large giantities; then store carefully whatever you don't need for immediate use. Turkey Growers Ask For Vote Ontario Turkey producers, re- presented by the Ontario Turkey Producers' Marketing Board, have petitioned the Ontario Farm Pro- ducts Marketing Board for per- mission to hold an expression of opinion poll on a number of proposed amendments to the present marketing plan, After having satisfied them- selves that substantially more than the required 15% of the pro- ducers had indicated this desire by signing the petition, the Ont- ario Farm Products Marketing Board has given approval to this request and has announced that the dates of the poll will be April 8 and 9, 1969. Voting hours on both days will be from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., and the balloting will take place in the County and District Offices of the Ontario Department of Agriculture and Food. While several amendments are proposed, the most signif- icant of these, if approved, would giN e authority to the Ont- ario Turkey Producers' Marketing to: (a) establish marketing quotas for turkeys produced in Ontario; (b) to increase license fees from Petroleums Limited GASOLINE 0 DIESEL HEATING OILS Valvoline and Veedol Motor Oil and Greases "Go With Arrow" AGENT: ROBERT N. MMcKINLEY DIAL 236-4830 — ZURICH YOU CAN'T AFFORD NOT TO Are you financially able to stand a total crop loss this year? if not, you need crop insurance. This time it could be your crops that fail -- the result of bad weather, insects or disease. Don't take the risk --- protect your investment, and your farm future, with low-cost crop insurance from The Crop Insurance Commission of Ontario. Find out how from your local agent — ask your `local Agricultural Office for his name. Or complete and mail this coupon today. THE CROP INSURANCE COMMISSION OF ONTARIO Parliament Buildings, Toronto, Ontario Please send me complete information on the latest crop insurance program. NAME...e....ee...00memoammoe.oeeoeeeo.eee.eeeeoommemeemeoeemeeemoee ADDRESS.e.memsmemopm.eeemomemoeeemeememeeeommeom•em.meee.mmeeesemee ee.emeeemmoeoeee eeeme memo eemee m eemeeee meeemmememomeeeemeemmmemeeeeseeem 101111645 1111111111111111 1111111MIN MINN NEM MOM 1 the present 1/20 cern to 1/15 cent per ib. Anyone wishing further infor- mation on these proposed amend- ments to the Ontario Turkey PAGE NINE Producers' Marketing plan should contact the Secretary of the Board at R. R. 1, Lakeside, Ontario, members of the Board, or comm- itteemen. NNUAL MEETING of the Hay Township Municipal Telephone System will be held in the Hay Township Council R ZURICII on THURSDAY, MARCH 27, 1969 at 2:00 p.m. JOSEPH HOFFMAN Reeve WAYNE C. HORNER Secretary -Treasurer FROM FARM MACHINERY BOX 760, EXETER, ONT. PH. 519-235-1021 A TOP PERFORMER IN SPRING TOOTH CULTIVATORS QUALITY - DEPENDABILITY 10" working width only $335.00 11'3" working width only $400.00 Tines only $3.25 Reversible share with bolt .65 WILL FIT OTHER MAKES FIONA SEED DRILL ACCURACY AND QUALITY Facilitates row spacing 4%" up to row crop width desired. FIONA for seeding beans, peas, turnips, cereal grains, etc. NM FERTILIZER SPREADER Sealed gear box drive (no trouble with friction wheel.) Self protected PTO shaft Large capacity 'NM Fertilizer Spreaders from only S220.00 C. G. FARM SUPPLY RR 3, Zurich Phone 2364934