HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1968-05-30, Page 4PAGE FOUR ZUMCH CITIZENS NEWS THURSDAY, MAY 30, 1968 ST. JOSEPH and DRYSDALE Alfred Ducharme, Correspondent Yours truly 'and Mrs. Du- charnree returned to their home on Monday after an absence of a 'sleek spent in Detroit and Wied:eor visiting their children and other relatives. Mrs. Du- ehsrme, who has beensuffering with eye trouble, was neeessary for her to consult eye specialist to determine the nature of her trouble. They returned to their home on Monday accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Bob Galli and son. V eitors over the week -end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Dolph Sopha were from De - fleet! their son Lawrence, his wife and daughter with her girl friend, Miss Terry Siebert, also of Detroit, Also to spend a day at the senior Sophas was their daughter-in-law, Mrs. Ger- aldine Sepha, of Detroit. While the Detroit guests were at their parents home, the elders and all others took off to call on the Dietrichs in Zurich, then to Mount Carmel to visit the Ma - honeys and their daughter, Sis- ter Theresa Mahoney. In all it was an enjoyable week -end for the senior Sophas. Continued from last week) You remember me telling you about spending the Saturday night and Sunday with the train crew, their wives and family in an apartment. I was taken there with the one I had come in contact with on the bumper of the freight train, then taken to the caboose and finally taken to the above mentioned apart- ment, You also remember me tell- ing you about the argument be- tween the above mentioned brakeman and his wife, and the courtesy shown me as a strang- Zurich Mennonite Ephriam Gingerich, Pastor SUNDAY, JUNE 2 — 9:45 a:m.—Worshp Service. 10:45 a.m.—Sunday School. You Are Welcome Maimpanisamm000r St. Peter's Lutheran Church Rev. A. C. Blackwell, B.A., B.D. Pastor SUNDAY, JUNE 2 — 10 a.m.—Worship Service 11 a.m.—Church School You Are Welcome LAKEVIEW CONSERVATIVE Mennonite Church Formerly SS 4, EAST STANLEY Minister — Alvin Baker SUNDAY, JUNE 2 — 10 a.m,-'-Sunday School. 11 Lin. —Worship Service. :8:00 p.m.—Evening Service :Friday Evenings -- 8 p.m.—Bible Study and Prayer Meeting We invite you to worship with us. nertannommam. 41111M EMMANUEL UNITED CHURCH ZURICH Rev. John Huether, B.A., B.D., Minister Mrs. Milton Desch, Organist SUNDAY, JUNE 2 — 10:00 a.m.—Morning Worship 11:10 a.m.—Sunday Church School Thursday, June 6 — 8:00 p,m.—United Church Women vusattmimmissaimeralselliaMIIMmumml er to them and a hobo. oYu remember me telling you of the harsh language they used in. French, all of that I was taking in but until they completed their talk I kept mum. When all was over I apologized for being there as S considered I was to blame and of course all of that I carne out in the old French language much like their own. When I came out with my French, first they looked at me and again and again and other time. They sure were stunned for a moment or two. Then coming back to their senses they started talking French to nae of different things, quizing me about my knockabout life and of my rambling. Then of course the secret between the brakeman and I was made known. I told her of her hus- band and of his bravery and his plans to get rid of me from the bumpers or other parts of the train. Of course he helped me along to make our secret confession. All was again in peace with her. Then she asked me. my nationality. I knew she had a bit of Indian blood in her, so I told her I had traces of that too. That was pleasing to her and gave me a welcome pull, for I told her I had a few traces of Indian blood in my veins and plenty of French and a bit of something else in me. It was hard for her to believe me for I did not show too much French, being of a fair com- plexion and still less Indian. It was therefore hard for me to convince her to believe me. At that time my English was, fairly good. Anyway after we got through with that part of our conversation, to thein I was a good little boy. She then told me that an early supper would be prepared for as I: had to be at the ferry dock before eight o'clock, the crossing time of the ferry from St. Agnes to Macki- nac City. She also put inc up a good lunch which I could eat on my way, where? Somewhere in the the whole world! (To be continued) 0- 4-H Judging Now Completed Duncan Etherington, RR 1, Hensall, tied with three other boys from Huron •County for the highest score, 98 out of a possible 100 points, in the sheep judging section of the 1968 Huron County livestock judg- ing competitions in Seaforth last Saturday. Second place for novice judg- ing went to Barry Miller, RR 3, Exeter, who scored 612 out of a possible 700 points. Forty young men and women between the ages of 12 and 17 competed in this class. 0— Huron County Crop Report Recent showers should be beneficial to all field crops in Huron County. Germination of cereals has been very fine as compared with last year. Corn is beginning to show up but warm weather is needed for optimum •growing conditions. Herbicides are being applied to cereals and other field crops at present. Practically all cattle are now out on pasture. Mattress Specials! SPRING-F1LLED MATTRESSES Only $19.95 SMOOTH TOP MATTRESSES Regular $40.00 Value Only $34.95 WE CARRY A COMPLETE RANGE OF POSTURE) EDIC, SIMMONS, SEALY, BEAUTYREST, ETC. Westlake Furn itur Main Street — Zurich Wedding ROBINSON —SMI LLIE Sharon Jean Smillie, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Smillie, of "Smiling Acres", Hensall, ex- changed vows and rings with Ronald Charles Robinson, son of Mr, and Mrs. J. H, Robinson, in •Hensall United Church on Saturday, May 25, with Rev. Harold F. 'Currie officiating, Given in marriage by her fa- ther, the bride wore a floor - length gown of white Lagoda highlighted by a bateau neck- line, three-quarter sleeves, and gently controlled sheath skirt with a semi overskirt cascading back to a romantic sweep train from a bow at the waist. Deli- cate Chantilly lace accented the neckline, and formed medallions on the skirt, Her finger=tip French pure silk illusion veil was gathered at the crown by a lilac spray headpiece accented by seed pearls. She carried an arrangement of white roses, stephanotis and ivy. During the ceremony Miss Florence McNeil, of London, sang "The Lord's Prayer" and "0 Perfect Love". She was ac- companied by Mrs, 3, Turkheirn at the organ console. Miss Margaret Smillie was sister's maid of honor, while Misses Carolyn and Brenda Smillie were bridesmaids. The three attendants gowned alike in their floor -length gown of light aqua "Rare Moments" and carrying bouquets of white sunburst mums provided a col- orful background. Eric Lemp, of Gait, was the groomsman. Terry Treasure, of Toronto, and Brian Smillie, brother of the bride, were the ushers. At the reception held at the church following the ceremony, the groom's mother dressed in a rose lace ensemble and the bride's mother, wearing an aqua ensemble, were assisted by Mr, Smillie in receiving the guests. For travelling to points east the bride changed to a tailored aqua dress and matching coat with white accessories. The couple will reside in London. 0 About People You Know... Mrs. Omar Belanger, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Mariege and family, Windsor, were week -end visitors with Mrs. Alvina Sararas, Mrs. Sararas returning with them for a two-week visit. Mrs. Theresa Hartman spent a couple of days with her fam- ily in London. Sister Rosalie Ducharme, of Stoney Point, was a week -end visitor with her sister, Mrs. T. Hartman. They both visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Leo Ducharme and Mr. and Mrs. Greg Fleming. Zurich Couple Married 50 Years Ago Mr. and Mrs. Alex Meidinger, Zurich, celebrated 50 years of married life Saturday at an 11 a.m. Mass at St. Boniface Roman Catholic Church, with Father J. Durand officiating. A family dinner at the Dominion Hotel followed. The couple were married in St. Peter's Roman Catholic Church, St. Joseph, by Father A. Rondot. The bride was at- tended by Miss Juliette Char- rette and the groomsman was Alfred Meidinger, brother of the groom. They have four children: a son, Delmer, of Seaforth; three daughters, Mrs. Geraldine So- pha, Detroit; Mrs. Orville Au - bin, Breslau, and Mrs. Ammett Bannon, London; and 22 grand- children and four great grand- children. Mrs. Meidinger, the former Anna Corriveau, daughter of the late Mr, and Mrs. Frank Corriveau, has four brothers, Willard, of London; Dennis, of Stratford; Rudolph, of Zurich; Franklin, of RR 2, Zurich, and one sister, Mrs. Leona Masse, of Detroit. Mr. 1Vleidinger has two broth- ers, Alfred, of Zurich, and Law- rence Brisson, St. Thomas; and three sisters, Mrs. Philip Masse, Zurich; Mrs. Dennis Ducharme, Zurich, and Mrs. Vincent Jef- frey, Detroit. Congratulatory messages were received from Prime Minister Pierre Elliott Trudeau; R. E. WEDDING STATIONERY TBERMO•ENGRA.VED by the creators of The Bouquet Invitation Lin* THERMO-ENGRAVING Is distinctive raised fettering ...rich -looking, elegant. THERMO-ENGRAVING has that individual look of finest craftsmanship. But it costs only about half as much os you'd expect, Many other styles from which to choose. South Huron Publishers Limited DIAL 2364672 . ZURICH .4,4( Kinkley, Huron MP; Premier John P. Roberts, and Hon. C. S. MacNaughton, Huron MLA. The community joins in ex- tending xtending best wishes to the cele- brants. News of Dashwood District 04..RS. E. H. FRA.DER, Correspondent) Eight women from Dashwood WI attended the district annual at Grand Bend United Church last Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hayter and family, Mr. and 'Mrs. Rein- hold Miller, Mr. and Mrs. Hu- bert 1Vliiier and family attended confirmation service at Our Saviour Lutheran Church, Lon- don, Sunday, May 26, when Brian Thomas Hindley was con- firmed, They later spent the day with ,Mr. and Mrs. Colin Hindley and family, Brian Hindley is the grandson of Mr. and Mrs, Reinhold Miller and Mr. and Mrs, Harry Hayter are his sponsors, Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Rader, Paul and Sharon were Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs. Wen- dell Gamble, of London. Miss Deanne McKnight spent the week -end with her grand- parents, Mr. and Mrs, 'Charles Martine, while her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dean McKnight, Miss Sharon Martine and friend spent the week -end et Chesley Lake. Dr, Weldon Everett, of Flint, Mich,, visited with Mrs. George Tomlinson, Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hayter attended the Dykstra -Barbour wedding in Detroit Friday eve- ning. Graduates Miss Iris Kathryne Marie Becker, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Valentine Becker, was among the 120 girls graduating from Victoria Hospital School of Nursing at Alumni Hall,, Uni• versity of Western Ontario, on Friday, May 24. She won the award for general proficiency in medical nursing, A recep, tion was held :for relatives and friends at Hooks, London. Those attending were Mr. and Mrs. Valentine Becker, John, Randy and Martin, Mr. and Mrs, iBill Becker, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Deters, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Beck- er, all of Dashwood; Mr, and Mrs Ted Webb, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Becker, Exeter; Mr. and Mrs. Claire Deichert, Zurich; Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Bucholz, Kitchener; Mr. and Mrs. Peter Irwin, Goderieh; Mr. and Mrs. Robert Becker, Ingersoll; Miss Valerie Desjardine and fniencl, London, Mr. and Mrs. Valen- tine Becker also celebrated their 38th wedding anniversary the same evening. 0 VARNA NEWS At the regular service in the United Church last Sunday, Rev. J. Thompson, of London, spoke in 'the interest of the Ca- nadian Bible Society, He told of the work of translation and distribution of the Bible in over 1200 languages. A can- vass of the community will be made later in the year. A number of local Orange- men attended the Grand Lodge sessions in London last Friday and Saturday. Ammsommommiammignamniesimmiamm. ig Dollar Day Sale New -30c Off King Size St. William's-9.Oz. Jars Fab with Borax _ „ $1.19 Assorted Jams _ Nescafe -24c Off 10.Oz. Jar Instant Coffee $1039 Ellmarr-1-Lb. Prints Margarine Duncan Hines—Assorted Flavors -19.0z. Pkgs. Ellmarr-16-Oz. Jar Cake Mixes 3/$1 Delsey-2-Roll Pack—All Colors Bathroom Tissue _ _ 4/$1 House and Garden -11 Oz. Raid Bomb Allen's -48.0z. Tins Apple Juice Van• Camp's -14 -Oz. Tins Beans with Pork _ Stokely's Red -14 -Oz. Tins Peanut Butter Premium Red -73/4 -Oz. Tin _ 5/$1 2/59c _ 39c Sockeye Salmon _ _ _ _ 55c Rose Brand -15 Oz. Sweet Mix Pickles 2/69c Royal Crown -10 -Oz. Tins Canned Pop _ _ _ _ 6/55c 4 -Oz. Pouring Can Club House Pepper _ _ 45c Charcoal or -5 -Lb. Bag Kidney Beans _ _ _ _ 5/$1 Briquets 49c Libby's Deep Buttered Fanty-14-Oz. Tins Peas or Corn _ _ _ _ 5/$1 Vegetable or Tomato -10-0z. Tins Aylmer Soup _ _ 8/$1 Minnette's--19-Oz. Tins Tomatoes 5/$1 Choice Crushed -19-0z. Tins Lee Pineapple - - - 4/$1 11.Oz. Bottles Aylmer Catsup _ _ _ 5/$1 Chipahoy, Iced Chocolate Nut Brownies, or Spice 'n' Things -14-0z. Bag Christie°s Cookies _ 2/$1 Instant -10c Off 16 -Oz. Tin Cadbury's Choco _ _ _ 47c For Chicken or Fish -2 -Oz. Package Shake and Bake _ _ 2/57c Tempt -15-0z. Tins Dog Food _ _ _ _ 12/$1.25 Personal Size—Package of 10 Bars Ivory Soap 99c Coleman's -1' -Lb. Size Canned Hams _ _ _ _ $1.55 Weston's—Hot Dog or Hamburg Buns or Donuts—Packages Mix or Klatch _ _ _ _ 4/$1 FRUIT and VEGETABLES FLORIDA CELERY, JUMBO, 24s _ CALIFORNIA ORANGES, 113s _ _ CALIFORNIA LETTUCE, 24s — _ _ GOLDEN YELLOW CHIQUITA BANANAS, No. 1 MEAT SPECIALS _ BUNCH 29c DOZ. 69c 2 HEADS 39c _ 2 LBS. 35c MACARONI AND CHEESE LOAF _ _ _ _ LB. 49c SKINLESS WIENERS 2 LBS, 89c VISION BOLOGNA, by the piece - _ 3 LBS. $1 DOERR'S DIAL 236-4354 — ZURICH