Zurich Citizens News, 1968-05-02, Page 7PAG swim SPECIAL ON TREFLAN! GET YOUR SUPPLY NOW—AT OUR BARGAIN PRICE $8.90 QUART WE ALSO CARRY EPTAM I GEORGE WRAITH 5244511 .- 524-4 511 GODERICII 12,4,6,7,8,9,0,b THURSD April ------ TO ---�-- ATU Ma Good Selection Choice Quality CHROME irs $4.95 SPECIAL AT ONLY mop 1411 p. THURSDAY, MAY 2, 1968 Zurich RC Church One Of 88 Involved In Renewal Program Plans for the Renewal Pro• gram in the Diocese of London are now in full swing., Form- erly know as the General Mis- sion, when it was conducted in Windsor and Essex County, the Renewal efforts are now begin- ning in the areas of London, Irxgersoll, Stratford, Sarnia, Chatham and Zurich, This Re- newal Program includes 88 Ro- man Catholic churches. Father J. Claude Primeau, CSsR, and Father Walter An- thony, CSP, are visiting each area and explaining the tents. tive plans for renewal. Among the preliminary pro- jects is to set up a committee tof three priests from each area who will act as liaison with the Renewal Centre in downtown London. They will co-ordinate the various phases of the whole Renewal effort. Also, each par- ish will have a team of people who will represent the local hureh and will act as public relations and stimulators as the program unfolds. The first phase •of Renewal '69 is research and analysis . A brief survey is being drawn up that will be distributed in every 'parish. The questionnaire is designed to create interest and stimulate thinking as well as discover the attitudes of the people in a given area. In the fall, reflection or dis- cussion groups will be formed in each parish. Six to ten peo- ple will be gathering to discuss their faith. As many groups as 'possible will be organized in each parish. The material that each group of persons compiles will .in turn be given to the pas- tors and preachers. Next Lent the final phase of the Renewal Program will take place. Twenty preachers will TV VIEWS (Continued from page 3) very strongly, (and probably !never buying your products from your sponsors) unless you write an apology and explain what happened in the end of the movie. If I do not receive some sort of .compensation ,in :apology and explanation form sen influential people may hear of your incompetency. If the letter is not read within six months, then the above may result." That's the way the letter was written, with incorrect punctu- ation and spelling. Here's an- other letter: "All gall is divided into three parts: ABC, CBS and MSC. By what stretch of the imagined integrity can the sta- tions who comprise these net- works believe that six months tof rerunning the programs of the :last six months is fulfilling their charters to operate in the public interest, convenience and necessity?" That's the end of the letters for now. Moron isn't the word! ROWNIE DRIVE -IN CLINTON Box Office Opens at 8:00 p.! First Show at Dusk All Double Feature Shows FRIDAY - SATURDAY May 3-4 "DIVORCE AMERICAN STYLE" Showing at' 10:45 p.m. (Adult Entertainment) Dick VanDyke And Debbie Reynolds—In Color — AND "The Love -Ins" Showing at 9:00 p.m. (Adult Entertainment) Richard Todd and Susan Oliver and James MacArthur Color Cartoon Opening Nightly May 9 Coming May 9 to May 15 "To Sir, With Love 11 (Adult Entertainment) --- AND -- "Catalina Capers" STRINIONEMPRIMMMINUMMAIMIMOSIENIN work in each area for a week and then move on until all the remaining parishes of the dio- cese have participated. Other churcnes are being asked to co-operate in order that the total commnunity will be brought to an awareness of renewal, Zurich WI Elects 1968-69 Exec. Mrs. Leonard Erb and Mrs. Edward Schroeder conducted the program for the April meet- ing. Miss Pearl Ann Erb high- ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS lighted the entertainment with selections on her accordion, Mrs. Len Erb read two poems. Mrs. Finkbeiner presided for the business. Plans were made for catering to a 'banquet and to sponsor a piano recital on May 15. Announcement was made that the district annual will be at Grand Bend 'United Church on 1Vlay 23. The Institute's annual meet - secretary and treasurer and the convenors of standing commit- tees. The 1968-69 officers are: Past president, Mrs. Delbert Geiger; president, Mrs. Howard Fink. b eine r; vice-president, Mrs.. 'Whitney Brokenshire; second vice-president, Mrs. Herb Beier - ling; 'secretary, Mrs. Leonard Prang; treasurer, Mrs. Newell Geiger; district director, Mrs. ing reports were given by the Delbert Geiger. oro BARRYMORE ARPE Free Estimates! Free Under Pad With Rug During Sale! 6 x 9 — FOAM BACKED RUG LSP" $29.95 9 x 12 — FOAM BACKED RUG 0LY $49.95 OPEN E'::A`ERY DAY INCLUDING WEDNESDAY FROM 9 A.M. TO 6 P.M: Open Thursday and Friday Nights UNTIL 9 P.M. CONTI rjENTAIL UNITS From $69 IrkVirr k:Ili"' "=="1r :Itr +lr LIVING ROOM rs Kroehler and Deluxe LAZY BOYS • HOSTESS ROCKERS — SWIVELS • RELAXERS • $23.95 Up DRESSE S nd C dwa ced Fay r Sole Is NEW SHIPMENT Living Room ® Swags • Poles • Boudoirs • ®,a OFF kokro Miro rarl y.. 151'4.1 cssock$, Mirrors, Ho pers, All is All At Special Prices! ICTURES cvr OFF i kk.k4U.k.r12:.r r: Regular Value $129 39 INCH SIZE SALE S1 1fi.ls 114.:.4., . 44. Cribe PI y Pens gjies, Strollers Fa i DURING SALE I AYS ! tt nd arIN eases 14131ARMSEIMMINISMETEIUSEED Our Endre Stock Reduced For This S le! Come Early and Don't .Be Disappointed ! Irl4rX :.e!;;rra°f: fs,; YP'M09 LIVING ROOM ll ed, cm! % y FF 21916tP u�6Ut nOegia fid;: Matir SS REAL BUYS WHILE THEY LAST! SPRING FILLED ONLY $9 Smooth Tops, Quilted, Box Springs and Mattresses FR 1 M $35 UP ALL SIZES ! DISCOUNT PRICES ON Lin 1 From $1.00 Shu ,re ;!, and CORLONS, VINARUG, INLAIDS CUSHION FLOOR ARGAINS ON REMNANTS ! AS LOW AS IMENOMENIZZrneMMEMETEMIEWEIMISMIENMENZIMERME Kroehler 2 -Pc. Chesterfield Suites Regular $385 — FOR ONLY $3 roehler 2-''c. Chesterfield Suites Regular $269 — Go Good Selection All Sizes FOR ONLY $225 Kroehler Sleeper Lounge SALE AT $209 4 Seater --- 2 -Piece Suite SPECIAL AT ONLY $179 2 -Piece Chesterfield Suites AT ONLY $149 d Selection to Choose ronin ! vaam!^ MOM DINING RO 1 M 1 Xnechtel, Deilcraft, Kroehler A FINE SELECTION Prices Reduced F Salel ZrrilMENNUMZEIFEMEREMMEM 5 -Piece Sets AS LOW AS ttt;cnna•uwn t, i -;aa n -. ', : ram+ ir Mediteranean, Modern, Colonial, Provincial 3 -PIECE MAPLE FINISH SUITE ONLY $11 3 -PIECE SUITE — REGULAR $219 ONLY $ x 75 3 -PIECE SUITE — REGULAR $469 ONLY $395 STLA Terms Can Be Arranged DIAL 236-4364 ZURICH Shop Early !