HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1968-11-14, Page 4eistaragnstarmemermrsoursonsermima PAGE FOUR ZURICH CITIZONS NEWS DIAMONDS SEE THE LARGE SELECTION — AT — ANSTET!J., JEWELLERS LTD. Clinton Walkerton -- Seafortlt 11 NOM1 A 10 PUBLIC NOTICE Is hereby given in compli- ance with By-law No. 92, passed on October 9, 1968, under authority of the Municipal Act, a Meeting of the Electors of the Municipality of the Village of Zurich will be held in the Zurich Community Centre IN THE VILLAGE OF ZURICH ON MONDAY, NOVEMBER 25, 1968 At the hour from Seven to Eight o'clock p.m., for the pur- pose of Nominating Candidates for Reeve and four Coun- cillors for the Village of Zurich for the years 1969 and 1970—Two Year Terms. When a proposed Candidate is not present, his Nomi- nation Paper shall not be valid unless there is attached thereto evidence in writing signed by the Proposed Candi- date satisfactory to the Returning Officer that he consents to be nominated. IN CASE A POLL IS DEMANDED, POLLS WILL BE OPENED ON Monday, December 2, 1968 (Said polls will be kept open from nine o'clock a.m. until six o'clock p.m.) IN THE TWO POLLING SUB -DIVISIONS OF THE VILLAGE AS FOLLOWS: Poll Polling No. Place 1—Community Centre 2—Community Centre D.R.O. Poli Clerk William Siebert Mrs. G. Zimmer Bill McAdams Mrs. B. Geoffrey ELDA WAGNER, Returning Officer Dated at Zurich, Ontario, November 6, 1968 Pre -Christmas Specials 2 -PIECE CHESTERFIELD SUITES (With Foam Cushions) <v:Y nw 7:°b• :v • 0.44t�zowa`F<:.4::..... Priced from $139 up 3 -PIECE SPRING -FILLED Bedroom Suites Mattresses from $179 up from $39 up a>1111111h. CHROME Kitchen Suites 5 and 7 -Piece Sets As Low $89.50 As ONE ONLY HOOVER SPIN-DRY WASHER Only $169 TIEMAN' Hardware and Furniture Phone 231-3681 — Dashwood Dashwood (Continued from page 1) were entertained Sunday, No- vember 3, at the Zurich Hotel on the occasion of their 35th wedding anniversary, by mem- bers of their fat -1111Y. Seventeen were in attendance. Following dinner they all returned to the home of Mr. and Mrs. Don Bender in Dashwood where they were presented with a gift. Jim Hoffman, of the Hoffman ambulance service, received his diploma from. the Ontario Hos pital Services Commission, hav- ing completed his course with the Ambulance Em e r g e n c y Health Service with a standing of over 80%r, directed by Dr, M M. McNally, chief of Emerg- ency Health Service. Election of Officers New officers elected at the annual meeting of Zion Luth- eran Church are as follows: president, Gordon Kraft; vice- president, Ken Keller; secre. tary, Albert Rader; elder, Lloyd Willert; trustee, Leeland Reste- mayer; current treasure r, Charles Tiernan; current secre- tary, Harry Hayter; mission treasurer, Elgin Rader; mission secretary, Karl Keller; finance committee, Ernest Miller, Rob- ert Boogenians, Arnold Becker, Jim Becker; stewardship com- mittee, Ron Merner and Lloyd Rader; education committee, Glen Rader and Melvin Stade; evangelism committee, Alphonse Denomme, Roy Gibson; nomi- nating committee, Oscar Miller, Aaron Restemayer, Delmar Miller; Sunday school superin- tendent, Robert Hayter; assis- tant, Albert Miller; auditors, James Hayter, Albert Miller. 4-H Meeting The eighth meeting of Club No. 2, "Q.T.'s" was held Wed- nesday, November 6. Roll call was "What I consider a special feature in my record book". The girls completed the covers on their books and some were able to sew on their dresses. The meeting closed with "The Queen". 0 Unit 2 of UCIN Mrs. Robert lteaburn was in the chair for the Remembrance Day meeting or Unit 2, UCW, of Hensall United Church. Re- membrance theme was carried throughout. The table was dec- orated with a cross, surrounded by poppies. Miss Mary Goodwin, Mrs. Pearl Passmore and Mrs. Rea - burn each contributed poems and thoughts of Remembrance. Five stockings are to be pack- ed for Ontario Hospital, Goder ich. Mrs. Ron Mock, Mrs. Vern Alderdice, Miss Mary Goodwin, Mrs. Rodger Venner and Mrs. Harry Hoy are to take care of purchases. A favorable treasurer's report was given by Mrs. Ken McLean. Unit 2 will not meet on Decem- ber 9 as usual, but instead will meet on December 16 for a short business aneeting before joining in the general meeting. Mrs. Carl Payne and Mrs. Don McCurdy and their committee served refreshments. 0 -- About People Sunday guests with Mrs. M. Pask and Mrs. T. Tetreau were Mr. and Mrs. G. Pask, of De- troit, Michigan. SUPERTEST PETROLEUM LTD. GAS -- OILS GREASES • FILTERS HOME HEAT SERVICE Agent: Charles E. Eckel Dial 236-4611 — Zurich 4111111111 ST. JOSEPH and DRYSDALE (Continued from page 1) park for a rest before heading for Port Huron, a distance of 72 miles. As I told you before, the day cop picked us up and drilled us to 0 plank building or their coot in mid-afternoon, to remain till the next day be- fore being released. There was no sign of daylight anywhere, all was black. I had a watch to tell the time, and as long as we had ntatchces we could see the time. The following day, on a Sun- day forenoon, the same cop carne along, opened wide the door, felt our clothes to see if we had dangerous weapons on our person, then trekked us to the village limits with a fair warning not to return. Of course that warning did not up- set our plans, we kept a -going on and on. When trekking towards Port Huron we preferred to follow the lake road. That was a farming district all of the way, therefore we were anxious to reach our home in Canada, after an absence of over a year, and should I say a year of wasted time, except what we had learned in •a world full of ad- venture. The first evening of our trek, we being a little tired, we de- cided to enter some building and flopped for the evening. Shortly before midnight we .ar- rived at a Iittle burg where there was a hotel and on the opposite side of the road a barn to accommodate the farmers when coming to the burg, so we decided to open the shed door St. Peter's Lutheran Church Rev. A. C. Blackwell, B.A., B.D. Pastor SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 17 — 10 a.m.—Worship Service 11 a.m.—Church School You Are Welcome LAKEVIEW CONSERVATIVE Mennonite Church Formerly SS 4, EAST STANLEY Minister — Alvin Baker SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 17 -- 10 a.m.—Sunday School. 11 a.m.—Worship Service. 8:00 p.m.—Evening Service Every Wednesday Evening - 8 p.m.—Bible Study and Prayer Meeting NOVEMBER 21 to 29 — SPECIAL MEETINGS (Each evening at 8 p.m.) See advertisement on this page We invite you to worship with us. Zurich Mennonite Ephriam Gingerich, Pastor SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 17 — 9:45 a.m.—Worship Service Guest speaker: Rev. Edward Stoltzfus. 10:45 a.m.—Sunday School When life fills up with anxiou care, Trouble turns my heart to prayer; Then, shedding fear and gnaw ing doubt, I find that prayer turns trouble out. You Are Welcome ammommaier oriermommeriataisionimmaal EMMANUEL UNITED CHURCH ZURICH Rev. John Huether, B.A., B.D., Minister Mrs. Milton Oesch, Organist SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 17 -- 10:00 a.m.—Morning Worship Boys' and Girls' Fellowship 11:10 a.m.—Sunday Church School 8:00 p.m. ---Bible Society Serv- ice in St. Peter's Lutheran Church. Film: "The Trials of a Translator". Rev. J. C. Thompson, London, guest speaker. Tuesday, November 19 -- 8:00 p.m.—Stewardship Rally, Wesley-Willis'Church, Clinton YOU ARE INVITED TO ATTEND EVANGELISTIC MEETINGS -- At — Lakeview Conservative Mennonite Church Each Evening at 8 p.m, NOVEMBER 21 to 29, 1968 Speaker: Norman Bechtel Spring} City, Pa. and enter for the evening but we were greeted with a bulldog who was presumably watching the premises. We kept hiking on a country road till morning, Of course, those disappoint- ments meant little or nothing to hobo life, we expected them throughout our hobo career and expected them with laughter. We kept going, reaching Port Huron the next evening and we then crossed into our native land. Frank Kling, a betroiter, we had met on our way, then took his direction for Detroit. He was a nice young boy who had taken off to stroll in the world CANADIAN Bible Society Zurich Branch Invites you to a . . Service of Worship ST. PETER'S LUTHERAN CHURCH Sunday, November 17 8 P.M. Address: Rev. J. C. Thompson, London Western Ont. District Secretary Film: "The Trials of a Translator" Special Music This is an interdenominational project and deserves your at- tendance and support. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 1968 for sight seeing. We wished him luck for his few utiles to his Detroit home. After leaving the United States, crossing to Canada, we did not follow the railroad for fear of being held out, that was too close to home. We took the road along the lake walking every foot of the distance till we arrived at illy parents, pot far from Grand Bend. It was nice being home again and was pleasing to our parents. easemilaiasominimatuaamegnimaimakimarnarismommactotautimeloommismiummumewinak N A3Gi0IG i OF THE BEATTY FARM CENTRE Corner of Princess and Albert Streets, Clinton FRIDAY, NI VEMBER 15 1 P.M. TO 9 P.M. OPENING SPECIALS M.P. Cattle Bowls Regular $8.85 For 31.50 BEATTY Frost -Proof Bowls (Less Lid) Reg. $79.95 For $67.00 Feed Carts (15 Bushel) Reg. $123 For $105 FLOAT OPERATED Pig Bowl Regular $12.15 For $10.35 NEW Little Pig Bowl Regular $6.50 For $5.50 Cow Trainers Regular $33.50 For $28.59 (DOZEN) 1 ASK ABOUT OUR FALL SPECIALS ON Silo Loaders • Stable Cleaners Automatic Feeding Systems FREE COFFEE AND DONUTS AMMINIUMNIMINIMMINIMIN Prices Mit their Waterloo 1 27c Off Fab, King Size _ _ _ $1.39 Tall Tins Carnation Milk _ _ 2/33c Blue Bonnet -3 -Lb. Package Margarine 89c 2 -Lb. Bonus Tin Nestle's Quik _ _ _ Ballet -2 -Roll Pack Bathroom Tissue _ 5 Lbs. plus 2 Free Lbs. Five Roses Flour _ Nescafe -10 Oz. -24c Off Instant Coffee Quick or Instant -7243z. Bag Robin Hood Oats _ Kleenex—Ali Colors -2 -Roll Pac Paper Towels _ _ Clark's -48 Oz. Tomato Juice Sweetened -48 Oz. ___79c __24c _ _ 63c $1.59 __83c k _ 55c 35c Saico Orange Juice _ 39c Campbell's -10 Oz. Mushroom Soup _ _ 2/39c Sunnyvale -28 Oz. Fruit Cocktail _ - _ _ 49c Halves -19.0z. Tin Aylmer Peaches _ _ _ 39c Orange Flavor—Oz. Package Tang Crystals 45c Club Hous--4-Oz. Pouring Can Black Pepper 45c Liquid -16 Oz. Bee -Kist Honey _ _ _ _ 39c 6 -Oz. Jar Coffee -mate 55c Miracle Whip -16-0z. Jar Salad Dressing _ _ _ _ 45c Club House -6-0z. Jar Marachino Cherries _ 33c Club House -12.0z. Jar Marachino Cherries .. 57c Top Crop-1Lb. Bags Popping Corn _ 2/35c Green Giant Peas, Corn, Wax Beans or Green Beans -14 Oz. Iliac or Match _ _ 2/49c Windex High Power -15 -Oz. Bomb Window Cleaner _ _ _ 65c FRUIT and VEGETABLES ONTARIO INiNo.1 COOKONIONS 10 LB. BAG 49c ONTARIO CABBAGE LB. 6c GOLDEN YELLOW GOLDEN BANANAS, No. 1 2 LBS. 35c FLORIDA GRAPEFRUIT, Jumbo 48s _ 4 FOR 49c ONTARIO COURTLAND APPLES _ 3 LB. BAG 29c 6 QUART BASKET - 79c MEAT SPECIALS DASHWOOD HEADCHEESE, _ By Piece 3 Lbs. $1 MACARONI AND CHEESE LOAF LB. 49c No. 1 SLICED SIDE BACON LB. 69c DOERR'S DIAL 236-4354 — ZURICH