HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1968-05-30, Page 7Get Your Weed Sprays At SHARROW FARMS ONE MILE NORTH OF DASHWOOD — PHONE 237-3253 FOR CORN USE « . LINURON, LINAZINE or ATRAZINE FOR WHITE BEANS « , AMIBEN — (Liquid and Granular) PATORAN — (Granular) FOR SUGAR BEETS .. . PYRAMIN -i- TCA FOR GRAIN ... 2.4 - D, MCP, ESTAPROP, ETC. ALSO A COMPLETE LINE OF Fruit Sprays • Jolm Bean Sprayers Niagara and Chemicals 1 THURSDAY, MAY 30, 1968 Schade-Webb Wedding In Zurich SCHADE—WEBB Miss Anne Maurine Joyce Webb, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Glenn Webb, RR 2, Dashwood, and William Blake Schade, son of Me. and Mrs• Erwin Schade, Dashwood, exchanged marriage vows before Rev. A. C. Black- well in St. Peter's Lutheran Church, Zurich, on Friday, May 17, at 5;30 p.m. Baskets of white daisies and yellow candles in candelabra formed the setting for the cere- mony, Miss Dorothy Wagner, Zurich, played the wedding music and accompanied the solo- ist, ?Kars. Robert Hoffman, Dash- wood, who sang The Wedding Prayer and I'll Walk Beside You. Given in marriage by her fa - Ther, the bride wore a formal gown of frosted organza over satin with lace• applique trim around the neck and elbow - length sleeves also down the front and bottom of the skirt. The same trim edged the chapel train that flowed softly from the shoulders. A floret head- piece held her bouffant veil of silk illusion. She carried a white Bible crested with two orchids and the streamers were Lied with stephanotis and ivy. Miss Doris Webb, sister of the bride, was maid of honor wearing a floor -length empire - styled gown of peacock blue peau de soie. The bodice was accented with overlay of match- ing lace, short puffed sleeves and a flowing panel of lace and Former Resident Married 50 Years Carrie Gallman, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. John Gellman, of Zurich, was united in marriage to Lloyd S. Schei- fele, of Elkton, Michigan, May 25. 1918, at Flint, Michigan. Their two daughters, Miss Hilda M. Scheifele, of Spring Valley. N.Y. and Mrs. Elaine Ludwig (Mrs. Robert E.), of Kalamazoo, Mich., will honor their parents by hosting 'open house', Sunday, May 26, at the Lane Boulevard United Meth- odist Church (former Evangel- ical United Brethren) in Kale - vinare Michigan. Rev. and Mrs. Scheifele served 42 years in the Christian minis- try in the Evangelical United Brethren Church in Michigan. They retired in June •of 1965 and reside at 5125 Midfield Dr., Kalamazoo, Mich. Rev. Schei- fele is presently serving as the assistant minister at the Parch- ment United Methodist Church near Kalamazoo. BUILDING CONSTRUCTION Renovations & Repairs s ROOFING a Asphalt and Metal PAINTING AND PAPER HANGING Mahlon Martin PHONE 2625454 etesteseaseemeisamaimsi net attached with a fabric flow- er of peau de 'sole. Her head- dress was a matching flower of peau de sole and lace. She car- ried a nosegay of white daisies and yellow rosebuds. The brides- maid, Miss Donna Kipper, Zur- ich, was gowned similarly to the maid of honor. William Hoffman, Dashwood, was best man and Jack Schacle ushered guests. The wedding dinner was served in the church rooms where the bride's mother re- ceived guests in an aqua blue lace with braid flowered trim, matching hat and corsage of white carnations and yellow roses. The groom's mother as- sisted wearing pink crepe with matching lace coat and corsage of tinted blue carnations and pink roses. A reception was held later in Dashwood Community Centre. For a honeymoon tobe spent in Niagara Falls and eastern United States the bride trav- elled in an aqua blue three- piece knit suit with matching flowered hat, black accessories and orchid corsage. The couple will reside in Dashwood. Bride Honored Prior to her wedding the bride was honored at three showers. Neighbors and relatives gath- ered at Blackbush Centre for a shower arranged by Mrs. Ray Webb, Mrs. Morris Webb, Mrs. Herb Klopp and neighbors, Mrs. Ron and Wilmer Desjardine. Mrs. Carl Witherspoon, Mrs. Bob Park and Mrs. Jack Schade gave a shower held at the form- er's home. Relatives and friends of the grom attended, and Mrs. Peter Martin, Mrs. Howard Hendrick and Miss Donna Kip- per were hostesses for a kitch- en shower. doseeeseensenesseraseeeseemaz Huron TB Group Hears Report Tuberculosis is not a medical problem in !Huron. County, Mrs. Norma Lytle, Toronto, of the Ontario Tia Association, said Wednesday the county had four cases in 1968 and no deaths. This compared to 5,254 'cases in Canada the same year with 609 resulting deaths, and 1,414 in Ontario. with 132 deaths. Speaking at the annual meet- ing of the Huron County Tuber- culosis and Respiratory Diseases Association, Mrs. Lytle stressed continued education programs aimed at young and older per- sons to keep tuberculosis in check, She said 33 per cent of male deaths between age 35 and 60 were premature through cigar- ette smoking. Decreasing inci- dence of TB in 'Ontario, she said, will soon xesult in more sanatoriums being closed leav- ing 10 to serve the province. Edward E. Walker, of Wing - ham, will head the Huron asso- ciation another year along with vice-president Dr. Arnold Vokes of Dungannon. Other officers: Christmas seal treasurer, E. C. Boswell, Seaforth; Christmas seal secre- tary, Mrs. D. C. Cornish, Sea - forth; committee chairmen, Mrs. Rose Marie Evans, Miss Eileen O'Brien, both of 'Goderich; G. A. Watts, Blyth; Dr, G. P. A. Evans, Goderich; Mrs. Beryl Davidson, Stratford. Christmas seal Sales in Hur- on County during 1967 totalled $13,952, up $700 from 1966. 0 C•hiselhurst UCW Study Japan Hrs. Thomas Brintnell opened the May meeting of the Chisel- hurst United Church Women with a poem. An interesting chapter from the study of Japan was given by Mrs, Harold Parker. Mrs. Percy Wright presented the wor- ship service, and prayer was of- fered by Mrs. Earl Kinsman. A quartette composed of Mrs. R. Taylor, Mrs. A. •Cole, Mrs. J. Brintnell and Mrs. A. Ross sang "Only a Smile". A lively time was held at the slip and bloomer auction which was held after the meeting. Mrs. R. Brock was auctioneer and the sale realized $16 for the group, ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS PAGE SI VEN Couple Married at St. Boniface 'OVERHOLT—DUCHARME Baskets of white button mums, shrimp -tinted carnations and white and shrimp snap- dragons formed the setting in St. Boniface Church, Zurich, for the wedding of Miss Marjorie Irene Ducharme, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Maxim Ducharme, and Ronald Charles Overholt, son of Mr. and Mrs. Maxime Overholt, all of RR 2. Zurich, on Saturday, May 18, at 1 p.m. Rev. J. T. Durand officiated and Mrs. Patsy Meidinger, Zur- ich, played the wedding music. Given in marriage by her fa- ther, the bride wore a gown of Chantilly lace styled with em- pire waistline, lily -point sleeves and cape train of lace. A head- dress of beaded pearls held her shoulder -length veil and she carried a cascade of shrimp roses, Pinocchio mums, steph- anotis and pink pearlized rosary intertwined with ivy. Mrs. Peter Jeffrey, RR 2, Zur- ich, was matron of honor, and bridesmaids were Miss Diane Overholt, RR 2, Zurich, and Miss Phyllis Ducharme, London. They were gowned alike in shrimp sati peau in floor -length. They carried baskets of white button mums, shrimp -tinted carnations and white and shrimp snap- dragons. Attending the groom were Wayne Overholt, his brother, also Peter Jeffrey, Zurich, and Ralph Regier, London. Usher- ing guests were Dennis Over- holt and John Bedard. A reception was held in Dash- wood Community Centre. For a honeymoon to be spent in Ot- tawa and Montreal the bride travelled in a pink lace sheath dress with coat to match and white accessories. The couple will reside at RR 2, Zurich. Petroleums Limited Gasoline • Diesel HEATING OILS Valvoline and Veedol Motor Oil and Greases "Go With Arrow" AGENT: ROBERT N. McIKINLEY Dial 236-4830 — ZURICH FEA iURE VALUE BARBECUE TOOL SET Reg. Value $2.25 Only $1.47 Zurich FULL RANGE OF BARBECUES AS LOW AS $2.77 (Limited Supply) We Carry a Complete Line of CHARCOAL, STARTER, ETC. Hardware Of Conklin's 12 Page Booklet "VACATION HOMES" How to Leave Home And Like It! William Earl Conklin, Conklin Lumber Co., Ltd., 147 Lansdowne Ave., Kingsville, Ontario. Please send me your Free Booklet "Vacation Hoines". Name._ Address maSIMISERMISIVR Conklin's offers over 50 different de- signs: Summer Cottages and Year - Round Vacation Homes. No money down—up to 10 full years to pay on Conklin's "Life Insured Payment Plan". Remember too, in addition to top qual- ity building materials at lowest possible prices, Conklin's can also arrange to secure your building lot ... and even arrange for a contractor to 'finish the job if you wish. FOR ENJOYMENTIli : Ag Take Your Family Out Fot a Wonderful Meal ! Nothing makes a family happier than sitting down to a fine meal in our dining room. We offer a choice f of delicious food amidst a pleasant dining atmosphere. • v Our Pleasure Is Serving You We Specialize in Steaks, Chicken, Fish! Enjoy Colored TV in the Alpine Room Dominion Your Hosts — Marg and Ross Johnston DIAL 2364371 — ZURICH vtesezweemsemee r4. cis A complete line of agricultural chemicals for the control of insects and weeds is available at your Co-operative. They're manufactured in Canada and formulated to meet Canadian farm conditions. CO-OP"Weed Killers and Pesticides are your most effective means of crop protection and if you need advice on any particular weed or insect problem, your Co-operative salesmen will be glad to help. For bigger. yields ... more profitable crops, use CO-OP agricultural chemicals. FREE --- Pocket-size Weed Control Handbook Next time you're at your Co-operative, pick up a copy of this handy, up-to-date guide on the selection and use of CO-OP Weed Killers Agricultural Chemicals protect your invest ? ent. 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