HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1969-03-27, Page 8EMAP MIGHT ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS THURSDAY, MARCH 27, 1969. New Award For Volunteer Helpers Coaches, managers and organ- izers will be eligible for a new series of achievement awards in the field of fitness and amateur sports it was announced this week. The series will also apply to outstanding participants. The pro- fram is sponsored by the Youth and Recreation Branch of the Ontario Department of Education. Pro- vincial sports governing bodies will be asked to name candidates for the awards and nominations from the general public will also be considered. Those selected will receive a scroll, citation and lapel pin. Representatives to Canada's Olym- pic, Pan American and Common- wealth Games, teams and winners of international competitions are eligible for the awards. In add- ition, scrolls will be awarded to Ontario residents who win, as individuals or as members of a team, a recognized Ontario championship. Recommendations for the awards will be made by a special comm- ittee of the Youth and Recreation Branch. The awards will be pre- sented in the Ontario Legislature this spring. MAPLE SYRUP TIME- With the corning of spring many area farmers are busy in the production of maple syrup, and sites such as the one above are common at most maple bushes. Gerald Regier, R. R. 3 Zurich, is users o gather the is the shanty used and steam pouring seen here with the tractor he sap in the bush, and behind him to boil the syrup, with smoke from the roof. 4 27/7X 50 Years Ago MARCH, 1919 Lloyd O'Brien has engaged his services at the hardware bus- iness of Melick and Braun, in Zurich, and will learn the tin- srnithing trade. Jacob Howald and family have moved their household effects to Kitchener, where they will reside in the future. John Fuss has sold his property in Zurich to Dr. Routledge, V.S. and will give up possession in April. Charles Fritz, the popular shoeman in Zurich, has worked up an extensive business in the raw fur trade. During the past few weeks he had handled no less that 625 muskrat skins, from trappers south of Grand Bend. F. Datars has purchased three lots at the east end of Hensall from F. Bengough. George Kellerman has installed a new boiler in his planing mill at Dashwood, and is now about ready to supply all 1 ines of bu- ilding supplies. 40 Years Ago MARCH, 1929 Ivan Kalbfleisch, who is hav- ing a new residence built for himself just east of their planing mill, had the excavation work commenced this week, which should allow them a good early start in the •spring. Herb Mousseau, the Zurich garage operator, was in London on Tuesday of this week again making arrangements to handle the well-known line of Whippet and Willys Knight automobiles. Commencing on Tuesday of next week, the stores in Zurich will again remain open every week on both Tuesday and Sat- urday evenings. Leroy O'Brien and Ferd Haberer have gone into the chicken bus- iness in a large scale, and at present they have over 500 young chicks on hand at the open air skating rink, where they will raise them. D. A, Cantelon has had his offices in Hensall redecorated, and at present they present a very attractive atmosphere. - OF_ YEARS GONE - BY- 25 Years Ago MARCH, 1944 A life-long resident of Hay Township, Peter Deichert Sr. passed away at his home on the Blind Line on Thursday, in his 81st year. A very bad epidemic of sore throats, sore eyes and soreness in other places is making the rounds these days, and at present many people are afflicted. Owing to the illness of the Varna School teacher, Mrs. G.H. Beatty, the school there has been closed for a few days. Deer are becoming so plentiful in Stanley Township that there is fear of them destroying property in the area. Recently Thomas Stinson and Lloyd Johnston saw a group of at least 35 deer in a wheat field on the latters farm, while they were returning from the bush. Private Ray Foster, of Hensall who has been'overseas for the past two years, returned to his home on Wednesday for a 28 -day fur- lough. While overseas he suf- fered a fractured leg and severe injuries to his hand. A pot -luck supper was the feature of the last regular meet- ing of the season for the Blake Farm Forum, held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Roy McBride. 15 Years Ago MARCH, 1954 Earl Heywood, the popular cowboy singer from Wingham, appeared on a television program recently from a station in Cleve- land, Ohio. Hensall's newly organized service organization, the Kins- men Club, sponsored the pop- ular hypnotist, Edwin Heath in a program at the Town Hall. Money raised from the project will be used for service work in the community. Mrs. Dominic Jeffrey was the lucky winner of one hundred dollars at a big bingo field last Friday evening in the Parish Hall at St. Joseph. Farmers who are engaged in the business of producing maple syrup have met with considerable success during the past few days, as the sap is running food due to heavy frosts at night and warm sunshine in the daytime. Francis Kipper, proprietor of the Zurich Dairy, has pur- chased the property directly across from the dairy, from Norman Gascho, and in the fu- ture he hopes to build a modern new dairy at the location. 10 Years Ago MARCH, 1959 David Ducharme, son of Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Ducharme, R. R.#3 Zurich, took top honours at a pub- lic speaking contest held in List- owel. He is a student at South Huron High School. Huron County council, at a special one -day session, gave ap- proval to a 177 -bed addition to the County Home, located near Clin- ton. Chairman of the committee in charge of the home at present is Hay Township reeve, V. L. Bec- ker. A well-known resident of this area, John N. Denomy, of Drys- dale passed away suddenly at South Huron Hospital on Wednesday inhis 64th year. For many years Mr. Denomy operated the Drys- dale store. Mrs. Harold Parker was elected as DDP of the Amber Rebekah Lodge, in Hensall,, at their reg- ular meeting last Wednesday night. Thieves Saturday night forced open a rear door at Spencer's Mill at Hensall, and removed a safe weighing 200 pounds. The strong box, with it's door pried open, was found later in a snowbank in Usborne Township, east of Exeter. 0 Obituary Mrs. William Sparks, of Blue Water Rest Home Zurich, died in South Huron Hospital, Exeter after a short illness, on Tuesday March 11, 1969, in her 83rd year. She was born in Hibbert Town- ship in 1886. In 1909 she married William Sparks, who predeceased her six years ago, as did three sisters. Surviving are; one sister, Mrs. Edith Hodgson, Saskatoon, and one nephew, Ed win Hodgson, Ottawa. Funeral service was held from Box funeral home, Seaforth, with Rev Britton of Seaforth United Church officiating. Interment in Bayfield cemetery. Pallbearers were Harvey Hohner Joe Martin, Oliver Steckle, John Campbell, John Watson and Gladwin Westlake. Flower bear- ers were, James Aitcheson and Gred McGavin, 40°° SHUR-GAIN BEEF SILASUPPLEMENT No. 1 Increase daily gains from corn silage. Feed 40% Beef Cattle Silasupplement No. 1. This new beef cattle supplement is designed to supply the protein required when feeding corn silage which is high in grain and energy content. Beef feeders using silage as the main ration owe it to themselves to learn all the details about SHUR- GAIN 40 % Beef Cattle Silasupplement . No. 1. M. DEITY and SON PHONE 236-4951 — ZURICH Up To $150 Allowance Stanley Cttp Playoffs are coming up — be sure to see them on the wonderful world of color I Admiral 125 C 21 — 25" Color — LIST AT $739.95 Admiral 125 L 31 — 2519 Color — LIST AT $749.00 Admiral 5 LU 31 — 2599 Color — LIST AT $899.95 Rogers Majestic — 25" Color — LIST AT $975.00 Rogers Majestic — 19" Color — LIST AT $699.00 Dumont — 25f9 Color — LIST AT $899.00 Dumont — 19" Color — LIST AT $499M0 Save $150 on Any of These Sets With Your Present Trade -In Admiral 23" B. & W. Consolettes ONLY $189®95 With Trade We Will Not Be Undersold McADAM'S TV Zurich TWO Hensall 236-4094 LOCATIONS 262-283.1