HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1969-03-06, Page 5THURSDAY, MARCH 6, 1969 ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS PAGE FIVI For Sale POTATOES, No. 1 table, Sebagos, 75 -ib. bags $1.50. Also apples, bushels or baskets: Spies, Kings, Courtland and Delicious. Vern Schatz, General Merchant, Dash- wood. 8,tf DIAMONDS and Trophies. Repairs to watches and clocks. Hess Jewellry Store, Zurich. 1,tf HERTA SEED BARLEY, grown from No. 1 registered seed. Passed full inspection. Call Bruce Keys, Varna, 262-5360. 8,tf POTATOES—Good supply on hand. Also cabbage. Arnold VanDen- boomen, Highway 84, two and a half miles east of Zurich. Phone 236-4038. 2,tf TEENAGERS Spring Coat, size 12, pink, in new conditions. Contact Mrs. Helen Thiel, after six, phone 236-4360. 9,p COOKING APPLES. Phone 482- 3214, Fred McClymont, one mile south of Varna. 10 TONS of Mixed Grain. Apply to Martin Mommersteeg, 565-5288. 9,10,p Female Help Wanted CLEANING LADY to clean unoc- cupied farm house outside of Zur- ich, one or two days work. Phone collect 455-4910, or write to Paton Bros., 1052 Brydges St. London, MENNONITE GIRL or Lady for housework. Rural home near Lis- towel; two children, mother works. Write Box No. MN, Zurich Citizens News. 9,10,b Male Help Wanted PAINTER and Carpenter to paint and make repairs to farm house outside Zurich. ' Write to Paton Bros., 1052 Brydges Street, London, Ontario. COUNTY OF HURON TENDERS FOR TRUCKS SEALED TENDERS on forms and in envelopes available from the office of the undersigned will be accepted until 5:00 p.m., on: WEDNESDAY, MARCH 12, 1969 for the following: HC -69-101-1 1/2 -ton pick-up HC -69-102 — 2 Economy vans HC -69-103 —1 Station Wagon The lowest or any tender not nec- essarily accepted. J. W. BRITNELL, P.Eng., Huron County Engineer, Court House, Goderich, Ontario. ISTMEMIIMIEMMIZEONEEMEMBINEU For Sale THREE-BEDROOM House, modern, all conveniences, garage, in Zurich. Phone 236-4041. 9,13 Lost and Found BLUE STONE SCHOOL Ring taken from Arena dressing room two weeks ago. If found, call 2364062. 9,b For Rent FARM HOUSE on Bluewater High- way, modern conveniences. Phone 2364140. 9,10,11,13 Services CUSTOM KILLING AND PROCESSING Butchering dates — Tuesday and Thursday TUESDAY — Beef and Pork THURSDAY — Beef Only PICKUP SERVICE AVAILABLE MERNER'S ABATTOIR 237-3314 DASHWOOD BRUCE RATHWELL Licenced Auctioneer offers his services to the people of Zurich, Hensall and Dashwood area. Reasonable rates and service that satisfies. For further information PHONE 482-3384 or write to RR 1, Brucefield 9,10,1) Miscellaneous SEWING—Dressmaking and alter- ations. Call Mrs. Charles Eckel, Zurich, 236-4611. 1,tf INCOME TAX returns completed and filed. Cal] Lance Reed, 236- 1373, or 236-4004, Zurich. 1,tf SANITATION SERVICE SEPTIC TANK PUMPING Drainage and Repairs For immediate service PHONE GRAND BEND 238-2291 or 238-2776 GRINSVEN t EAD ANIMAL REMOVAL SE ` VICE PICK-UP DEAD AND DISABLED CATTLE AND HORSES Sheep and Rotten Animals Not Accepted! For fast, efficient service, call immediately, collect 245.0838 STRATHROY Notice to Creditors In the Fst't' Q'; PETER FRANCIS MATHYSSEN, late of the Township of Hay in the County of Huron, Farmer All persons claiming against the above Estate are required to for- ward full particulars of their c1a'ms to the nerler.-ieeer1 nr hnfore the 17th day rf 'larch. 1969. after which date• the assets will be distributed. DONNET LY 8- MURPHY Barristers, 18 The Square, (lo%'lerir'^- n^ta:.n Solicitors fo the Estate 7.8,9,h AiE fip''' C ICRO 3 Tawnship 1. rA PPLICATIONS wi'I ba reee;ved by t`ae Trw,-hip of Pay for the position of WIV'131-i " t.v' '"e '^ '`n'• the year 1969. Inspector must be facni!ar w'.th the Wcrble Fly Act ar+d must keep an accvrath ,.^,ro..d of cattle sprayed. 2. TENDERS will be received by the Toweel.:'e of F?a • fir spraying cattle for Warble Fly control at prir,•t per head. 3. TENDERS w'll be received for tuppl;•i a `''a"hie ' ly Powder at price per pound to be delivered to t"te. Town- ship Shed. SE.A•LED TENDERS for each of the above, clearly marked as to contents, will be received by the uncic--t:ite'd until March 15th, at 12:00 noon. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. W. C. HORNER, Clerk. 9,10,b MEM Births TECK — Jack and Lorraine (nee Pennecott), RR 3, Kippen, are happy to announce the birth of their daughter, Sandra Lynn, in Victoria Hospital, London, on Tuesday, March 4. A sister for Jeffrey, Card of Thanks I would like to express my sin- cere thanks to all my relatives, neighbors and friends for their cards, flowers, treats and visits while a patient in St. Joseph's Hospital, and since returning home. Special thanks to Dr, Wal- ters and nurses on sixth floor, Rev. Jantzi and to my parents who helped my family at home.—Mrs. Ivan Bechler. 9,p The family of the late Emerson Smith wish to express their appre- ciation and thanks to friends, neighbors ad relatives for cards, floral tributes, donations to the Heart Fund and words of sym- pathy, pallbearers, flower bearers, Rev. Bissett, and staff of South Huron Hospital, Exeter, and Dr. Goddard, for acts of kindness in their recent sad bereavement. I would like to express my sin- cere thanks to my many friends, relatives and neighbors for cards, gifts, plants and visits while I was a patient in St. Joseph's Hospital. Special thanks to Rev. Reuther for his prayers and visits in hospital and since returning home. Also to those who visited and brought goodies to my house for my fam- ily while I was away and since returning home. Also to the "Packers", a big `thank you' to all. —Mrs. Howard Finkbeiner. 9,p The family of the late Morton T. Coreless, of Clinton, wishes to express their sincere thanks and appreciation to relatives, friends and neighbors for their kindness and sympathy, lovely floral tri- butes and donations to the Cancer Fund and missions at the time of their recent bereavement. A sincere 'thank y'ou' to all my relatives, friends and neighbors for their cards and visits while I was a patient in St. Joseph's Hospital, London.—Albert Erb. 9,p I wish to express my most sin- cere thanks to all my neighbors and friends for all the many 'acts of kindness shown to me and my family while a patient in South Huron Hospital.—Mrs. Steve Mei. dinger. I would like to ev Dress my sin- cere thanks to all those who sent cards, flowers, and gifts while a patient at St. Josenh's Hospital in London.—Mel Hohner. Country Carvers Hold Meetings Meeting three and four was held at the home of Mrs. Morris Webb on Wednesday, February 26. Roll. call was "my score for last week's meals". We discussed meat cookery, home care of meat and meat stor- age. Three cooking groups were chosen, with Linda Webb's group demonstrating how to make beef stew, Dianne Clarke's group doing swiss steak, and Sandra Webb's group frying sausage. Due to the cooking our meeting didn't close until 10 p.m. Country Carvers Hold Meeting 5 Most of our meeting was spent on discussing how to buy and cook pork. Groups 1 and 3 did the demonstrating, which was making meat loaf and shepherd's pie Ron Merner, of Dashwood, has consented to show us the cuts of beef and where they come from next Monday night. We are planning a trip to Kitch- ener to tour the Schneider's meat packing plant during the week of our Easter holidays. Our next regular. meeting will be held at Mrs. Clarke's on Tues- day, March 11. 4th CLASS ENGINEER REQUIRED FOR HUR ONVIEW, CLINTON Salary in accordance with Union Contract. Excellent working con- ditions and employee benefits. Apply in writing to the under- signed no later than March 24, 1969, giving full personal particu- lars, previous employment. Ref- erences. Duties to commence May lst, 1969. B. G. Hanly, Secretary -Treasurer, Committee of Management, Huronview, Court House, Goderich, Ontario. on ar about 9,o,b Iti;:,A,IA 11,4 i44iii.-[t.: A -,JY . .'4'V" C IMf 3N'Y :'tiNi'S?, v1.4Y-I1, ;If 19!'9 STOCK AND SAMPLES OF Ready-made eats d Sports hhh,t are now available. Come in and make your selection early while a good range is available. dk? e: ar ' Dregs Cearnue Sdile We are discontinuing our Better Dress Depart- ment, so we are clearing all our lines at a,Ir,•- Ot1NTS FRO1% '"'n ' 3% Good range of Sweaters and Skirts at greatly reduced prices. i paper Sad All 19"8 stock of Wallpaper now on sale. Good selection of room lots greatly reduced. NEW 1069 WALLPAPER IN STOCK VISIT OUR .. . Yard F; Dods Dept. foi' our many Sale Specials, and see our new range for Spring and Sumter Materials. CASCHO'S Min Card of Thanks I wish to sincerely thank all my relatives, friends and neighbors for cards, flowers and visits while in South Huron Hospital. Special thanks to nursing staff at the has- pital.—Jerome Dietrich. 9,p Petroleums Limited GASOLINE • DIESEL HEATING OILS Valvoline and Veedol Motor Oil and Greases "Go With Arrow" AGENT: ROBERT N. McKINLEY DIAL 236.4837 — ZURICH Reception FOR WARDEN and MRS. JAMES HAYTER in the DASHWOOD Community Centre Friday, March 7 9 P.M, Music by .. . KEN MITTELHOLTZ AND THE TWYLITES Lunch Provided Everyone Welcome ee; ST. JOHN AMBULANCE will begin on at 8:30 p.m. 9 EEK COURSE —2 HRS. EACH NIGHT $5.00 Registration Fee Includes Book, Etc. Anyone interested in this course, please contact Mrs. Carole Deitz, 236-4968 Zurich Sponsored by Zurich Chamber of Commerce 141"1514.4 xA fi. 0,1 "'i1!•4 4Pie fKl&u' EESSEEICEMEMIMEMESSIMMEITEEM11=IRSEEMERNMELInv, .. sr, Swing With Beatty Sure =: eat Forming The e.1tiy Far Euapment CLtd. is pleased to announce that { i RR 2 –� ZURICH PT has been appointed as Franchised Dealer for our company, in this area SAVINGS OF JP TO 115% Are Nov In Effect On All Orders Over $500 If your plans for 1969 include a stable cleaner, silo 'minder, bunk feeding sys- tems or stabling and pens. CONTACT MAHLON MARTIN FOR A. FREE ESTIMATE Phone 236-4808 `Proudly Canadian—We Service What We Sell'