Zurich Citizens News, 1969-02-13, Page 51 THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 1969 ZURI H CITIZENS NEWS • PAGE FIVE NEW RATES For Classified Advertisements Charges for advertisements on this page are as follows; Coming Events, and Announcements $1.00 Cards of Thanks and In Memoriams $1.00 Classified word advertise- ments (first 20 words) 75c (each additional word 3c extra) Each initial, sign, group of figures and abbreviation ac- counts as one word. Box No. Service Charge 25c if account is not paid within 10 days, an extra 25c will be charged. Classified word ads ac- cepted until 12:00 noon Wednesdays. Copy for retail and classified display accepted until 12:00 noon Tuesdays. Accommodation Wanted Room and board, or small self-con- tained apartment, in. the village of Zurich. Call Blue Water Rest Home, 236.4373. 6,b For Sale QUANTITY of Red Clover seed. Phone 2364067. 6,7,p SPY and BALDWIN apples. Phone 482-3214, Fred McClymont, one mile south of Varna. 4,5,6,p DIAMONDS and Trophies. Repairs to watches and clocks. Hess Jewellry Store, Zurich. 1,tf POTATOES—Good supply on hand Also cabbage. Arnold VanDen- boonten, Highway 84, two and a half miles east of Zurich. Phone 236-4038. 2,tf 1964 C,HEVY II, Nova, equipped with white wall tires, radio, rear speakers, and snow tires. Call Doug O'Brien, 236-4369. 3,b For Rent FARM HOUSE to rent, south of Zurich; mo d e r n conveniences; available immediately. Apply to Lennis Gingerich, 237-3287. 6,tf Help Wanted KITCHEN HELPERS and laundry helper wanted for full-time work. Apply in person to Blue Water Rest Home, Zurich. Must have transportation. 6,b Miscellaneous HAND SAWS filed, by power filer. Also circular and table saws. Phone 238-2271. 4,5,p SEWING—Dressmaking and alter- ations. Call Mrs. Charles Eckel, Zurich, 2364611. 1,tf INCOME TAX returns completed and filed. Call Lance Reed, 236- 4373, or 236-4004, Zurich. 1,tf SANITATION SERVICE SEPTIC TANK PUMPING Drainage and Repairs For immediate service PHONE GRAND BEND 238-2291. or 238-2776 GRINSVEN DEAD ANIMAL REMOVAL SERVICE P!CK-UP DEAD AND DISABLED CATTLE AND HORSES Sheep and Rotten Animals Not Accepted! For fast, efficient service, call immediately, collect 245-0838 STRATHROY Wanted to Rent WANTED to Rent -100 acres of good workable land, within five miles of Zurich. Phone 236-4883. 4,5,b Services ST. JOESPH and DRYSDALE (ALFRED DUCHARME, Correspondent) at the home of Isidore Ducharme. While here they called on the senior Ducharmes to offer their good birthday wishes. Mr. and Mrs. Tyrus Stansbury, of Grosse Point, Michigan, with the two Ducharme Sisters and the sen- ior Ducharmes were Saturday eve- ning visitors with Mrs. Theresa Hartman, partaking of very de- licious dinner. While in Zurich the Ducharmes called at the Har- old Dietrich home to pay a call to Mr. and Mrs. Dolph Sopha, who are in residence at the Dietrich home. Both of the Sophas are looking and feeling fairly good. They expect to be in their own home shortly. Mrs. Celima Bedard was a week- end visitor in London, returning to her home on Sunday last. Also from Hensall to visit the latter's parents on •Sunday last were Mr. and Mrs. Don Masse and daughter. To Mr. and Mrs. Avila Ducharme; also from Bayfield was Miss Linda Maloney, a school girl friend, to visit Miss Elaine Du- charme. Mr. and Mrs. Claude Gelinas, of London, accompanied by Sister Marie Lahmart and Sister Francis Bourgea, were Sunday last visitors Card of Thanks We would like to express our sincere thanks and appreciation to all those who remembered us with prayers, cards, visits, treats and 1la,1ts while both were patients at South Huron Hospital. Special thanks to Father Groom, Mon- signor Bourdeau, Father Durand, Dr. Wallace, Dr. Gulens, the am- bulance services and the staff of South Huron Hospital. — Mr. and Mrs. Dolph Sopha. 6,b In Memoriam. Surerus — In memory of a dear passed away one year ago, on Feb - uncle, Gordon Surerus, who ruary 12, 1968. We cannot halt the hands of time Or live again the past; But within our hearts are memories That Will forever last. —Always remembered by Lloyd and Eileen, Jerome and Ruth, Bill and Elsie, and children. 6,p Surerus—In loving memory of a dear brother, Gordon Surerus, who passed away February 12, 1968. A little tribute, true and tender, Just to show that we remember, He lives with us in memory still Not just today but always will. —Ever remembered by brother Alvin and sisters Flossy (Mrs. Otto Willert) and Meda. 6,p Coming Events EUCHRE PAR'TL S—The Zurich Women's Institute will sponsor euchre parties at the Hay Township Hall on the following dates, at 8 o'clock, on February 7, February 14 and February 28. 4,5,6,7,p PANCAKE SUPPER for residents, their relatives and friends, also friends of the Home, on Saturday, February 15, from 4 p.m. to 7 p.m., to be served at the Home. Admis- sion $1.00 per person, residents free. Limited number of tickets available. 5,6,b CUSTOM KILLING AND PROCESSING Butchering dates — Tuesday and Thursday TUESDAY — Beef and Pork THURSDAY — Beef Only PCK4tlP SERVICE AVAILABLE MERNER'S ABATTOIR 237.3314 DASIIWOOD Female `t elp Wanted SHIFT WORKERS Immediate Permanent Employment, at HURON INDUSTRIAL PARK Assemblers or Machine Operators Apply at CANADA MANPOWER CENTRE Huron Park, Ontario Phone 228-6932 Male Help Wanted CURATOR REQUIRED FOR Huron County Pioneer Museum Excellent working conditions, and employee benefits. Location of position --Goderich. Salary depending on qualifications and experience. Apply in writing to the under- signed no later than February 28, 1969, giving particulars including age, marital status, previous em- ployment, when available. JOHN G. BERRY, Clerk-Treas., County of IIuron, Court House, Goderich, Ontario. 91 Years Old } On the occasion of yours truly birthday on Saturday, visitors from Grosse Pointe, Michigan; from Stoney Point, Sister Rosalie Du- charme; from Chatham, Sister Pricille Ducharme; from Windsor, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Masse and family, and from. New Venice, Mr. Leo P. Ducharme and family, and from the Blue Water south, Mr. and Mrs. Avila Ducharme. Others who called on Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Don Masse and daughter. The celebrant, Mr. Ducharme, was 1 91 years, with his wife, who in the latter part of January, was 85 years. Both of the elderly Du- charmes are still fairly active and are still in their home on the Blue Water highway by themselves. Such occasions are always a good pastime renewing past incidents, also jokes tossed around and, of course, the odd game of solo is played to help make merriment in the home. For their 'birthdays the Du- charmes received many gifts as well as many good wishes. It is understood by Pop Ducharme that each birthday atlas up in years and as well shortens the life. It is not for anyone to dwell on such thouhts for no one knows the fu- ture and according to Mr. Du- charme each birthday, regardless, brings more joy and happiness leaving the age problem behind and always looking fp the future. In a few words Mr. Ducharme IlitEEMLWAHMEMISAMETREVILIREMMIZIMMEWHOSI 14 OUNCE Heinz earns hr Tom 9.OZ. JAR SS F,rted J ,' STOKELY'S-14 OZ. to Suuce 2/35c s, Jellies - - - - 4/89c cy1 iiey Pod Pe s - - - - 2/39c j's Sag Ir Fr; sled Flakes _ 35c :4 a Y CGI` a? a _- . m 1 `` c LU Q' D' 4LI A ET Keil ZURICH MENINMEIMMICIFIEI ELECTRIC RANGES $159 FRIGIDAIRE DRYER $1 b9 ELECTRIC Tn!'ASTERS $`I1.5 CE C E ST O' $ 4 5 Frigid : or ;, a er 1 tried to explain to his children and others within that he enjoyed himself more this last birthday than the past ones. Why, because he had been spared another year. For all the guts and good wishes the Ducharmes are grateful and the forethought of their children and others who called on them. E Deadli a far t x sa Ings or registered retire,, en# savings pans Deposits made by February 28, 1969, are tax free for 1968 returns Victoria and Grey Trust offers you three tax savings retirement plans. —an "equity fund plan" designed for greatest capital appreciation —a high cumulative income plan —a Guaranteed Investment Certificate plan fully guaranteed as to principal and interest Start Retiring today at Victoria and Grey 'i"F;Ui7 i;: y7- .APANY s'N(;r ...s. a. AI DYERS $18.95 KINK SY ry ITES STEIRONS $13.95 Valentine Special CHESTERFIEL and CHAIR GOLD — COLONIAL List Price k $469 Only $369 .6'1? t+ t Fi 0 With Wok iE®PI ChesterOP Avery Qpp.ChaaC Pej(> 30 . Motets to Choose Cil 4 Regular $599 Value VICTORIAVILLE IHI CLINTON ginumatinriemem G NGE O S ITE _ - _ 7 Piece _ FURNITURE AND ,, PPLIA ITR,ICI. ES CE SAVE w S $3 WAS ,;ERS 3 -PIECE BEDROOM SUITE $99 VACUUM CLEANERS $49 _ ONLY 4 SEAFORTH