HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1969-03-06, Page 3THURSDAY, MARCH 6, 1969 ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS PAGE THREE 04‘ Mrs. Pearl Shaddick is spending two weeks as a guest of Mr. and Mrs, Carl Ward, of Stratford. Ricky Parker, who has peen a patient in. South Huron Hospital for two weeks with a fractured leg, returned home over the week -end. Mrs, Alice Cott, a patient at Queensway nursing home, was taken by Westlake Ambulance Service to South Huron Hospital on Thursday. Mrs. Gary Merritt and Gregory have left for Cuba to join Sergeant Merritt who is stationed there. Home economics and health will be the theme of the March meet- ing of Hensall Women's Institute to be held Wednesday, March 12, in the Legion Hall. Roll call, "How to keep your figure and your vigor". Mrs. Robert Simpson will present the motto, and members are asked to bring an article for the auction. Miss Sylvia Henderson, of To- ronto, was a week -end visitor with her mother, Mrs. John Henderson, and family, John and Kathie. Mr. and Mrs. Ross MacMillan, David and Tommy, of Waterloo, spent Sunday with the latter's par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Laird Mickle. Mr. and Mrs. Laird Mickle at- tended the concert presented by the London Symphony Orchestra Hensall Native Appointed President Precision Spring of Canada Lim- ited has announced the appoint- ment of Lorne C. Elder as presi- dent and managing director of the new Kingsville plant to be com- pleted this spring. For the past 27 years he has held senior engineering and manu- facturing positions in the Canadian spring manufacturing industry. During this time he has resided in Hamilton. Both Mr. and Mrs. Elder originally •came from Hen- sall. He has travelled throughout Europe and South America in connection with his work over the years. Mr. Elder holds several patents on spring designs and has designed installations which are unique on this continent. He has written many articles and manuals dealing with springs and manufacturings and has given talks and seminars throughout central Canada. He gr a d u a t e d with honors from Queen's University in mechanical engineering and commenced his career by spending two years in a large Quebec power plant. He is a registered professional engineer and an active member of the Society of Automotive Engi- neers. He is immediate past chair- man of the Ontario section.. Both he and Mrs. Elder have been •ac- tive in church work. The Elders have four children, two at home. The oldest son, Ken- neth, now married, is a graduate of the University of Toronto, in architecture. The eldest daughter, Jean, is training for nursing in Toronto. Kathy and John are both in high school. The family are looking forward to moving to Kingsville on the first of .April, and will play an active part in the growth of Pre- cision Spring of Canada Ltd., and the life of the community. 0 Apples and Spice Nice in Pancakes Apples in pancakes? Why not? The little touch of nutmeg and grated apple add to the flavor and appearance of the pancakes, say ;home economists at Macdonald In- stitute, University of Guelph, Ap- ple pancakes are excellent for breakfast or brunch. Apple Pancakes 11/2 cups all-purpose flour 3 teaspoons baking powder Ye teaspoon salt 3 tablespoons sugar iA teaspoon nutmeg 1/3 teaspoon baking soda dissolved in one teaspoon warm water 1 egg 3 tablespoons melted butter IA teaspoon vanilla 1 cup grated raw apple Mix and sift dry ingredients. In a separate bowl, beat egg thor- oughly and add milk. Make a well is centre of dry ingredients. Slow - add egg and milk mixture. Add melted butter, flavoring and apple. Stir in baking soda dissolved in water. Cook the panoakes until they are filled with bubbles, then turn and Book on the other side. Serve piping hot with ham. on Wednesday evening of, last week when the guest conductor Brian Priestman and guest violinist Ralph Aldrich performed. EUCHRE PARTY Twelve tables were in play for the progressive euchre party, held in the Hensall IOOF Hall, Thurs. day evening, sponsored by the CP&T committee. Winners were: Mrs. Glenn Bell, Mrs. James McAllister; men, How - Obituary W I L L I AM H. WEEKS William H. Weeks, highly re- spected citizen of Hensall, passed away very suddenly Saturday in South Huron Hospital, Exeter. He was 77. Mr. Weeks took up residence in Hensall from the Clinton area 12 years ago. Surviving are his wife, the form- er Edna Scotchmer; one daughter, Mrs. Jack (Joyce) Lavender, Hen - sail; one son, Robert, St. Marys; four brothers, Norman, George, Jack and Cecil, Barrhead, Alberta; two sisters, Mrs. Nicol (Lottie) Miller, Mrs, Dorothy Gray, Barr- head, Alberta; eight grandchildren and one great grandchild, Public funeral service, conduct- ed by Rev. Harold F. Currie, was held from the Bonthron funeral home, Hensall, Monday, March 3, at 1:30 p.m, Interment in Bay- field cemetery. and Lemmon, B. Desjardine, Zur- ich; lone hands, Mrs. Ray Oonsitt; draw for basket of groceries, James McAllister; box of candy, Stanley Mitchell. Next euchre will be held March 27 in the IOOF Hall. FIREMEN TO CANVASS At the last regular :meeting of the Hensall Fire Department it was decided to canvass the village in order to obtain funds for fire- works display on May 24, 1969. Following the treasurer's ticket re- port it was decided to hold a draw to increase their funds. A canvass will take place on Monday, March 10, 1969, Obituary MRS. EDWARD McKAY Mrs Edward McKay, RR 2, Kip - pen, the former Margaret Kathleen McCurdy, passed away Saturday in South Huron Hospital, in her 67th year. Surviving are her husband; four sons, Don, Vancouver; Bill, Cal- gary; Ken, Kippen; Ray, Dart- mouth, N.S.; two daughter, Mrs, Colin (Audrey) McCulloch, Cal- gary; Mrs, Robert (Lila) Modesto, Cooksville; 13 grandchildren; one brother, Howard McCurdy, Kirk - ton; three sisters, Mrs. Herb (Edna) Vibby, K i r k t o n; Mrs, Wilson (Annie) Brintnell, Kirkton; Mrs.. Isabelle Wright, London. Public funeral service was held from Bonthron funeral home on Wednesday, March 5, •at 1:30 p.m. Burial in Hensall Union Cemetery, Thank You! Having Sold Our Business, known as St. Joseph BP Service, To Mr. and Mrs. Jim Hogg, We Would Like To Take This Opportunity To Express Our Sincere Gratitude To All Our Friends and Cus- tomers For Their Pa- tronage Over The Past Years. -- EDITH and CDARILIE '::.URGESS THE 31st ANNUAL MEETING OF Henson District Co -Operative INCORPORATED Will Be Held in Hensall 'Community Arena ON TUESDAY AFTERNOON, MARCH 11, 1969 AT 2 P.M. SHARP PURPOSE OF THE MEETING To present the Annual Statement for the fiscal year ending November 30, 1968. To verify disposition of the 1968 Surplus — of $32,422.00. The Board of Directors have declared a 2% patronage dividend. To elect three directors for a term of three years. The terms of Elgin Hendrick and Donald Campbell have expired and James Drummond retired last year. Don Campbell, having completed six. years on the board, will not be eligible for re-election. To consider and if thought advisable, to confirm, with or without variation, an amendment to Section 4 of Article VI of the General by-laws to increase the interest rate on additional monies borrowed from members from 6 to 7 per centum per annum. To deal with such other business as may be properly dealt; with at this time. Refreshments will be served BOARD OF DIRECTORS PRESIDENT -- Elgin Hendrick, Dashwood. VICE-PRESIDENT—Donald Campbell, Bayfield. DIRECTORS Malcolm Davidson, Brucefield; Gordon de Jong, Varna; William Rowson, Varna; Delbert Geiger, Zurich; Clifford Pepper, Dashwood; Earl Schilbe, Bayfield. Renew Your Subscription Now Smoked ]Picnic s OULDER 1 4 c CORNED BEEF i 5 c Coleman WIENERS 1Ib.®4 9c Boneless FIL ROASTS I'c New England INCE' HA SI 1014 STEA Fresh Ground. BEEF an FOR YOUR FREEZERS: K 1 1 PRODUCE alsomoseelmemee No. 1—VALERIE BANANAS (Product of Honduras) 2 lbs. ,,.1 c No. 1—CELLO-14-OZ. TUBES (Product of Mexico) 27c menceementnes No. 1—DANDY-6-OZ. PACKAGES is (Product of U.S.A.) 3 fr 23c te...n.Y FROZEN FOOD IIESEXEINIELEMEMEINUMSESSMISIZE31 IMERNIIIENVIIMMIKERNMIN SIDES PORK I . 37c Cutting and Wrapping Extra C� ONE PACKAGE Del Monte -14 -Oz. Tins Peas and Carrots Sliced -1902 Tins Delmore .eaches _ Breakfast -11/2 -Lb. Bag 01' EN EVERY F 1AY NIGHT elm rite run, s 24.Oz.—Regularly 89c m Cla.eSprySt,.re 48s l4-+ Bufferin Tablets c 24 -Oz. Loaves—Each Su er $ave 18.0x. Bottles 19c Libby Catsu , /8} c Planter's—Deal Pack Peanut "utter 39c Chicken -Noodle 1 Lipton S up Mi . _ _ 4 &tones 1 3c HIGHLENER Crown addock in Batter -14 Oz. PLUS ONE 2 -LB. BAG VALLEY FARMS French Fries Cor Brand -2 -Lb. Bottle Syrup 60s Lipton Tea Bags 79c Assorted—Cookie Cupboard, Pantry Pack, Cookie Jar -2 -Lb. Bag Dare's Cookies 79c